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PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING FLOW SHEETSDocumentSTD.002.W03Page1/22Rev.ALIST OF ENGINEERING STANDARDS工程标准清单W01 CODIFICATION OF EQUIPMENTW01 设备编码W02 CODIFICATION OF DRAWINGSW02 图纸编码W03 PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING FLOW SHEETSW03 流程表发布程序W04 PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING FLOW CHARTSW04 流程图发布程序W05 PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHING LAYOUTSW05 布局确定程序A 04/09/02 Modification color elctrical motor layer brown (44)电机层颜色修改褐色(44)NM/MM AR LC0 12/10/01 New version adapted to Lafarge Codification version 2根据拉法基编码版本 2 修改的新版本NM/RD/CM/MM ADM LCRev.修订 Date 日期 SCOPE OF REVISION修订范围 ISSUED签发 CHECKED检查 APPROVED批准Standard Technical Documentation VOLUME 1 Codification标准技术资料第 I 卷编码LAFARGE CENTRE TECHNIQUE INTER-UNITESLIsle dAbeau - Parc de Chesnes - BP.70F-38291 St QUENTIN FALLAVIER CedexPhone : 33 (0) 4 74 82 18 15 / Fax : 33 (0) 4 74 94 18 97E-mail : stephanie.bretpole-technologique.lafarge.comReproduction & usage strictly forbidden without explicit agreement (Law 11th March 1957)未经明确同意严禁复制和使用(1957 年 3 月 11 日法律)PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING FLOW SHEETSDocumentSTD.002.W03Page2/22Rev.ACONTENT目录1. PURPOSE 目的 .32. MINIMUM COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS 最低计算机要求 .33. GENERAL COMMENTS 一般注释 .34. INPUT OF FLOW SHEET 流程表输入 .34.1. Basic document 基本文件 .34.2. Basic principles 基本原则 .44.3. Contents of each layer 每个图层的内容 .44.4. Cross-reference numbers 交叉引用号 .64.5. Equipment codification 设备编码 .64.6. Layer designation standard colors and lines 图层名称标准色和线型。 .64.7. List of equipment 设备清单 .75. APPENDICES 附录 .85.1. Appendix 1 : CTI symbols catalog 附录 1:CTI 符号目录 .85.2. Appendix 2 : Example of flow sheet 附录 2:流程表实例 .225.3. Appendix 3 : Example of equipment list 附录 3:设备清单实例 .23PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING FLOW SHEETSDocumentSTD.002.W03Page3/22Rev.A1. PURPOSE 目的-To define how to represent different material and fluid circuits of a cement plant in a CAD flow sheet.确定表示 CAD 流程表中水泥厂的不同物料和流体管路的方法。- In theory, 1 flow sheet per shop, except when the shop is too complex理论上,每个车间 1 个流程图,车间过于复杂时除外。2. MINIMUM COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS 最低计算机要求-PC (or compatible) : with Pentium II 133 Mhz, 64 Mb RAM (128 Mb recommended), Windows 95/98 or Windows NT4.0/2000.PC(或兼容机)奔腾 II 133 Mhz、64 Mb RAM(推荐 128 Mb)、Windows 95/98 或Windows NT4.0/2000。-Laser printer.激光打印机。-AUTOCAD software, version 14 or 2000.AUTOCAD 软件,版本 14 或 2000。-Basic drawing files or prototype TFLOW and specific menu relating to flow sheets supplied by Lafarge CTI.基本图纸文件或“模型”TFLOW 和与拉法基 CTI 提供的流程表有关的特定菜单。3. GENERAL COMMENTS 一般注释-The flow sheets should only be designed on A4 or A3 standard formats.流程表应只在 A4 或 A3 标准尺寸上设计。-1 flow sheet per shop (see definition on STD.002.W01).每个车间 1 个流程表(参见 STD.002.W01 上的规定)。-Insert the Lafarge CTI title block at the bottom right (for the relevant plant).在右下方插入拉法基 CTI 标题栏(用于相关装置)。-Above the Lafarge CTI title block, position the simplified revision block. It contains the information on the latest revision, i.e. comments and date.在拉法基 CTI 标题栏上,放置简化修订块。它包含关于最新修订版的信息,即备注和日期。-Working grid : 1.25 x 1.25 steps (recommended).工作网格:1.25 x 1.25 间距(推荐)。-Names, colour, type of line for each layer, see point n 4.6. LAYER DESIGNATION STANDARD COLORS AND LINES.用于每个图层的线的名称、颜色和类型,参见点 4.6 节。图层名称标准色和线型。-Scale of line types or ECHLTP=8.线型比例或 ECHLTP = 8。Comments:备注:- In order to have a flow sheets presentation identical when printing out to A4 or to A3 format, Lafarge CTI title blocks, revision and layer labels are inserted with the 2/2 scale (or 0.707) for the A4 format flow sheets and with the scale factor of 1 for the A3 format flow sheets.为了在打印成 A4 或 A3 尺寸时流程表显示相同,对于 A4 尺寸的流程表以2/2 比例(或0.707)插入拉法基 CTI 标题栏、修订和图层标签,对于 A3 尺寸的流程表以比例系数 1 插入。- The selection between A4 and A3 will be done based on the density of information, in order to keep it readable. 将根据信息密度在 A4 和 A3 之间作出选择以便保持其易读性。- Creation of a flow sheet : Autocad
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