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1新标准大学英语综合第三册词汇练习Unit One 21.Mr Nicklin, a 48-year-old insurance manager, was kept _ for two years by the Saudis, who held him responsible for the debts of his American-owned firm.A. captive B. capture C. bearer D. mortgage22.The report notes that future inflation and the _ of market risk will increase.A. frailty B. captivity C. uncertainty D. productivity23.John joined the long queue and eventually after a(n) _ wait, reached the revenue table.A. impromptu B. impressive C. provisional D. lengthy24.In a pure market economy all _ activities are privately owned, as opposed to being owned by the state.A. productive B. promotional C. patent D. permanent25.In general, landowners were expected to work the land and to increase _, but not to upset the ecological balance.A. produce B. product C. production D. productivity26.But they cant _ specific objectives and initiatives until they know where they are starting from.A. figure on B. check out C. impose on D. map out27.Although humans were not born with wings, they could _ how to make their own wings.A. map onto B. figure out C. check out D. haul up28.Our _ Threat Protection is a unique set of technologies that protect against identity theft, confidential data leakage and all Internet threats.A. Twofold B. Twice C. Dimensional D. Triple29.Once you have a theory, its not too hard to find evidence to _ it, at least until some other theory comes along.A. realize B. materialize C. substantiate D. fulfil30.I prefer white wine to red and I sometimes keep a bottle of champagne in the fridge ready for any _ celebrations.A. provisional B. impressive C. impromptu D. permanent31.These ballets were successfully conveyed and _ the audiences attention from the moment the curtain rose.A. promoted B. defied C. braced D. captured32.Which of the following words is NOT appropriate to fill in the sentence It is _ acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.?A. widely B. generally C. universally D. commonly33.It is bound to fail to _ one countrys values upon another over the issues of human rights.A. impose B. impress C. promote D. allot34.We often find ourselves in situations that _ comprehension, causing us to wonder how they can ever be worked out satisfactorily.A. impose B. promote C. defy D. resist35.This increases their air _ and reduces the shock of impact when they hit the ground.A. resistance B. production C. gravidity D. consumption36.Events in a narrative are usually related in _ order, and that is in the order which they occur.A. spatial B. chronological C. lengthy D. finite37.Lisa wanted to surprise James with a 30-minute video _ that captured the highlights of his life.A. providence B. biography C. photocopy D. prologue238.It contains a depth and dimension that are incomprehensible to the _ conscious mind.A. frail B. uncertain C. budding D. finite39.Do you think Japan should become a _ member of the United Nations Security Council?A. permanent B. lasting C. temporary D. common40.Im happy to live with you together; four years time may _ quickly, but I hope it will bring us beautiful memories.A. tick away B. retire C. elapse D. check out41.Weve only got one day in London, so lets _ it and see everything.A. make advantage of B. make use of C. count on D. make the best of42.Learning from Wang Hai, one of your staff members, that you are seeking several _ English interpreters for the oncoming Trade Fair, I should like to apply for such a job.A. permanent B. impromptu C. provisional D. impressive43.The government would _ limits on emissions and force a shift from fossil fuels to renewable sources.A. restrict B. detach C. impose D. demand44.It is _ acknowledged that English plays a key role in the information age, given the example of the Internet where approximately 90 per cent of information is in English.A. universally B. commonly C. internationally D. worldly45.The other day there was a(n) _ competition between Laszlo, his wife, and mother, to see who could crack most eggs between their kneesan extraordinarily difficult feat to achieve.A. impromptu B. provisional C. impression D. permanent46.Dont _ the mistakes or disappointments that are sometimes a part of life; instead learn how you can make things better.A. look on
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