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电子货币与虚拟货币的比较研究摘 要货币政策在稳定币值、促进国民经济稳定增长方面,是一项十分有效的调控工具,对经济增长起着至关重要的作用。近年来随着电子计算机网络的发展,传统货币逐渐被新兴的电子货币与虚拟货币所取代,整个经济体系及各个经济主体的联系方式,国民经济与金融货币间的相互联系都发生了巨大变化,货币政策的政策效果出现减弱的现象,传统央行的货币政策操作变得有些无的放矢。正如大多数新生事物一样,电子货币与虚拟货币在发展初期呈现出利弊参半的特征,在电子货币与虚拟货币给我们带来方便快捷的服务的同时,也要清楚的看到电子货币与虚拟货币所带来的消极影响。为此,本文将分六个部分进行探讨。首先,导论介绍了电子货币与虚拟货币的研究背景、选题意义。其次,对电子货币与虚拟货币的相关文献进行了介绍。同时,对电子货币与虚拟货币概念进行界定,并分析了电子货币与虚拟货币的特性。然后,基于电子货币与虚拟货币的相关理论,对电子货币与虚拟货币在概念、发行主体、风险等方面进行了比较分析。最后,结合电子货币与虚拟货币比较分析结果对电子货币与虚拟货币发展提出政策建议。关键词:电子货币 虚拟货币 监管电子货币与虚拟货币的比较研究IAbstractMonetary policy to stabilize the currency, to promote the steady growth of the national economy, is an effective regulatory tool, plays a vital role in the economic growth. In recent years, with the rapid development of computer network, the traditional currency is gradually emerging electronic currency and virtual currency are replaced, the whole economic system and each economic body contact, relationship between national economy and monetary have undergone tremendous changes, monetary policy policy effect weakens, the traditional central bank monetary policy operation becomes somewhat pointless. Like most new things, electronic currency and virtual currency showing the characteristics of advantages and disadvantages in the early stages of development, in the electronic currency and virtual currency to bring us convenient services at the same time, should also see the negative effects brought about by the virtual currency.Therefore, this paper is divided into six parts. First of all, the introduction of electronic currency and virtual currency of the background and significance of the topic. Secondly, introduces the related literature on electronic currency and virtual currency. At the same time, to define the concept of electronic currency and virtual currency, and analyzes the characteristics of electronic currency and virtual currency. Then, the related theory of electronic currency and virtual currency based on, the electronic currency and virtual currency issuers, in concept, risk and other aspects of the comparative analysis. Finally, combined with the electronic currency and virtual currency are the results of the analysis put forward policy suggestions on the development of electronic currency and virtual currency.Keywords: electronic currency virtual currency supervision.电子货币与虚拟货币的比较研究II目 录绪 论 .1一、文献综述 .2二、货币的基本理论分析 .4(一)电子货币的定义与特征 .4(二)虚拟货币的定义与特征 .5三、电子货币与虚拟货币的比较分析 .8(一)电子货币与虚拟货币的概念分析 .8(二)电子货币与虚拟货币的发行主体与信用支持分析 .10(三)电子货币与虚拟货币的风险比较 .111.发行信用风险和安全风险 .112.运行风险和操作风险 .123.流动性风险 .13四、结论与政策建议 .14(一)结论 .14(二)政策建议 .141.明确货币发行主体 .142.加快相关法律建设进程 .153.建立健全货币的监管体系 .154.加强应对资金流动风险能力 .15参考文献 .17致 谢 .18电子货币与虚拟货币的比较研究0绪 论货币形态的演变伴随着人类经济的发展。纵观货币发展史,最初的实物货币是以商品的形式存在的,这时
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