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1The Mechanics of theAluminum Sheet Rolling Process铝板带轧制工艺机理2The Mechanics of the Aluminum Sheet Rolling Process铝板带轧制工艺机理Index索引1. Preamble导言2. Casting2.铸造(i) Description(i) 描述(ii) Metal Filter(ii) 金属过滤器 (iii) Casting Machines(iii) 铸造机(iv) Continuous Casters(iv) 连续铸 造机3. Scalping3.铣削(i) Surface(i) 表面(ii) Edge(ii) 边(iii) Head and Tails(iii) 头和尾 4. Preheating and Homogenizing4.加热和均热5. Hot lines5. 热轧线(i) Hot line table Geometry3(i) 热轧线辊 道几何学 (ii) Configuration(ii) 配置(iii) Hot mill roll roughness(iii) 热轧机轧制粗糙度(iv) Roll grinding(iv)磨辊 (v) Scratch brushes(v) 钢丝 刷6. Hot rolling6.热轧7. Cold rolling7.冷轧(i) Reductions(i) 压下量(ii) Shape(ii) 形状(iii) Surface finish(iii) 表面光洁度 Fourth Annual Hiarc MeetingOctober 16-18, 1996Toronto, Canada第四届 Hiarc 年会1996 年 10 月 16 日到 18 日多伦多,加拿大The mechanism of the aluminum sheet rolling process铝板带轧制工艺机理1. Preamble1. 导言During the rolling of aluminum sheet, particularly hot rolling many problems may arise. There is frequently an initial tendency to ascribe many of these to the coolant. Some of the issues in the circumstances are not coolant related. This paper describes the treatment of aluminum from casting to cold rolling in an attempt to give some insight into the many problems that can arise in the rolling process.铝板带轧制过程中,尤其是热轧 ,会出 现很多问题。经常性的最初倾向是,把这些问题的多数归因于冷却液。一些问题所处的环境与冷却液无关此文件描述了从铸造到冷轧的铝处理方法, 试图就轧制过程中可能会出现的许多问题给出一些深刻的见解。42. Casting2.铸造(i)Description(i)描述For the purposes of rolling sheet or plate as opposed to extruding, aluminum is mainly cast by the V.D.C. or vertical direct chill process which produce large block of up to 30 inches thick suitable for rolling, or to a lesser extent may be produced by continuous casting which makes coil with a metal thickness of between a l/4”to 3/4”.轧制铝带材或铝板的目的,不允许有挤压, 铝主要是由立式直冷铸造机铸造的,立式直冷 铸造机可生产适用于轧制厚度达 30 英寸的大铝块,或在较小程度上也可通过连续铸造生产厚度在 l/4到 3/4 英寸之间的卷材。The molten metal which is used for casting may be any one of series of alloy from 1xxx through 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 7xxx. The most common are 1xxxs which are largely pure with minor alloying and are used for foil stock, to 3xxxs used extensively as 3004 for body stock to 5xxxs as 5182 for can end stock and 5086 as a high tensile sheet. Series 2xxx and 6xxx are heat treatable and besides magnesium have higher concentrations of copper. The 7xxx series alloys with significant zinc are used in some places for armour plate.用于铸造的熔化金属可以是从 1XXX 到 7XXX 的任何一系列合金。最普通的是 1XXX 系列,它的纯度很高、合金很少,被用作铝箔原料;3xxx 系列如 3004 大量用于罐体坯料 ;5xxx 系列如5182 用于罐盖料以及 5086 用于高强度拉伸板。2xxx 和 6xxx 系列可进行热处理,除了镁之外,还含较高浓度的铜。7xxx 系列含有大量的锌,用于需要装甲板的地方。The melting point for most alloys falls within the range 1125 to 1215oF 8or 610 to 660oC)大多数合金的熔点在 1125 到 1215oF 或 610 660oC 范围内。During the melting and casting operation due attention must be paid to two parameters.在熔铸操作过程中必须关注两个参数。 Hydrogen 氢Firstly hydrogen which is absorbed by the metal with increased solubility the molten metal temperature increase. As the molten metal cools any dissolved hydrogen will come out of solution and forms small bubbles in the solidified metal called occlusions. 0n the rolling surface defects result.首先,氢被金属吸收增加,其溶解性随熔 铸金属温度升高而升高。熔铸金属冷却时,氢会从溶液中挥发出来,在凝固的金属上形成小气泡被称作吸留物,这种吸留物会影响轧制表面质量,成 为表面缺陷。 Aluminum Oxide 氧化铝Secondly the presence of aluminum oxide which forms readily in oxygen and of course in air.第二,氧化铝的存在,氧化铝在氧气中形成,当然在空气中也形成。Aluminum oxide can exist in any size particles called inclusions. Considering that the thinnest foil rolled is about 0.2 thousandth of an inch (5.5 microns)and that the thickness of a drawn and ironed aluminum can wall is about this thickness then inclusion over about half this size are unacceptable.氧化铝能够以任何尺寸的颗粒存在,称之为夹杂物。考虑到最薄的轧制铝箔的厚度大约是千分5之 0.2 英寸(5.5 微米)并且拉深铝罐壁的厚度大约也是这个厚度,那么,如果夹杂物的厚度超过此尺寸的一半将不能被接受。(ii) Metal Filters金属过滤器Figure 1 shows the outline of the two most common aluminum filters used to remove hydrogen and assist in the extraction of aluminum oxide from the molten metal.图 1 显示了两种最普通的用于除去氢和帮助从金属熔化物中除去氧化铝的铝过滤器的外形图。 Gas Filters 气体过滤器One is called a SNIF previously made by Union Carbide and the other an Alpur made by Pechiney (Alcoa has a similar unit called a 622). These filter all operate on the same basis, that is passing sheared bubbles of Argon Gas with 2% to 3% of chlorine through the molten metal. This should extract any hydrogen to less than 0.2 milliliters (ccs) per 100 grams of metal (in fact to much less than this is standard) and lifts a high percentage of all aluminum oxide to the surface of the filters where it can be skimmed off.一个被称之为 SNIF,先前由 Union Carbide 制造,另一个叫 Alpur,由 Pechiney 生产(Alcoa拥有类似装置,叫做 622)。所有这些过滤器操作基理相同: 将氩气及浓度为 2到 3的氯的混合气泡通过金属熔化物。 这将取出金属中的氢,使之少于每 100 克 0.2 毫升(ccs )的氢(实际上甚至可以比这标准更少),及提升所有氧化铝到过滤器的表层位置,然后可以撇去。 Ceramic Foam FiltersIn addition to the above type of filter most plants use a CFF (ceramic foam filter) or a TKR (aluminum oxide or silicon carbide) filter as a final filter. The first is a probability filter in the sense that it
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