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九年级Unit4重点词汇,pride,u.n.自豪,尊严adj. proud,pride,Expanding Training,eg. We _offering you the highest standards 我们以向您提供最高标准的服务而自豪。短语:take pride in sth. = be proud of sth. 为感到自豪 hurt pride伤害自尊心,take pride in,private,eg. Some of what were talking about might better be discussed _. 我们正在谈论的有些事也许私下讨论更好。短语:in private:私地下 private business私人事务,adj 私有的;不对外开放的,private,Expanding Training,in private,dare,dare,Expanding Training,eg. _that the computer would provide a clear answer to that. 我相信电脑会对此给出明确的答案。 I dont know whether he dare try.我不知道他是否敢试一试短语:I dare say我相信,vt. 敢于modal 敢; 竟敢,I dare say,humorous,Expanding Training,eg. He was quite _, and I liked that about him. 他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。短语:a sense of humor 幽默感,adj. 幽默的n. humor 幽默,humorous,humorous,absent,absent,Expanding Training,eg. He has been _ from his desk for two weeks. 他已经两个星期没来了。 Nothing, Rosie said in an absent way. “没什么,”罗茜心不在焉地说。,adj. 缺席的; 心不在焉的n. absence 缺席,absent,require,Expanding Training,eg. The rules also _ employers _safety training. 这些规定也要求雇主们提供安全训练。短语:require sb.to do something require sth. of sb. 对某人有.的要求,vt. 需要;要求,require,require,to provide,interview,Expanding Training,eg. The trouble began when Allan _ last month. 麻烦开始于艾伦上个月接受的采访。 Id _ him often in the past. 我过去经常采访他。,n. 面试;采访 v. 对面试;采访,interview,gave an interview,interviewed,exactly,Expanding Training,eg. What _ do you mean? 你到底什么意思? Eve nodded, almost approvingly. Exactly. 伊夫几近赞许地点点头。“正是如此。”短语:not exactly,adv.正是如此;到底 (用于质问)表不满,exactly,exactly,vt. 影响n. 影响;有影响的人 (或事物),influence,Expanding Training,eg. Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting. 梵高对现代绘画的发展有着重大的影响。 We became the best of friends and he _ me deeply. 我们成了最好的朋友,而他深深地影响了我。,influence,influenced,private,dare,require,interview,exactly,humorous,influence,absent,pride,Whoisthepersonyouadmiremost? QianXueson,theFatherofChinasMissiles.Heisthe_ofChina.leader B. pride C. voiceLinDan_bythereporterofCCTV-1afterthe2012OlympicGames A.wasinterviewed B.interviewed C.willinterview D.wasinterviewing,B,A,See you!,
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