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杨洋得义雅思真题同义词库集中,聚焦于emphasis emfss lay/place/put emphasis on 把重点放在.上The emphasis of current economic work is on getting the market in gear. 当前经济工作的重点是启动市场focus on fks Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone.学生们应当抵制诱惑,集中精力备考concentrate on kns()ntret You should concentrate on the road when youre driving.开车时注意力应集中在路上aim emThe visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.这次访问旨在加强两国间的关系。spotlight sptlat 1.聚光灯 n2.使突出醒目 vhighlight halat1.突出;强调 v we must highlight that the system can hardly be inaccurate我们必须强调系统根本不可能2.最精彩的部分;最重要的事情 nC1 T2 P3 Q36 判断题 【题目】Tourists focus more on places they visit than those at home.比起在家,旅游者更关注于访问这些地方【原文】People linger over these sights in a way that they would not normally do in their home environment.人们以不同于平时在自己家的方式流连于这些情景中.【答案】YESC2 T4 P20 Q19 判断题 【题目】Teachers aim to teach both word recognition and word meaning.老师们教学的目标包括认字能力和理解字的能力【原文】A teachers main concern is to help young beginner readers to develop not only the ability to recognise words,but the skills necessary to understand what these words mean.老师最在意的是帮助开始学习读书的年轻人不仅仅发展认字的能力,还要提升他们理解这些字表达的意思的必要技能【答案】YES技巧点拨 :在雅思阅读中,词性之间的变换也是迷惑学生的小技巧之一,比如本文的recognise words(动词+名词)换成题目中 word recognition(名词词组)C3 T3 P1 Q3 判断题 【题目】The Department concentrates on collecting single unrelated objects of great value.人种史馆注意收集单独的,不相关的,但有巨大价值的赠品【原文】The collecting emphasis has often been less on individual objects than on groups of material which allow the display of a broad range of a societys cultural expressions.为此目的,文物征集的重点往往不在个别,零星的文物上,而更重视成批 发现的文物,因为后者能够大面积展示一个社会的文化面貌【答案】YESC6 T3 P3 Q40 图表题【题目】【原文】Another hypothesis indicate to cells that food is scarce.that emphasizes preservation of the organism.另一种假设表明食物不足.这种状态着重的是机体本身的维持【答案】preservationC4 T4 P1 Q8 填空题【题目】Yessis describes a training approach from the former Soviet Union that aims to develop an athletes 8. 根据前苏联,Yessis 描述了一种训练方法,目的是提高运动员的力量【原文】Plyometrics,a technique pioneered in the former Soviet Union.Plyometrics focuses on increasing power.增强式训练模式,一种前苏联率先使用的模式,用来提高力量.【答案】powerC8 T4 P1 Q13 单选题【题目】why do Japanese students tend to achieve relatively high rates of success in maths? 为什么日本学生相对能在数学方面取得较好的成绩?【答案】C Much effort is made and correct answers are emphasised.许多努力被做并且正确答案被重视【原文】What are the major contributing factors in the success of maths teaching?The emphasis is on hard work coupled with a focus on accuracy.什么是日本教学成功的主要因素?刻苦努力和对准确性的认识是重点考点再现C2 T1 P2 Q16 / C2 T3 P1 Q2 / C3 T2 P3 Q32 / C3 T3 P1 Q2 C4 T3 P1 Q1 / C4 T4 P1 Q11 / C6 T3 P1 Q2 / C9 T4 P3 Q32 送出、发送、传送send send send message 送消息 send letter 发送信件deliver dlv deliver vital information 递送关键信息 deliver pamphlets 派传单transmit trnsmt transmit virus 传播病毒 transmit channel 发送信道dispatch dspt 派遣dispatch a fleet 派遣舰队C6 T1 P2 Q15 段落信息匹配题【题目】The effects of the introduction of electronic delivery 引进电子传送的影响【原文】Computer software can be exported without ever loading it onto a ship,simply by transmitting it over telephone lines from one country to another,(so freight rates and cargo-handling schedules become insignificant factors in deciding where to make the product.)计算机软件的“出口”甚至不需要装运,仅仅通过电话线就可以在各国之间传输(因此,在选择制造地点时,货运费用和货物装卸安排表已成为无关紧要的因素)【答案】F 段技巧点拨 :括号内内容即为影响C7 T4 P1 Q13 填空题 【题目】In addition, over two thousand years ago kites were used in China as weapons,as well as for sending 13. 此外,在二千年前,风筝在中国被用作武器,以及用于发送消息。【原文】As early as 1250 BC,the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes.早在公元前 1250 年,中国人就用它们来传递信息或向敌人倾倒燃烧的随便【答案】messages技巧点拨 :原文 dump flaming debris on their foes 在题中被概括成了 weapons,雅思阅读中难题大部分为这种情况.在雅思填空题目中,如果题目是并列关系,原文一定会让你明显的的感觉到并列关系,比如 as well as/and/or/with/fromto此外,并列的两项常常会位置互换,比如原文是 A and B,题目里往往是 B and A.C9 T3 P3 Q33-35 填空题【题目】The probe transmitted pictures of both 33. and 34. ,then left the 35. 探测器传送了木星和土星的照片,然后离开了太阳系【原文】The space probe,Voyager I,launched in 1977,had sent back spectacular images of Jupiter and Saturn and then soared out of the Solar System on a one-way mission to the stars.1977 年发射的太空探测器“旅行者 1 号”发回了木星和土星的壮观照片,然后飞出太阳系开始它的单程旅行,飞往其他恒星执行任务。【答案】Jupiter、Saturn 、Solar system考点再现 C9 T4 P3 Q37 / 听力 OG T4 S4 Q38 认出、识别、确认recognize reknaz define dfan distinguish.by dstgw identify adentfa make out meik autC4 T4 P1 Q6 判断题 【题目】The growing international importance of athletics means that gifted athletes can be recognised at a younger age.运动在国际上不断提升的重要性意味着有天分的运动员有可能被发现的更早【原文】But with increasing global participation in athletes-and greater rewards to tempt athletes-it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique compleme
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