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1必修一 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications 复习导学案Learning aims:1. To consolidate the words, phrases, and sentences of Module 4 and improve the ability.2. To form the knowledge tree by reciting and questioning.(通过背诵和质疑形成知识树)3. To devote yourself passionately and enjoy the pleasure of harvesting(激情投入,享受收获的快乐)自主学习(20 分钟)基础知识梳理和测评一、.单词英汉互译1.接近;通路 n._ 2.来源;出处 n._3.软件 n. _ 4.故障 n _5. 许可 n_ 6.(计算机)崩溃 vi._7. 集中(注意力、思想等)vi _ 8. 记录;登录 vt. _9. 包含;包括 vt. _ 10. 可进入的;可使用的 adj _11.设计 vt. _ 12. 创造;发明 vt. _13. 保护;防卫 n_ 14. 独立的 adj._15.路经;经由 prep. _16. frequently adv. _ 17 disadvangtage n. _ 18.average adj. _19 shorten vt_ 20. sideways adv._二、. 短语互译1. 有机会;有权利使用_ 2. 降低_ 3 提出_ 4. 代替_ 5.由组成_ 6. 作为而出名_ 7. 当时_ 8.注册/注销_9 从升至_ 10.担任_11.send text message_ 12 on a mobile phone_13 take out._ 14. a series of _15. from that moment on _ 16.concentrate on._17. go down_ 18. compare with _19. 点击_ 20. 网上冲浪_三、 默写原句(重要句型)1. 它由数以百万页的数据组成。_2. 贝尔纳斯.李使任何人,而不仅仅是大学和军队,能使用英特网。_3. 此后,各大学也能使用这一系统。_4. 1989 年他提出了创建万维网的想法,那个时候他还在瑞士工作。_5. 在获得信息之前你需要万维网的同意。_6. 如果我们把时间花在计算机工作上,就会好很多。_.四、 完成下列句子并口头展示重点词汇用法自我引领:背诵词汇表中的单词时,要重点记忆原来记忆不扎实的词汇,注意边读、边写、边记。目标:熟悉词汇和短语在语境中的灵活运用并画出知识网。21. contain 与 include(1)A CD-ROM is a separate disk that _(包含)lots of information.(2)There are five people who were injured in the accident, _(包括)two women = There are five people who were injured in the accident, two women_2. consistThis club_(组成)more than 200 members.=More than 200 member_(组成)this club.3. accessible adj. access n.vt have/ gain/ get access to _(1). The Internet is _(可以使用的) to all the computer users.(2) .Students should _(得以使用) the good library.(2). It is easy to _(获得) information from the website.4. design vt. & n. design sth. for_be designed for _ be designed to do _(1) These books _(专门设计) the kids who live in the remote(偏远的) village.(2)The experiment _(目的是) test the new kind of machine.4. compare v. comparison n. comparewith_; compareto_(1)The tallest building in London are small_(相比) New Yorks skyscrapers.(2)Youll _ (被比作) a giant when you devote yourself to country. .5 come up with(1). 很多问题在会议中被提了出来。_(2). 我们需要努力工作赶上他。_五、根据提示口头展示形容词和副词的比较级用法1.合成名词常见的构词法_2.定冠词 the, 不定冠词 a,an, 零冠词的特殊用法_.当堂检测(20 分钟)I. 选择本模块适当的词组,完成下列句子1. The night view of the bay is even more _(美妙的).2. _(平均的)earnings in the state are about 1,500 a month.3. The island is in the middle of the sea with good_(通道) to the mainland.4. She had difficulty in _(集中注意力) on her book.5. If you cant speak a foreign language, youll be at a big _ (劣势)6. Who gave you the_(许可) to leave the class early?7. Several people witnessed the quarrel, but on one came to her_(防卫)8. A lot of _(故障) of the computer system are caused by the new virus.9. The book_(包含;包括) plenty of information on how to plant flowers.10. All men are _(创造) equal.II 选择适当词组,完成下列句子背诵课文的基础上默写这些重点句型。这些句子不仅要能翻译,而且要能够分析句子成分。通过当堂检测再次检验自己对重点知识的掌握和运用。做后反思总结:对本单元的所学内容清底子。3a series of, at the moment, come up with, be known as, take out1. He _ the idea of the World Wide Web.2. Plastic bags and boxes _ “white pollution” which has become a serious problem.3. Cash_ of my account without my permission.4. There have been_ accidents on this stretch of the road recently.5. Shes on holiday_ , but shell be back next week.完成下列练习(主要考查句型、长难句、词汇精粹语法)1. At last everyone had a gift. We made it possible. (vt.+it+adj.+for sb.to do) At last we_2. One year is consisted o
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