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Unit 3 Online Travel(Reading Around the World in Eight Hours) 教学目标: 1. 分段处理这份简报, 通过问题和一个小的互动环节来让学生理解这个教育游戏光盘的目的以及主人公可以做些什么.2. 通过读懂这份简报让学生学会如何玩这个游戏.教学过程:. Free talk .New learning. 1. Please read the first and the second paragraphs quickly and complete the table below:A New Educational CD-ROM Name of the game: _The designer of the game:_Main character:_Age of the character:_The hobby of the character_2. Lets play this game.Exercises in the game Level 1a. How can we say “电视” in English? Please spell it_ .b. You can see the film _(in ,on , at) 8pm.c. Where have you ever _(see) the man?Level 2a. 用所给词的适当形式填空:Its _(use) to wait here. The door is closed.b. The old writer lives _but he doesnt feel _A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, lonely D. lonely, alonec. The girl is too excited to say a word.(同义句 )The girl is_ excited _she cant say a word.3.The phrases have appeared in the game.a. play the role of _ b. earn a point _c. pass a level_ d. in bright purple_4.Learn the new words and phrases here.5. Please read Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 quickly and then put the following notes into a correct order according to the newsletter.( )a. see a golden cloud with words on it.( )b. see a map with the place you have just visited are marked in bright purple ( )c. see a lot of useful information about the place on the screen( )d. a cloud comes down and carries you off to a place you have never visited before( )e. use the knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary to answer the questions on the big clouds( )f. get enough points and finish a level in about an hour ( )g. answer a question correctly and earn a point( )h. If I am smart, I can finish the game in eight hours and travel around the world.6. Read the whole newsletter again and then answer some more questions about this CD-ROM.a. What can this CD-ROM help you to do?b. How does it help you to do learn English?c. How can you earn a point in the game?d. How long will it take me to finish each level? e. What can you see on the screen when you reach a new place every time?f. Where can you get this CD-ROM ?. Try to finish the exercises of Part C1. Try to finish Part C1 and correct the false sentences2. Please finish Part C2 with your partner.Homework A. Please try to find out the phrase in the newsletter a. 出来,出版. b. 睡着c. 一个十三岁的男孩 d. 做了一个奇怪的梦e. 躺在草地上 f. 在线旅游者g. 那些不同颜色的大的云彩 h. 得到一分 i. 每一次j. 扮演 “痒痒脚”的角色 k. 亮紫色 l. 环游世界 m. 闯过一关n. 例如o. 售完B. Please try to translate the following sentences into English.1. 这张光盘能帮助你在同一时间内学习英语和地理._2. 它是由南茜杰克逊设计的._3. 她是一直以来最受欢迎的 “在线旅游者”的设计者._4. 当你得到足够的分数时,一片云会来到你面前,并且载着你去你以前从未去过的地方._5. 这张光盘是通过检测你的语法知识和词汇来帮助你学英语的._6. 你参观过的地方已经用亮紫色标出来了._7. 赶快,在它被售完之前买到它吧._. 你的一位网友 Peter 给你发了一封 e-mail, 告诉你他也想要了解一些关于这个新的教育光盘的信息以及怎么玩这个游戏. 现在你要给他写一份回信.请写清以下的要点.1. 这个光盘的名称2. 有什么用处3. 主要人物是谁4. 怎么玩这个游戏5. 哪儿可以买到
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