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006“课堂教学改进计划”实践研究案例一、学生情况分析教学对象为农村普通高中高三年级的学生。学生的学习能力和语言应用能力应该都存在差异,特别是在英语口语表达上存有一定困难。但是,学生对生活的感悟能力相对之前已有了很大的突破。二、教材分析本篇课文是以一位年轻的妈妈在年幼的第一天离开家去幼儿园时,怀着错综复杂的心情写给世界的一封信,信中流露出对孩子新生活的担心,但更表达了年轻母亲对社会和儿子的期待。三、目标设定本课的语言知识目标是:帮助学生通过阅读来理解课文。技能培养的目标是:鼓励学生通过合作学习来完成课堂学习任务,并由此提髙听、说、读与思维的能力。素质情感教育目标是:通过学习课文,增强学生对孩子成长过程中家长,学校,社会所应该承担的不同角色的理解。本课重点是:让学生通过听、阅读、朗读等形式来理解课文并通过小组讨论来加深理解。难点是:让学生在掌握课文内 容的基础上形成并表述观点。四、原课堂教学设计本课是教学的第一课时,主要是帮助学生通过阅读来了解课文结构,理解课文内容。Teaching Process:1. Openinga. to show a photo about the son on his first school day.b. to ask some questions according to the photo.2. Presentationa. to listen to the textb. to scan the text paragraph by paragraph and answer the questions 3. Production:Discussion(1):why does the mother write the letter to the WORLD instead of to a certain person? What is her intention by doing so?(2): Have you ever done something wrong that might hurt your mother? What do you think of these things today? Suppose your mother were here today, what would you like to say to express your gratitude, your love or your apology to her?0064. Conclusion5.Assignments:(1):Read the text aloud to appreciate the beauty of its language.(2):Try translating the mothers 5 requirements mentioned in Para.5 into Chinese and make a comparison with your group members to see whose version is better.(3):Tell your mother you love her按照第一次的教学设计授课的过程中发现,由于是普通高中学生,由于词汇积累比较匮乏,因此在进行语言组织和表达时,尤其在 Production 阶段进行 discussion 时,学生有想法,有见地,却古于无法正确达意地表述出来,因此 discussion 只进行了一两分钟就出现了冷场,无法达到教师预期的教学效果,以至尽管之前的教学输入是比较有效的,体现到教学输出时,却不尽如人意。除此之外,按照第一次的教学设计教学完成教学之后,发现尽管学生对文章的一些细 节把握得比较好,反过来对文章的整体性把握没有一个清晰的脉络和框架了。而且在时间的掌控上似乎也不是很理想,之后多下了 5 分钟的时间。并且,听课的老师普遍认为,在 presentation 部分,作为阅读课,这部分采用听的形式是没有任何意义,不符合阅读教学的需求的,因此,应坚决地去掉。针对第一次教学的反馈,授课教师进行了认真的课后反思,重新调整了课堂教学设计,第二稿的教学设计调整如下:Teaching Process:1.Opening a. to SHOW a photo about the son on his first school day .b. to ask some questions according to the photo2. Presentationa. to skim the text and think why the text takes the form of a letter, and identlfy who is the writer and who is supposed to be the receiver? b. to scan the text paragraph by pargraph and answer the questions(1)In what way does the mother want WORLD to treat her son? Why do you think she holds such a view?(2)Which 2 words refer to a person in charge or a person with power?(3)In what ways does the mother take care of herson, or show her concern for the boy?(4)What is the function of Para. 3?(5)How many things would the mother like WORLD to teach her son? What are they?3.Connolidfltion: the summary of the textDirections: Complete the passage with the words in the box . Each word can only be used once.006“From a mother” presents us with the of a loving and mother. Here the mothers wishes for her son are in the form of a letter to World, To a boy who is to start school and began his true independent life in the world, the mother asks World to give him faith, love and course, the that will enable him to overcome hardship and difficulties. She also asks World to show the boy both of the coin: there is dishonesty and evil, there also is sincerity and devotion. In addition, she would like World to give him the strength to have in his own beliefs and learn to close his ears to an opposing crowd. She wanted her son to marvel at the wonders of knowledge. She wanted World to teach him but meanwhile push him hard, as she believed that “only the of fire makes fine steel”.4. Production:Discussion(1):why does the mother write the letter to the WORLD instead of to a certain person? What is her intention by doing so?(2):Have you ever done something wrong that might hurt your mother? What do you think of these things today? Suppose your mother were here today, what would you like to say to express your gratitude, your love or your apology to her?Some useful words: n.: tears / headaches/ anger / disappointment/ heartbreak.adj.: regretted/ grateful/ depressed/ discouraged/ ignorant.5. Conclusion6. Assignments:(1)Read the text aloud to appreciate the beauty of its language.(2)Try translating the mothers 5 requirements mentioned in Para.5 into Chinese and make a comparison with your group members to see whose version is better.(3)Tell your mother you love her经过教学设计的优化之后,第二次教学时,由于先给了充分的时间进行 skimming,学生对文章整体的把握清晰了,并且在第三部分进行了对课文的一个总结性填空练习之后,可以说,大部分同学对此以有了很好的认识和理解;在此 基础上开展了第四部分的discussion,由于老师给了一些辅助性的词汇,学生有了一定的启迪,于是 discussion 的热情也高了,学生参与的面也广了,之后进行小组交流时,从学生的表现来看,甚至超过了教师的预期目标。整堂课一气呵成,教师游刃有余,收放自如,学生全身心投入,不知不觉中完成了知识的输入和输 出 。从这次反复的磨课,反思到最后的教学改进的这样一个过程中,不仅授课的老师收益匪浅,参与听课,评课的老师也可以从中借鉴到很多。总之,课堂是动态的,所以课堂教学应当是006活的,有生命的,只有不断地优化,才能让课堂成为 个师生共同进步的,充满吸引力的地方。
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