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1Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine TownWelcome to the unit班级: 姓名: 自我评价: 【学习目标】1.知识目标: a. 学习词汇: mine nothing b学习词组:wait a minute take sb. to sp. c. 学习句子:Shall we take them to the cinema?Theres nothing in the fridge.2. 技能目标:能介绍城市中的各种游览活动。3情感目标:能知道如何接待友人。学习过程【自主学习】 一、 预习导航 (背景知识介绍)此部分让学生考虑如何为欢迎一组交换留学生做准备。鼓励学生想一想去另一个国家游玩时要做的事情。二、预习成果认真阅读课文,相信你能翻译下列短语:1.喜欢看电影_ 2.点个比萨饼_ 3.喜欢打羽毛球_ 4.带他们去电影院_ 5. 喜欢吃西餐 _ 6.带男生们去我们校足球场_【合作探究】任务一:了解周边环境回答下列问题1. Is there a supermarket?2. Are there many restaurants?3. Is there a cinema?4. Is there a sports center?5. What other places are there around your home?2任务二:.完成课本第 31 页 A 部分和 B 部分的书面练习。任务三:阅读对话回答问题1. Who is coming to visit them?2. Is there any food left?3. How much money do they have?4. Where does Eddie want to go?5. What can they buy with only five yuan?任务四:同桌间互相交换角色表演对话。【有效测试】 一.根据句意及首字母填空1. How many _(听)of dog food are there in Eddies fridge?2._(没有)of the answers are right.3. _(欢迎) to our town for a trip.4. My favourite sport is _(羽毛球).5. We can buy only one pizza _(用) the money.6. What dishes do you want to _(点)?7. Most people like playing b_.8. All of them are on the playground.and N_of them are in the classroom.9. May I o_ Beijing Duck with five yuan?10. - Is there any Coke in the cup? - No, theres n_.二.选择题.( ) 1. Lets _some clothes and _a poster.A. design; to make B. to design; makeC. designing; making D. design; make( ) 2. -How pairs of boots do you have? -_. A. much ; No B. many; None C. many; No D. much; None( ) 3. There is going to_a sports meeting in our school next week.3A. is B. being C. be D. are( ) 4. Every day we have much homework_ at home.A. doing B. to do C. did D. to be done( ) 5. Yangzhou is about 425 kilometres _Xuzhou.A. away B. to C. from D. far
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