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Unit11.F International trade is only the exchange of goods between nations.2. T Countries trade with each other partly because of cost advantages.3. T Trade means countries can provide a wider variety of products for their consumers4. T International trade can greatly expand the market, which enables the suppliers to take advantage of economies of scale.5.T Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade.Exchange rate fluctuations may create many problems for international trade6. T Still in some cases, political reasons can outweigh economic considerations between countries.7. T When we provide shipping insurance service for foreigners, it can be seen as an example of invisible trade.8.F Trade surplus means that a countrys imports exceed its exports.9. T Tariff and quotas are the examples of trade barriers.10. T A duty levied on a specific shipment can be an import, a protective and a compound duty at the same time.1. _ is the reason why international trade first began. a. Uneven distribution of resources c. Economic benefit b. Pattern of demand d. Comparative advantage 2. If one country concentrates on the production of the goods in which it has a comparative advantage, and produces more than it can use, then it will sell the left to other countries. This reason for international trade is called _. a. economies of scale c. specialization b. variety of style d. patterns of demand3. The production cost will decrease if the goods are produced on a large scale. This is called _. a. economies of scale c. specialization b. variety of style d. patterns of demand4. The followings are the special problems for international trade except for _. a. using foreign languages and foreign currency c. having risks b. under foreign laws, customs and regulations d. numerous cultural differences5. _ refers to an exchange of services, labor or other non-physical goods between countries. a. Invisible trade c. International trade b. Visible trade d. Balance of trade6. Invisible trade consists of the following items except for _. a. transport services across national borders c. insurance services across national borders b. foreign tourist expenses d. product exchange across national borders 7. _ is the difference between the value of the goods and services that a country exports and the value of the goods and services that it imports. a. Trade balance c. Trade deficit b. Trade surplus d. Trade barrier8. Each country has to earn _ to pay for imports. a. money c. cash b. foreign exchange d. currency 9. _ is collected according to physical quantity. a. Revenue tariff c. Specific duty b. Protection tariff d. Alternative duty 10. Which is not the example of trade barriers? _ a. Tariffs c. Import duties b. Quotas d. Income tax1. 国际贸易 international trade2. 比较优势 comparative advantage3. 规模经济 economies of scale4. 经济增长 economic growth5. 外汇 foreign currency6. 有形贸易 visible trade7. 无形贸易 invisible trade8. 贸易差额 balance of trade9. 贸易顺差 trade surplus10. 贸易逆差 trade deficit11. 贸易壁垒 trade barrier12. 非关税壁垒.non-tariff barrier13. 财政关税 revenue tariff14. 保护关税 revenue tariff15. 进口关税 import duty16. 出口关税 export duty17. 从量税 specific duty18. 从价税 Ad valorem duty19. 进口许可证 import license20. 配额 quota翻译1. International trade, also known as world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade, is the exchange of goods and services between countries.国际贸易, 又称世界贸易、 对外贸易或海外贸易, 是国与国之间商品和服务的交换交换。2. Trade may occur because of economies of scale, that is, the cost advantages of large-scale production.贸易可能源于规模经济, 即大规模生产带来的成本优势。 3. Visible trade refers to exports and imports of goods, while invisible trade refers to an exchange of services, labor or other non-physical goods between countries.有形贸易即产品的进出口, 而无形贸易则指服务和资产的交换。4. If a country s exports exceed its imports, it has a trade surplus and the trade balance issaid to be positive. If imports exceed exports, the country has a trade deficit and its tradebalance is said to be negative.如果出口大于进口, 即为贸易顺差, 称为出超; 如果进口大于出口, 则为贸易逆差, 称为入超。 5. A tariff is a tax levied on a commodity when it crosses the boundary of a customs area which usually coincides with the area of a country.关税即当货物跨越关境边界时征收的税, 关境通常就是国境。6. A quota is a limitation in value or in physical terms, imposed on import and export of certain goods for a certain period of time.配额是对某一商品在某一特定时期的进出口加以价值或数量上的限定。 7. 各种形式的贸易壁垒主要来源于政府干预(government intervention)。Various forms of trade barriers are largely derived from government intervention.8. 近年来中国经济迅速增长, 贸易结构也相应改变很大。Chinas economic growth has been tremendous in recent years and its trade structure has correspondingly undergone considerable transformation. 9. 当前国际贸易中最大的困难是非关税壁垒, 如进口配额、 出口管制等。The major difficulties in international trade today are the non-tariff barriers like quota sdttl and export controls.10. 大多数贸易协定是多边协定, 而非双边协定。Most trade agreements today are multilateral rather than bil
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