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中高级口译证书高频翻译考点 港澳台背景(Background) 香 港 香港是中国的一部分。自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。历史上从秦代到清朝,中国一直对香港实行管辖,行使主权。19 世纪中叶,英国发动两次鸦片战争,迫使腐败无能的清政府签订了不平等条约并于 1898 年侵占了整个香港地区。香港于 1997 年 7 月 1 日回归祖国,现有人口约 630 万。Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China. Since ancient times, our ancestors lived and labored on this land. Historically from the Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. In mid-19th century after launching two Opium Wars, Britain forced the corrupt and incompetent Qing goverment to sign the unequal treaties. In 1898, Britain occupied the entire Hong Kong region.On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong finally returned to the motherland. It has a population of 6.3 million.香港同胞有着光荣的爱国主义传统Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition.一国两制、港人治港及高度自治等基本方针将不会改变The basic policies of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy will remain unchanged.香港将继续保持作为国际财经金融中心的地位Hong Kong will continue to retain its status of functioning as an international financial center未来的香港,人人都有平等竞争的机会In future Hong Kong, everyone will be given an equal right for competition 澳 门自古以来,澳门就是中国的领土。我们的祖先很早就开始在澳门生活。16 世纪中期,葡萄牙人行贿中国朝廷官员,获准借澳门暂住。19 世纪鸦片战争前,葡萄牙人已完全控制了澳门。1887 年 清政府被迫签订了不平等的中葡条约。1987 年,中葡签订了中葡联合声明,宣布澳门为中国领土,中国政府将于 1999 年 12 月 20 日对其恢复行使主权。澳门于 1999 年 12 月 20 日回归祖国;现有人口约 45 万。Macao is historically Chinese territory and the ancestors of the Chinese people started to live in Macao as early as the New Stone Age. During the mid-16th century, the Portuguese bribed Chinese officials and obtained permission to live on the Macao Peninsula temporarily. In the 19th century, the Portuguese took full control over Macao in the wake of the Opium War. In 1887, the Qing Government was forced to sign an unequal treaty and Portuguese stayed in Macao permanently.In 1987, China and Portugal signed the Sino=Portuguese Joint Declaration which declared Macao is Chinese territory and that the Chinese Government would resume the exercise of sovereignty over it from December20, 1999. It now has a population of about 450,000.澳门的回归将从此结束外国在中国土地上统治耻辱的年代Macaos return will end years of humiliating foreign rule over Chinese land.澳门社会市中西文化融合,同时也是连结海峡两岸的桥梁Macao society is a blend of Chinese and Western cultures and acts as a bridge linking the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. 台 湾 台湾市中国领土不可分割的一部分。1895 年,日本通过侵华战争强迫清政府签订不平等的马关条约,霸占了台湾。1945 年,中国政府新恢复对台湾行使主权。台湾现有人口约 2094 万。Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. In 1895, through a war of aggression against China, Japan forced the Qing Government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki, and forcibly occupied Taiwan. In 1945, the Chinese Government recovered Taiwan, resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan.Taiwan has a population of about 20.94 million.一个中国原则是实现和平统一的基础和前提The one-China principle is the basis and prerequisite for achieving peaceful reunification在一个中国原则下,什么问题都可以谈Any question can be discussed under one-China principle.不能允许台湾问题的解决再无限期地拖下去了The people of the whole of China cannot allow the resolution of the Taiwan issue to be dragged on indefinitely.台湾新领导人的选举,并不能改变台湾是中国领土的一部分的事实The election of a new leader in Taiwan cannot change the fact that Taiwan is part of Chinese territory我们解决台湾问题的原则是和平统一祖国和一国两制 Our guideline for solving the Taiwan question is peaceful reunification and the one country, two systems台湾当局必须抛弃两国论The Taiwanese authorities must abandon two states statement方针(Major Policies) 一个国家,两种制度One country, two systems.港人治港Hong Kong people administer Hong Kong澳人治澳Macao people administer Macao一个中国的原则One-China principle和平统一祖国Peaceful reunification of the motherland高度自治a high degree of autonomy改革开放基本观点(Basic Viewpoints)发展是硬道理Development is the main principle深化改革,加强和改善宏观调控Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control在我国现代化过程中,我们必须始终坚持一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明。In the process of Chinas modernization, we must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress深化改革为国民经济和社会发展注入了新的活力。The deepened reform has injected a flow of fresh vitality into our national economic and social development.市场也有盲目性和局限性。The market is unplanned and has its limitations.国有企业改革是当前经济体制改革的重点。The reform of state-owned enterprises is the principal task of the on-going economic restructuring我们要继续扩大对外开放,并形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局。We must continue an omni-directional, multilevel and wide-range opening to the outside world.国民经济市场化、社会的程度得到明显提高。The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized.时代观点 深入学习邓小平理论。Study Deng Xiaoping Theory deeply治国现治党,治党必从严。To rule the country, first rule the Party, and with a strong hand加强廉政建设,惩治贪污腐败。Work harder to build an honest government, punish graft and corruption让雷锋精神永驻心间。Let the Lei Feng spirit be in your heart year-round我们既面临难得的机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。We are faced with both a rare opportunity and grave challenges.实践是检验真理的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion for judging t
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