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CARNOC兼职译员笔试说明欢迎加入中国最大的民航网站民航资源网CARNOC.com的译员队伍,我们将一起创造一个更加美好的民航信息时代!注意事项:1、 答题时只需抄题号,将答案直接写在题号后面即可,不用抄题目。2、 试题完成后,请将试题答案以自己的名字命名,如:Ason.doc。3、 请将试题答案及本人中英文简历、每周空余时间表发送到: asonCARNOC.com 一、英译中新的美国航空公司一直有一个伟大的老梦想。这一世界上最大的航空公司关注从达拉斯到中国大陆的服务项目,但是却被成本结构、劳动力条件、飞机类型和生产可持续性提供的航班这些因素所限制。目前,通过重组,这个新的美国航空公司在大中国区有三条新的航线:它的第一个条香港航线在 2014年 6月启动,达拉斯-上海的航线也在 2014年 6月启动,并且从 2015年 5月策划达拉斯-北京的航线。The new American Airlines is fulfilling old dreams. The worlds largest airline had eyed services from Dallas to greater China but was limited by factors including cost base, labour conditions, aircraft type and product to sustainably offer flights. Now through re-structuring, a new fleet and re-vamped product American Airlines has three three new routes in greater China: its first ever Hong Kong service launched in Jun-2014, Dallas-Shanghai launched in Jun-2014 and from May-2015 a planned Dallas-Beijing route.“我们很早之前就已经想做这些了, ”美国航空驻亚太副总裁 Erwan Perhirin 在香港航线开通时说。香港、北京和上海的航线标志着美国航空在香港和大亚洲地区的更进一步的扩张的开始甚至澳大利亚/新西兰可能也是如此。财政状况抑制了这个增长趋势,美国航空 CEO Doug Parker 评论美国航空的亚洲服务航线是亏损并且“需要长期投资的” 。“Weve wanted to do this for a long time,” American VP Asia-Pacific Erwan Perhirin said at the launch of the Hong Kong route. Hong Kong with the Beijing and Shanghai routes mark the start of what will likely be further expansion from American in Hong Kong and broader Asia and maybe even Australia/New Zealand too. The growth is dampened by financial performance, with American CEO Doug Parker remarking Americans Asia services are loss-making and investments for the long term.美国航空的亚洲网络已经展现出间歇的盈利能力,有一些盈利年,但同样也有由各种因素引起的无盈利年,比如 2011 年 3 月的日本海啸那年。Perhirin 先生相信美国航空新的规模和成本将结合出一个全新的能够为美国航空的亚洲网络带来稳定收益的舰队。Americans Asia network has been on-and-off in terms of profitability, with some profitable years but also some unprofitable ones caused by various factors, such as the Mar-2011 tsunami in Japan. Mr Perhirin believes Americans new scale and cost base combined with a refreshed fleet can bring consistent profits to Americans Asia network.美国航空已经获批从 2015 年 5 月 7 日着手开通在拉达斯和北京之间的 777-200ER 日常服务航线。American has been approved to commence daily 777-200ER service between Dallas and Beijing from 07-May-2015.美国航空和中国大陆之间的第五个航线如下:-芝加哥- 北京, 2006芝加哥-上海,2010This is Americans fifth route between the US and mainland China, following:- Chicago-Beijing, 2006- Chicago-Shanghai, 2010- 洛杉矶-上海,2011- 达拉斯-上海,2014-6- Los Angeles-Shanghai, 2011- Dallas-Shanghai, Jun-2014这个同样也是美国航空第五个从达拉斯到亚洲的航线(北京、香港、首尔、上海、东京) 。这条航线反映了美国近期正在构建从它的大型枢纽达拉斯到亚洲的业务宏图,但是达拉斯-北京航线不是一个新的构想。在 2006 年美国航空就考虑设立一个达拉斯-北京的中美官方航线,但航线长于美国飞行员工会合同允许的长度。The route is also Americans fifth from Dallas to Asia (Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo). The route reflects Americans recent building of an Asian presence from its mega hub in Dallas, but Dallas-Beijing is not a new thought. American considered a Dallas-Beijing route for new US-China route authorities in 2006, but the route was longer than Americans pilot union contract allowed.由于工会要求的条件影响了服务在商业上的可行性,谈判运营这个较长的航线项目结果不佳。然而,破产重组让美国航空在没有商业限制的情况下改变以前的长途飞行方式的合同。这也是推迟美国航空的进入香港的一个因素。Negotiations to operate the longer service did not produce a favorable outcome, with the union requesting conditions that affected the commercial viability of the service. However, bankruptcy restructuring allowed American to change its contracts in ways that now permit longer flights without the commercial restraints American previously experienced. This was also a factor delaying Americans entry into Hong Kong. 在美国航空进入香港期间,Kirby 先生说美国航空想达拉斯-北京航线等待监管和得到中国空管部门的批准。达拉斯机场也在它近期空中服务发展的期望清单上将北京航站作为它最终目的地。这一增长进一步支持达拉斯作为一个连接亚洲枢纽的位置,并且反映了达拉斯/沃斯堡经济的不断增长。At the time of Americans entry into Hong Kong, Mr Kirby remarked American wanted a Dallas-Beijing route pending regulatory and Chinese slot approval. Dallas airport also saw a Beijing service as its final destination on its immediate wish list of air service developments. The growth further supports Dallas position as a hub to Asia, and reflects the growing Dallas/Ft Worth economy.美国航空将使用在美国和中国一线城市之间的美中航班剩余 37 个每周有效航班频次的其中 7 个。总共配置 161 个航班频次,其中 124 个被用到 2014 年 6 月13 日。American will make use of seven of what it has identified as the remaining 37 weekly frequencies available to US carriers between the US and first tier Chinese cities. There is a total allocation of 161 frequencies, 124 of which were in use as of 13-Jun-2014.美国-中国大陆市场已经发展到从 2013 年 3 月每周大约 44000 座次到 2014 年 3月 52000 座次,并且根据目前的日程安排在 2015 年 3 月将增长到约 63000 座次。 The US-mainland China market has grown from approximately 44,000 weekly seats in Mar-2013 to 52,000 in Mar-2014 and based on current schedules will grow to about 63,000 in Mar-2015.美国航空作为最后一个主要美国航空公司进入香港。American Airlines last of major US carriers to enter Hong Kong美国航空公司在香港登陆,填补完善了它的两个主要同行德尔塔航空公司和美国联合航空公司在香港的市场。美国航空于 2014 年 7 月开始运营的达拉斯香港的航线致力于开通一连串的跨太平洋航线,促进可持续的发展。American Airlines launch in Hong Kong complements a more well-established presence from its two main peers Delta Air Lines and United Airlines. American
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