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话题诵读,考题对接,答案:B,答案:C,答案:B,答案:C,答案:B,答案:A,选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 广 话题诵读 早读一刻 情感体验 吧 发明“计算机牛仔裤”Apair of Dutch inventors have developed a set of jeansthat give a whole new meaning to the phrase “laptop”. | The jeans, known as Beauty and the Geek come with amy functional keyboard, mouse and speakers integrated (成为一休 into the upper ies of Uie fbric and ate ihe idea ofdesign company Nieuwe Heren, run by Erik de Nijs and Tim:Smit The duo (搭档) handmade the trousers themselves andithey are designed to give a user ease of movement While stbeingi in control ofthe computer.“Theyre not that heavy,” de Nijs told FeDProVeros. cew ith the flexible keyboard, small speakers, and small mouse,iey are Only alitgse bit ieavier tian yOuUr regalar jeans.” u could log in to youHe added:“IThe idqea was that 了computer and control 让 without sitting in a closedienvironment behind your desk.” TIhe jeans are of a modern style and have a back Pocketthat has been specially designed to cover the mouse, whichiuses an elastic(有弹性的) wire to stay_ attached.They sta connected to the laptop via wireless technology in a USB;device and are expected to retail at around $2S0一这they everImake it onto the market.六 考题对接真题链接 体会考点工. 履材原句Snakes come near the house.not far fromthe walnut tree.(U3P2o)真题呈现C2010.江苏,29)So far we have done a lot tobuild a low-carbon economy,bnut it is ideal.Ve haveto work still harder.Ahnext tc 卫.far foC. outof D. dueto考题巧解解析: 句意: 到目前为止,我们已做了许多来创建一种低碳经济,但是离理想还差得很远。我们还要更加努力地工作。本题考查短语辨析。next to“紧邻,在近旁”; farfom“远非, 几乎相反”; out of“从出来 脱离”;due to“由于”。根据句意庭B。答案: B2. 教材原句I cant get_ through.(U3P29)真题呈现2010浙江,12)After that he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the bestof his ability.Aget away with 也. get on withCget through 也.getacross
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