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Cloze 1Researchers have established that when people are mentally _1_, biochemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to _2_ more effectively in cognitive (认知的) areas such as attention and memory. This is true _3_ age. People will be alert and _4_ if they are faced with information that _5_ them to think about things they are _6_ in. And someone with a history of doing more _7_ less will go into old age more cognitively sound than someone who has not had an active _8_. Many experts are so convinced _9_ the benefits of challenging the brain that they are _10_ the theory to work in their own lives. “The idea is not _11_ to learn to memorize enormous _12_ of information,” says James Fozard, associate director of the National Institute on Aging. “Most of us dont need that kind of skill. Such speci c training is_13_ less interest than being able to maintain mental _14_.” Fozard and others say they challenge their brains with different mental skills, _15_ because they enjoy them and because they are sure that their range of activities will help the _16_ their brains work. Gene Cohen, acting director of the same institute, says that we are frequently advised to keep _17_ active as we age, but older people need to keep mentally active as well. Those who _18_ are more _19_ to maintain their intellectual abilities and to be generally happier and better adjusted. And intellectual activity actually _20_ brain-cell health and size. 1. A. strengthened B. alert C. engaged D. activated 2.A. act B. think C. learn D. respond3.A. as to B. regardless of C. in spite of D. despite 4.A. deceptive B. inceptive C. perceptive D. receptive 5.A. makes B. lets C. pushes D. gets 6.A. familiar B. interested C. Impressed D. attracted 7.A. rather than B. other than C. instead of D. in place of 8.A. brain B. mind C. intellect D. mentality 9.A. with B. at C. of D. in 10. A. putting B. trying C. using D. laying 11. A. certainly B. necessarily C. immediately D. quickly 12. A. number B. numbers C. amount D. amounts 13. A. of B. in C. with D. at 14. A. function B. alertness C. activity D. shape 15. A. both B. not C. and D. which 16. A. style B. effect C. efciency D. way 17. A. bodily B. physically C. spiritually D. intellectually 18. A. do B. act C. work D. laugh 19. A. possible B. able C. likely D. often 20. A. affects B. inuences C. reects D. changes 文章大意本文主要介绍研究人员所证实的一个观点 :当人们动脑筋时 ,大脑 中会产生生物化学变化 ,这种变化在人们 的认知方面体现得更为明显 。另外,当人们遇到自己感兴趣的内容时 ,大脑会保持清醒状态 ;同时 ,经常动脑筋对年老之后 的脑健康是非常有益的。答案与解析1. C 语义衔接题 。mentally engaged :动脑筋 ,思考问题 。与第二段 “.think about things they are interested in”的 think about 相对应 。2. A 语义衔接题 。think 和 respond 在意义上无法与 effectively 搭配。本句的意思是研究者证实 ,当人们处于思考状态时 ,大脑 中产生 的生物化学变化会使得大脑在诸如注意力和记忆力等认知领域的活动更为有效 。3. B 逻辑关系题 。regardless of :不管 ,不顾 ,在此表示与年龄无关 ;despite, in spite of 意为 “尽管”;as to :至于。4. D 形容词辨析题 。receptive :善于接受 (新思想 )的 ;deceptive :欺骗的;inceptive :期初的;perceptive :感知的。5. D 动词辨析题 。get sb. to think :使 去思考 。make 后面应该省略 to ;let和 push 的意思都不合适 。6. B 语义衔接 、介词搭配题 。此处 的意思是人们会对“感兴趣 的”事情进行思考 。此外 ,只有 interested 的介词搭配为 in。7. A 逻辑关系题 。根据句意 ,一贯喜欢多思考而非少思考 的人老了以后其认知能力更加健全 。rather than :是 (前者 )而非 (后者 );other than :除了 之外 ; instead of 和 in place of 均表示替代 。8. B 名词辨析题 。mind :思想感知或思维能力 。brain : (人体器官 )大脑 ;intellect :智力 ;mentality :智力 ,心态 。9. C 固定搭配题 。be convinced of :相信 ,确信 。10. A 固定搭配题 。put the theory to work :将理论付诸实践 。11. B 逻辑关系题 。根据下文 “most of us don t need that kind of skill”可知 ,多动脑并不是指“必需” (necessarily )记住大量的信息 。12. D 词组辨析题 。四个词都表示数量大。amounts of 和 an amount of 后接不可数名词 ;numbers of 和 a number of 后接可数名词的复数形式 。由此可见 amount和 number 在使用单数形式时都应在前面加不定冠词 。13. A 固定搭配题 。be of interest :有意义。“be of+名词”的结构相 当于“be+ (该名词 的 )形容词 。14. B 语义衔接题。根据上文可知 ,研究者认为专 门进行记忆力训练不如让人的大脑总是保持活跃或敏锐的状态 。15. A 逻辑关系题。这里是 both. and. 结构 ,表示并列关系。16. D 语义衔接题 。四个选项 中只有(the) way 后面少跟一个省略介词及关系代词which 的宾语从句,本句在 way 之后省略了 in which 。另外从语义上来讲 ,选 way (方式 )最合适 。17. B 语义衔接及结构题 。根据后文 mentally(头脑方面地 ),得知这里需要与之对应的 physically (身体地 )一词 。18. A 逻辑关系题 。who do 是修饰 those 的定语从句 ,those 表示前文那些mentally active 的人。“do”替代 “keep mentally active”这一行为。19. C 语义衔接题。be likely to do sth :极有可能做某事。possible 不能以人作主语 。20. B 动词辨析题。influence 表示较好的影响,而 affect 往往表示不好的影响。根据意思 ,智力活动对脑细胞的健康和大小都会产生影响,而这种影响是积极的。Cloze 2 In America, people are faced with more and more decisions every day, _1_ its pick-ing one of thirty-one ice cream _2_, or deciding whether and when to get married. That sounds like a _3_ thing, but as a recent study has shown, too many choices can make us confused, even paralyzed _4_ indecision. “Thats particularly true _5_ it comes to the work place,” says Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human behavior. Students_6_ with a variety of skills and interests, but often nd themselves _7_ when they are to choose an ultimate career _8_ . In a stud
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