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对高中英语教学中文化导入课例的分析和思考富阳学院教师教育中心 张曙光摘 要 英语是一种有丰富文化内涵的语言,在英语教学中导入英语文化知识、文化背景、文化传统等是非常必要的;同时,英语教学中的文化导入要符合一定要求,并应遵循某些基本原则。关键词 英语教学;文化导入;要求;原则The Analyses of the Samples of Presentation of Culture in English Teaching*Zhang ShuguangAbstract: English is a language which contains rich connotation. It is necessary to present English cultural knowledge, cultural background, cultural tradition and so on in the course of teaching of English. On the other hand, this kind of presentation should fulfil certain requirements and be on some basic principles. Key words: teaching of English; presentation of culture; requirement; principle 随着各种跨文化交流的日益频繁,除了迅速提高外语水平外,增强世界意识和全球观念、了解世界各国的文化,已成为社会的发展对我国外语教学提出的新要求、新目标。教育部颁布的普通高中英语课程标准指出:语言有丰富的文化内涵。在英语教学中,文化主要指英语国家的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、价值观念等。接触和了解英语国家的文化有利于对英语的理解和使用,有利于加深对本国文化的理解与认识,有利于培养世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。因此,在英语教学活动中适当地导入文化知识、文化背景、文化传统等是完全必要的。那么,英语文化导入应采取何种方式?有没有应遵循的原则?为此,笔者在深入高中英语课堂听课的时候收集了不少课例,现拿出两个来与读者共同探讨。课例 1 大不列颠的历史文化背景的导入SEC 1B Unit 22 Britain and Ireland T: Today were going to talk about Britain and Ireland. But first of all, Id like to listen to your answers to the questions. OK? Ss: OK!T: What does UK stand for? Ss: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.T: Why was Great Britain so called ? Ss: ( No answer )T: Do you think it was because the British felt proud of themselves?Ss: ( Some say “yes”, some say “no”, others have no idea.)T: ( At the very moment, the teacher tells the background.)There were three little Britons before King George I ruled Britain. They were Scotland, England and Wales. Later, in order to tell Britain from any of the little ones, They called Britain Great Britain. Are you clear now? Ss: Yes, sir. T: Now, lets find Great Britain on the map. 点评 1: 课一开始老师用 “Today were going to talk about Britain and Ireland”这样一句简洁的英语点明本节语言课的主题,紧接着又用“What does UK stand for?” “Why is Great Britain so called?” “Do you think it is because the British feel very proud of themselves?” 三个问题启发学生,很快就激起了学生对 Great Britain 有关背景文化的求知欲望,从而顺利完成了文化导入。它的着眼点和立足点既是同语言教学有关文化的背景,又与课堂教学材料密切相关;既注意到与课堂语言教学之间的过度、衔接,又体现了实用、适度和平等的原则。整个过程清晰、自然而又不失精彩。课例 2 英语单词 peasant文化内涵的导入 T: Its a beautiful day, isnt it? Ss: Yes, sir. T: Id like to know what the people in the countryside usually do on a beautiful day. Will you please tell me something about it ?Sa: They usually work in the fields. T: How do you know that ? Sa: My father is a peasant. And my family live in the countryside.T: Thank you. And whats your father, Sb ?Sb: Hes a farmer. Hes always busy with the farm work in the fields. T: Excellent! Now , class. As we know, As father is a peasant while Bs father is a farmer. Is that different ?Ss: ( Some say “no”, some say “yes”, and some have no idea.) T: Well, their fathers both live in the country and work in the fields. They may have similar jobs. Right? Ss: Yes, sir.T: But the words “peasant” and “farmer” do not always have the same idea in the foreign countries, especially in America. Peasant means person who lives on a small piece of land in Europe while farmer means person who owns or lives on a farm. In America peasant usually refers to a rather uneducated person. Here are the two very examples: 1. She was a complete peasant when she came here .2. Come, come , Tony, you peasant ! Are you clear now? Ss: Yes, sir. Thank you.T: Well, lets see a farmer named Dick, who lives in the west of England. Today he is working in the fields with his friend Tim, who is helping him. Now they are talking. Please listen to them attentively. 点评 2:这例文化导入是与语言课的导入同时进行的。课堂开始老师与学生自由对话,从天气到田间农活再到乡村农民 peasant 和 farmer,谈论的话题亲切、实际、贴近生活,再加上两个生动、恰当的举例,使学生在一种轻松自然的语言环境中准确地理解 peasant 的文化内涵,然后又借助 peasant 的文化内涵巧妙地转到了语言课的导入。它体现了对英语文化导入的一个基本要求:即英语教学中对文化的介绍是为加强学生对英语的实际掌握而服务的,它不是“为文化而文化”。另外,在这例英语文化导入中,师生使用英语进行互动,为英语课堂教学增添了必要的语言氛围。师生能在良好的英语语言环境里共同学习英语文化正是普通高中英语课程标准所倡导的。笔者认为,这两个课例带给我们的不仅有英语文化导入的美的享受,而且还有不少带有普遍性的思考:一、英语文化导入应该符合一定的要求。第一,文化导入的着眼点和立足点不是单纯的文化本身,而是词语文化以及同语言教学文化有关的文化背景。第二,既不能脱离教材漫无边际地一味强调文化知识的介绍,也不能把文化的介绍作为课堂教学的主要内容。二、英语文化导入应该遵循某些基本原则。例如:第一,实用性原则,即与教材有密切联系。若脱离教材,在“文化内涵”上大讲特讲,讲多练少,势必冲击英语课的实践性。第二,适度性原则。文化与语言密不可分,文化无所不在。因此,文化应随着语言水平的提高而更重要,英语文化教学的比重也应随着加大。第三,平等性原则。语言是文化的载体,又是文化的组成部分,在英语教学中不重视文化显然会落后于客观的需要。但是我们在给学生介绍文化时,对于我们本族的文化既不能妄自菲薄,也不能妄自尊大;对于外民族的文化既不能随意贬低,也不要崇洋媚外。因为了解和熟悉所学语言国家的文化,目的在于更顺畅地进行交流,而非其它。三、英语文化导入有利于对语言的理解和使用,可采取不同的方式来激发学生的学习积极性及兴趣;同时要考虑以下方面:第一,教师不仅要注意语言形式的正确性,还必须重视语言运用是否恰当;第二,随着电教事业的发展,电视、电影、电脑是了解西方文化的一种有效手段,可借助于文化导入;第三,引导学生课外阅读时,要他们留心和积累英语文化背景、社会习俗等方面的材料。最后,英语文化导入对高中英语教师提出更高要求。要想在英语教学中渗透文化知识,教师必须首先找到这些文化点,并有能力对这些文化点加以介绍和说明。这就要求教师不仅要有准确扎实的英语语言基本功,还应具有较高的文化素养。了解中国的文化,还要熟悉其他国家、尤其是英语国家的文化,了解中西方文化的差异,以及这些差异对英语语义和语用造成的影响。主要参考文献:1 常汝吉 英语课程标准M 。 北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2001。 2 宋学侠 英语教学应增加文化含量 J。基础教育外语教学研究,总第 16 期。
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