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班级:09 英本 2 班 姓名:刘骄阳 学号:09110321006 1北 京 城 市 学 院 国 际 语 言 文 化 学 部 考核试卷答题纸2011-2012 学年第一学期期末课程名称:英美文学选读 使用班级:09 英本 1-6、11 英语专接本 考试时间:三周 考核方式 : 论文 题号格式(10)语法(20)内容(70)总分(100)阅卷人签字得分-要求: (1)字号:小四;字体:Times New Roman;行距:1.5 倍;纸张:A4;(2)英文撰写;字数:不少于 1000 英文单词;要求用自己的语言表达,切忌抄袭。(3)满分:100 分。(4)在论文之前要附上论文的大纲(5)最后要附上参考书目。班级:09 英本 2 班 姓名:刘骄阳 学号:09110321006 2OutlineIIntroduct ionII Analysis of Antonio2.1 Antonios attitude towards Shylock2.2 The relationship between Antonio and BassanioIII ConclusionsBibliography班级:09 英本 2 班 姓名:刘骄阳 学号:09110321006 3Analysis of AntonioI. IntroductionThe merchant of Venice is written by Shakespeare. It is Shakespeares early comedy which is full of social satire. The Merchant of Venice talks about the affairs between Bassanio, Portia, Shylock and Antonio.Antonio is a Venice merchant who is best friends with Bassanio and often supports him with loans. He is wealthy, but at the start of the play, all of his money is tied up with his five ships which are at sea. He takes a loan from Shylock, a Jewish money lender who he has mistreated in the past. The forfeiture of the bond is a pound of his flesh. Unfortunately, all of his ships were broken in a storm. He realized that he were not able to pay the money back to Shylock on time. When he were getting ready to be executed, Portia pretended a judge and saved him. Antonio is an example of what is considered a good Christian in the playhe is generous and by their standard, merciful. It seems that he is spotless and lackluster. But there are some queries about him. what things does Shakespeare want to show in this character? We need to explore them gradually.In my papers, I will discuss the Antonios character, and analyse the relationship with Shylock, Antonio and Bassanio. I want to reveal a new Antonio in the essay.IIAnalysis of Antonio2.1 Antonios attitude towards Shylock班级:09 英本 2 班 姓名:刘骄阳 学号:09110321006 4Shylock is a rich Jew. He makes a living by usury. But it is against the Christian law. So in the eyes of Antonio, Shylock is a sinner. He detested Shylocks behavior. Furthermore, both of them are wealthy, if Shylock is a poor usurer, Antonio will not notice and insult him. But the Jew is as rich as Antonio. Merchants always tend to envy the people who is equally rich. Even Antonio is mercy, but he is still a merchant. This is a nature of traders, he is unable to get rid of it. And shylocks treasure is earned by a illegal way, this fact makes his envy converts into indignation. He vents his discontentment by denouncing Antonios illegality. And his insult is compounded by Antonios self-surrender.On the other hand, Antonio didnt really hate Antonio. He disdained him. Because when he cant lend money to help Bassanio, he talked with Shylock to persuade him to lend money to Bassanio. He even didnt afraid that the rich Jew would refuse his request. It is obvious that Antonio never regarded Shylock as a human. But Shylock really hated him, and he wanted to revenge. So he demanded that if it was not repaid in time, the forfeiture was a pound of Antonios flesh. Antonio was not fool, he knew that it is a plot. But he accepted the demand without any hesitate. It shows that Antonio is rather conceited.2.2 The relationship between Antonio and BassanioBassanio was best friends with Antonio and often borrowed money from Antonio. As his friend, Antonio was willing to do everything for him. In the play, in order to help Bassanio to borrow 3000 ducats, Antonio was be willing to cut one pound of flesh from his chest as penalty. He is generosity. As a merchant he should be scrimp, but in Antonios eyes, Bassanio is everything. In the court, when face to Bassanio, he acts as a poet. Both Shylock and Antonio are merchant. But compared with Shylock, he is more grace. He likes a saint, and also likes a prince who frees from mortal life to say good by to his lover. Only a little: I am armd and well prepared.Give me your hand, Bassanio; fare you well.Commend me to your honourable wife;Tell her the process of Antonios end;Say how I loved you; speak me fair in death;And, when the tale is told, bid her be judge班级:09 英本 2 班 姓名:刘骄阳 学号:09110321006 5Whether Bassanio had not once a love.Either did he criticize Bassanio, nor did he asked him to avenge for him, he just clasped Bassanios hand and expressed his love to Bassanio. He begged Bassanio to tell his death to his wife. And let his wife to judge him, in fact , he want to get the answer from Bassanio, who loves him more. And Bassanio give him a answer:Antonio, I am married to a wifeWhich is as dear to me as life itself;But life itself, my wife, and all the world,Are not with me esteemed above your life;I would lose al
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