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1New Concept English IIILesson 1 A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮Pumas are large, cat-like animals _are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo _a wild puma _(spot) forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken_(serious). _, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged _ investigate, for the descriptions _(give) by people who claimed to_(see) the puma were_ (extraordinary )similar.The hunt _ the puma began in a small village_a woman _(pick) blackberries saw a large cat only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being _ it is cornered. The search proved difficult,_ the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at_ place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals _ rabbits. Paw prints were seen in _ number of places and puma fur was found _(cling) to bushes. Several people complained of cat-like noises at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, _where had it come from? _no pumas had been reported_(miss) from any zoo in the country, this one must _(be) in the_(possess) of a private_(collect) and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. _ is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一Our vicar _ always_(raise) money for one cause or_, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock_(repair). The big clock _ used to _(strike) the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.One night, _, our vicar woke up _ a start: the clock was striking the hours! _(look)at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times_ it stopped. _(arm) with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock 2tower to see _ was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight _ a figure _ he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.Whatever are you doing up here Bill? asked the vicar _ surprise. Im trying to repair the bell, answered Bill. Ive been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you _ surprise.You certainly _ give me a surprise! said the vicar. Youve probably woken up everyone in the village _ well. Still, Im glad the bell is working again.Thats the trouble, vicar, answered Bill. Its working all right, _ Im afraid that at one oclock it will strike thirteen times and _ is nothing I can do about it.Well get used _ that, Bill, said the vicar. Thirteen is not as good _one, but its better than nothing. Now lets go downstairs and have a cup of tea.Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神Some time ago, _ interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple _ stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been _(prosperity) , for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses - often three storeys high - were built of stone. They had large rooms _ beautifully _(decorate) walls. The city was equipped _ a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used _ a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. _ Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains _(date) from the fifteenth century B.C. Its _(miss) head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must _(find) in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists _(construct) the fragments, they were _(amaze)to find that the goddess turned_ to be a very modern-_(look) woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. _ her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, _far, the archaeologists have been_(able) to discover 3her identity.Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活 These days, people who do manual work often receive far_ mon
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