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IContentsAbstractIIIntroduction11. Reasons for the Shaping of Maggies Character31.1 The Exterior Reason31.2 The Interior Reason52. Maggies Attitude toward Love and Marriage82.1 Maggies Attitude toward Marriage82.2 Maggies Attitude toward Love93. Maggies Influence on Her Children133.1 Maggies Daughter Justine 133.2 Maggies Son Dane15Conclusion17Works Cited19II浅析荆棘鸟中梅吉的性格摘要:考琳麦卡洛是当代澳大利亚一位多才多艺的女作家。她著名的家世小说荆棘鸟在1977 年问世后,引起了极大的轰动。该书通过描写克利里一家三代在澳大利亚的人生经历和情感历程,生动地刻画了女主人公梅吉与后来成为了红衣主教的拉夫尔之间缠绵悱恻的爱情故事。小说不仅有丰富的生活内容,而且具有复杂的故事情节,为刻画人物性格起了重要的艺术作用。在作品塑造的众多特色鲜明的人物中,最成功的莫过于对女主人公梅吉这一集热情、勇敢于一体的核心人物的塑造。本文拟从三个方面对梅吉的性格特征进行分析。一是梅吉性格形成的外部原因和内部原因;二就是梅吉对爱情与婚姻的态度;三是梅吉性格对孩子的影响,从而展现这一形象所赋予作品的永恒的魅力。 关键词:梅吉的性格;外因;内因;爱情;婚姻An Analysis of Maggies Character in The Thorn BirdsAbstract: Colleen McCullough is a versatile contemporary Australian woman writer. Her famous family saga “The Thorn Birds” caused tremendous sensation after publication in 1977. The novel follows the personal and emotional experience of the three generations of the Clearies, vividly depicts a beautiful and sentimental love story between Maggie, the female character and Ralph, a Cardinal afterwards. Not only does the novel have a rich content but also the complex plots have an important artistic effect on shaping the characters in the novel. Among all the roles, Maggie is the most successful one who is full of passion and courage. This article analyzes the character of Maggie from three aspects: the first one is the exterior and internal reasons for the shaping of her character; the second one is her attitude toward her love and marriage; the last one is her influence on her children. The analysis aims at showing the eternal charm of the image, Maggie. Key Words: Maggies character; exterior reason; interior reason; love; marriage1IntroductionThe Thorn Birds is a family saga written by the Australian female writer Colleen McCullough, who was born in Wellington, New South Wales, Australia on June 1, 1937, and she was chiefly brought up in Sydney. McCullough is a prolific writer. In 1972 she wrote Tim, her first try at producing a novel for publication. This book sold very respectably. Then she began her second book The Thorn Birds in 1975. This book eventually sold more than ten million copies. In the following years, she wrote many more novels, which are not mentioned here one by one. Colleen McCulloughs novel The Thorn Birds has been hailed as a success of world film and literature and has been the best seller for years. Often, The Thorn Birds is compared to another historical romance novel of epic proportions, Gone with the wind. It is frequently called the Australian “Gone with the Wind”. The Thorn Birds has been translated into multiple languages and is still in print with a steady speed all over the world. And it is one of the Australian novels that the Chinese readers know best. The Thorn Birds tells us a story started from 1915 and lasted more than half a century. Maggie is the central character, and the story opens in New Zealand with the whole familys struggle to survive on the farm. The main clue of the novel is the beautiful and sentimental love story between Maggie, a farmers daughter, and Ralph, the bishop of Catholicism, describing the personal and emotional experience of the three generations of the Clearies. The writer of this book, Colleen McCullough, compresses every aspect of life into a brilliant book. By depicting the Clearies frustrations of emotional experiences, she managed to show us the truth that its necessary to pay an inconceivable cost for the magnificent things and true love. Without any doubt, in the story, the most conspicuous thorn bird is Maggie, while her
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