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Unit 11.Excuse me, but are you2.Im , your guide from 3.How was the flight? 4.It was a fantastic/ nice flight.5.Is this your first trip to China/Beijing?6.I suppose you must be rather tired after the long flight.7.Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?8. On behalf of, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to you.9. I will be at your disposal.10. I hope you will have a good time in1.对不起,请问你是吗?2.我是,来自的导游。3.旅途如何?4.真是个棒的/好的旅行。5 这是你第一次来中国/北京吗?6.我想您在长时间旅途后一定很累。7.女士们、先生们请注意!8 我代表, 对您的到来表示热烈的欢迎。9.我将竭诚为您服务。10.我希望您能在玩得愉快。课后单词一definite adj. 明确的, 一定的 generally adv. 一般, 通常, 一般地 division n. 分开,公司, (军事)师, 分配, 分界线 recreational adj. 休养的, 娱乐的 respond to vt. 响应 ,对.起反应 inducement n. 诱导, 诱因, 动机, 刺激物 make up v.弥补, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑 elastic adj. 弹性的 inelastic adj. 无弹性的 schedule n.时间表, 进度表 v.确定时间 dependable adj.可靠的 prosperous adj. 繁荣的 tourism n. 观光事业, 游览二 tour n. 旅行, 游历, 旅游 fantastic adj. 幻想的, 奇异的 eager adj. 热心于 , 渴望着 reservation n. 保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约 recognize v. 认出 ceremony n. 典礼 , 仪式 luxurious adj. 豪华的 disposal n. 布置, 安排Unit 21. Welcome to Wang Fujing Grand Hotel. Can I help you?2. Have you made a reservation, Madam?3.Weve booked two suites, two twins and a single for4. Here are registration forms. Please fill them out.5. May I help you with your luggage, Madam?6. Our hotel provides excellent room service.7. Is there any other way to have room service?8. Do you accept Visa credit card?1.欢迎您来到酒店。我能帮您吗?2.女士,您有预定吗?3.我们为订了两个套间、两个双人房间和一个单人房间。4.这是登记表,请您填上。5.先生,能帮您搬行李吗?6.我们酒店有很好的客房服务。7.还有没有其他形式的客房服务?8.您这可以用 VISA 信用卡吗?课后单词一contemporary adj. 当代的,同时代的 classify vt. 把分类 category n. 种类,类目;范畴 accommodate vt. 容纳;供应,供给 permanently adv.永久地,持久地 facility n. 设备, 工具 chef n. 厨师 arrangement n. 排列, 安排二suite n. 套房 registration n. 注册, 报到, 登记 assistance n. 协助, 援助, 补助dial vt. 拨号 luggage n. 行李, 皮箱 laptop n. 膝上型电脑 portable adj. 轻便的, 手提( 式) 的, 便携式的三imperial adj. 帝国的 dynasty n. 王朝;朝代 rectangular adj. 矩形的 complex n. 联合体 hectare n. 公顷 reign n. 君主统治;支配 feudal adj. 封建的 supreme adj. 最高的;最大的Unit 31.The public transportation inis developing rapidly these years.2. Some buses are equipped with air-conditioners.3. Well, Id like to experience how local citizens use subway service.4.Wow, what a stately platform! Its so clean and bright! 5. Lets get our tickets at the automatic ticket booth.6. The fare is based on the distance.7. Hello, where do you want to go, Madam?8. Let me put your bag in the trunk.9. Thank you. I can do it myself.10. Will you please fasten your safety belt?1.近些年来公共交通在发展的非常迅速。2.有些公交车装有空调。3.嗯,我想体验一下当地居民是怎样使用地铁服务的。4.哇,多么堂皇的站台啊!这么干净明亮!5.让我们到自动售票机那买票。6.车票价钱根据距离所定。7.你好,你想去哪里,女士?8.让我帮你把包放到后备箱里吧。9.谢谢。我自己可以做。10.你能把安全带系紧吗?课后单词一Copenhagen n.哥本哈根 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)efficiently adv.有效率地, 有效地 inexpensive adj. 便宜的, 不贵重的 drawback n. 缺点, 障碍accumulate v.积累,积聚 premium a. 鼓励,奖励 eligible adj. 有权的,有资格的二 magnetic adj. 磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的 detector n. 探测器, 检波器, 检电器convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 accompany n. 陪伴, 伴奏 turnstil n. 十字转门 viaduct n.高架桥 scenic adj. 景色优美的Unit 41.Can you do that for me?2.Is this price negotiable? Is there any discount?3.Its the lowest price and no room for bargaining.4.Id like to buy a gift made in China for, what can you recommend?5. Have a look at these clothes, please. We have a large assortment of them.6. What can I do for you?7. Cash or credit?8. How much does it come to?9. Let me figure it out. That amounts to 10. I appreciate your service very much.1.你能帮我吗?2.价钱还可以商量么?有没有折扣?3.这是最低价钱了,没有划价的余地了。4.我想买一个中国制造的礼物送给,你能推荐一下吗?5.看看这些衣服吧。 我们这有很多种类。6.能帮您吗?7.用现金结账还是用信用卡?8.总共多少钱?9.让我算一下。总计10.感谢您的服务。课后单词一statistically adv. 统计上地, 统计地 souvenir n. 纪念品 tend to v. 注意, 趋向 reasonable adj. 合理的, 有道理的, 通情达理的 prospective adj. 预期的,有望的, 盼望中的 handicraft n. 手工艺,手工艺品, 手艺 feature n. 容貌,特色, 特写 exquisite adj. 优美的,高雅的,精致的 workmanship n.手艺,技艺,作工,技巧 stimulate v.刺激,激励 shoddy adj. 以次充好的,假冒的 n.赝品 vulgar adj.粗俗的,庸俗的 unreasonable adj. 不讲道理的,不合理的 component n.成分; adj.组成的,构成的 cloisonn n.景泰蓝瓷器二mascot n. 福神, 吉祥的东西 embody vt. 具体表达, 使具体化, 包含, 收录 panda n. 熊猫 Tibetan adj. 西藏的 , 藏族的 antelope n. 羚羊 swallow n. 燕子 flame n. 火焰 rhyming n. 押韵 syllable n. 语音节 reflect v. 反射, 反映, 表现, 反省, 细想ambassador n. 大使 decorate v. 装饰, 为.做室内装修 costume n.装束, 服装 assortment n. 分类 robe n. 长袍, 罩衣, 礼服, 制服 collar n. 抓住.的领口头颈symbolize vt. 象征, 用符号表现 phoenix n. 凤凰, 长生鸟, 完人, 完美之物 harmonious adj. 和谐的, 协调的, 和睦的, 悦耳的 bargaining n. 议价, 讨价, 商讨, 商谈, 交易, 交涉 overstock n. 过多的进货, 库存过剩 faulty adj. 有过失的, 有缺点的, 不完美的, 不完善的三West Lake 西湖 Tiger-running Sprin
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