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12014 级背诵段落(英语一)1. The Lantern Festival brings people to the streets with a multitude of lanterns of great variety and color. Believed to be of Taoist origins, and dating from the Han dynasty (206 BC 220 AD), the Lantern Festival also includes special foods, such as yuanxiao, a sweet stuffed sticky/glutinous rice dumpling, which symbolizes family unity, completeness, and happiness. As with most other Chinese festivals, the Lantern Festival is characterized by dragon dancing, playing Chinese games, and lighting and setting off firecrackers.在元宵节,人们会打着灯笼,来到挂满各式各样、色彩缤纷的灯笼的大街上赏灯。据说元宵节起源于道家,历史可追溯到汉朝(前 206 - 220)。元宵节也有特殊的食品,如糯米做的有甜馅的元宵,象征家庭团结、和睦与幸福。和其他大多数中国节日一样,元宵节典型的庆祝活动包括舞龙、中国传统游戏和燃放烟花爆竹。2. Peking Opera (Beijing Opera) is the national opera of China. It was performed mostly on stages fit up in the streets, at markets, teahouses, and temple courtyards. Over its more than two hundred years of history, Peking Opera underwent a variety of developments, picking up the influence of local opera traditions of other cities. It possesses a distinctive liveliness, with colorful and fast-paced scenes based on ancient Chinese myths, legends, and fables. It became a popular form of entertainment for the common people during the reigns of the Qing Emperor Qianlong and the Qing Empress Dowager Cixi. 京剧是中国的国剧,最初主要在大街和集市上、茶馆和寺庙的院子里搭起舞台进行表演。京剧在其两百多年的历史中,经历了多个发展阶段,吸收了其他地方传统戏剧的影响。京剧剧情取材于中国神话、传说和寓言,舞台色彩斑斓,布景变换节奏快,焕发出独具特色的勃勃生机。在清朝乾隆皇帝和慈禧太后统治期间,京剧发展成为群众喜闻乐见的戏剧形式。3. The Mid-Autumn Festival, on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, is one of the Chinese traditional festivals. It is said that the moon is at its biggest and roundest on that day. There are many legends about this festival, among which Chang E flying to the moon is the most well-known. Although customs differ in different districts, enjoying/watching the beautiful moon is usually the most popular activity. On that day when the moon rises, all the family members will sit around the table to talk and enjoy the glorious full moon as well as the fruit and desserts such as mooncakes, pomegranates and dates.农历八月十五是中国的传统节日中秋节。传说月亮在这一天最大最圆。中秋节的传说是非常丰富的,嫦娥奔月是最为人所熟知的故事。虽然各地风俗不同,但是赏月是最流行的活动。每当中秋月亮升起,人们会将月饼、石榴、枣子等瓜果供于桌案上,全家人围桌而坐,边吃边谈,共赏明月。24. Paper cutting is one of Chinas most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.5. China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China has tea plants as early as five to six thousand years ago, and human civilization of tea plants can date back two thousand years. Tea from China, along with the silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has always been an important Chinese export. At present, more than forty countries in the world grow tea with Asian countries producing 90% of the worlds total output. All tea trees in other countries have their origin directly or indirectly in China.6. The game of go, originated in China, is the earliest form of chess in the world. Playing go exercises brain and enhances ones sense of logic. At the same time, it can also cultivate temperament, and build up the character of perseverance and calmness. Therefore, go has become more and more popular with young people. Today, it has spread to more than 40 countries and regions. Players from China, Japan and Korea are of the highest skill in the world. Go has been developed into a very important international contest.围棋起源于中国,是世界上最古老的棋类。围棋是一种智力型运动,学围棋即可锻炼人们的逻辑思维能力,又能陶冶性情,培养人们顽强、冷静、沉着的性格。因此,它越来越受到现代人的欢迎。现在,世界上已有 40 多个国家和地区开展了围棋运动。其中,以中国、日本、韩国的围棋运动水平最高。围棋已发展成为一种重要的国际体育竞赛项目。7. The giant panda is loved by the people of China and other countries. A national treasure in China, the giant panda is protected by law. Recent genetic tests have confirmed that pandas are related to bears, with which they have more than a little in common, including their size, shape, and ways of walking and climbing. The panda is an ancient species, believed to have come into 3existence two or three million years ago. Early pandas were carnivores, but over time, they have evolved to omnivores, which consume a diet mostly of bamboo and, occasionally, meat.大熊猫受到中国人民和世界各地人们的喜爱。作为中国的国宝,大熊猫受到法律保护。近期的基因测试表明,熊猫和熊是近亲,而且它们在个头、外型以及行走和攀爬方式上都有很多相似之处。熊猫是一种古老的物种,据信已经存在了两三百万年。熊猫最初是食肉动物,但随着时间的推移,已经慢慢演变成杂食动物,以竹为主食,偶尔也吃肉。8. Spring Festival (the Lunar New Year) is the most important holiday of the Chinese calendar. Celebrated throughout China, Spring Festival, or the Lunar New Year, symbolizes the return of spring and
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