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唐朝服饰元素在现代服装设计中的应用摘要唐代是中国封建社会最发达的时代,国家统一,经济繁荣。从出土丰富的唐代史料中可以看出当时服饰的丰富和华丽,它对外来衣冠服饰的广为吸收,使这一时期服饰大放异彩,更富特色。唐人的服饰融合了西域异族的服饰文化,且大胆创新,是中国服装史上最多彩、最丰富的时期。由此可见,唐朝服饰对现代服装业的发展有着重大的影响效果,众多唐朝服饰元素仍被广泛的应运用现代服饰设计中。文章从服饰图案、面料、款式、色彩、工艺五方面着手,分析唐朝服饰元素在现代服装设计中的应用。关键词:唐朝服饰;元素;现代设计;应用ABSTRACTTang dynasty was the most developed in Chinese feudal society .National unity ,Economic prosperity .From the Tang Dynasty unearthed rich in historical data can be seen when the rich and gorgeous costumes ,its costume is widely absorb,and it make this period costumes more characteristics.The Tang costume the West fusion alien costume culture, and bold innovation, so it is the most colorful Chinese clothing history moment, and the most abundant period .Thus, dress of Tang Dynasty on the development of the modern garment industry has a significant effect. so ,many Tang Dynasty costumes element still is widely applied in modern fashion design .This article from the dress design, fabric, style, color, process five aspects in tang dynasty, analysis apparel elements the application of modern fashion design .KEYWORDS: Tang dynasty accessories; Elements; Modern design; application目录摘要 .1ABSTRACT.1目录 .2第一章 绪论 .31.1 研究目的及意义 .31.1.1 研究目的 .31.1.2 研究意义 .31.2 国内外研究状况 .31.2.1 国内研究状况 .31.2.2 国外研究状况 .3第二章 唐朝服饰 .32.1 男子服饰 .32.1.1 圆领袍衫 .32.1.2 璞头 .42.2 女子服饰 .42.2.1 襦裙 .42.2.2 半臂 .42.2.3 披帛 .42.2.4 胡服 .4第三章 唐朝服饰元素以及运用 .43.1 服装纺织工艺 .43.1.1 织 .43.1.2 绣 .43.1.3 绘 .43.1.4 颉 .43.1.5 贴 .43.2.1 现代设计中的应用 .5结语 .5致谢 .
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