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基于.NET 的大型 Web站点 StackOverflow架构分析Stack Overflow 网址:http:/stackoverflow.com/当前访问量:每月 9500PV(每天 300 多万 PV)当前 Alexa 排名:149所用.NET 技术:C#、Visual Studio 2010 Team Suite、ASP.NET 4、ASP.NET MVC 3、Razor、LINQ to SQL+raw SQL下面是英文原文:A lot has happened since my first article on the Stack Overflow Architecture(2009-8-5). Contrary to the theme of that last article, which lavished attention on Stack Overflows dedication to a scale-up strategy, Stack Overflow has both grown up and out in the last few years.自从 2009 年 8 月发布了第一篇关于“Stack Overflow 架构”方面的文章,Stack Overflow 已经发生了很大的变化。那篇文章更多关注的是 Stack Overflow 如何解决网站的扩展性(scale-up)问题,而经过几年的发展,Stack Overflow 已经长大成人,成长为了大型网站。Stack Overflow has grown up by more then doubling in size to over 16 million users and multiplying its number of page views nearly 6 times to 95 million page views a month. 现在与 2009 年相比, Stack Overflow 每月独立访问用户翻了一倍,超过 1600 万;每月 PV 翻了近 6 倍,达到 9500 万。Stack Overflow has grown out by expanding into the Stack Exchange Network, which includes Stack Overflow, Server Fault, and Super User for a grand total of 43 different sites. Thats a lot of fruitful multiplying going on.Stack Overflow 新增了很多站点,比如 Server Fault, Super User 等,共有 43 个不同站点组成了 Stack Exchange Network,可谓硕果累累,迅猛增长。What hasnt changed is Stack Overflows openness about what they are doing. And thats what prompted this update. A recent series of posts talks a lot about how theyve been handling their growth: Stack Exchanges Architecture in Bullet Points, Stack Overflows New York Data Center, Designing For Scalability of Management and Fault Tolerance, Stack Overflow Search Now 81% Less, Stack Overflow Network Configuration, Does StackOverflow use caching and if so, how?, Which tools and technologies build the Stack Exchange Network?.Stack Overflow 的变化翻天覆地,而不变的是他们开放的心态,所以才有了这篇架构分享的文章。最近,他们写了一系列文章分享他们如何应对这样的快速增长。Some of the more obvious differences across time are:穿越时空,我们来看看有哪些明显的变化? Just More. More users, more page views, more datacenters, more sites, more developers, more operating systems, more databases, more machines. Just a lotmore of more.更多:更多的用户,更多的 PV,更多的数据中心,更多的站点,更多的开发者,更多的操作系统,更多的数据库,更多的服务器. Linux. Stack Overflow was known for their Windows stack, now they are using a lot more Linux machines for HAProxy, Redis, Bacula, Nagios, logs, and routers. All support functions seem to be handled by Linux, which has required the development of parallel release processes. Linux:Stack Overflow 因使用 Windows 系统而著称,现在他们使用越来越多的Linux 服务器,比如 HAProxy(负载均衡), Redis(NoSQL 数据库), Bacula(数据备份系统), Nagios(远程监控软件), 日志, 路由器都运行于 Linux 系统,几乎所有需要并行处理的功能都是由 Linux 处理( 这句话的翻译可能不准确)。 Fault Tolerance. Stack Overflow is now being served by two different switches on two different internet connections, theyve added redundant machines, and some functions have moved to a second datacenter.容错:Stack Overflow 使用了两条不同的互联网线路,增加了更多的冗余服务器,将一些网站服务运行于第二个数据中心。 NoSQL. Redis is now used as a caching layer for the entire network. There wasnt a separate caching tier before so this a big change, as is using a NoSQL database on Linux.NoSQL:Redis 作为整个网站的缓存层。这是一个巨大的改变,以前并没有将缓存作为一个独立的层分离出来。Redis 运行于 Linux。Unfortunately, I couldnt find any coverage on some of the open questions I had last time, like how they were going to deal with multi-tenancy across so many diffrent properties, but theres still plenty to learn from. Heres a roll up a few different sources:遗憾的是,一些我关注的问题并没有从中找到答案,比如面对这么多不同的系统,如何解决多租户的问题(Multi-tenancy 是一种软件体系结构,在这种体系结构中软件运行在 software as a service 服务商的服务器上,服务于多个客户组织即 tenant)。但是,从中我们依然可以学到很多。下面是收集的一些数据列表:The Stats 95 Million Page Views a Month 800 HTTP requests a second 180 DNS requests a second 55 Megabits per second 16 Million Users - Traffic to Stack Overflow grew 131% in 2010, to 16.6 million global monthly uniques. Data Centers 1 Rack with Peak Internet in OR (Hosts our chat and Data Explorer) 2 Racks with Peer 1 in NY (Hosts the rest of the Stack Exchange Network)Hardware 10 Dell R610 IIS web servers (3 dedicated to Stack Overflow):o 1x Intel Xeon Processor E5640 2.66 GHz Quad Core with 8 threadso 16 GB RAMo Windows Server 2008 R2 2 Dell R710 database servers:o 2x Intel Xeon Processor X5680 3.33 GHzo 64 GB RAMo 8 spindleso SQL Server 2008 R2 2 Dell R610 HAProxy servers:o 1x Intel Xeon Processor E5640 2.66 GHzo 4 GB RAMo Ubuntu Server 2 Dell R610 Redis servers:o 2x Intel Xeon Processor E5640 2.66 GHzo 16 GB RAMo CentOS 1 Dell R610 Linux backup server running Bacula:o 1x Intel Xeon Processor E5640 2.66 GHzo 32 GB RAM 1 Dell R610 Linux management server for Nagios and logs:o 1x Intel Xeon Processor E5640 2.66 GHzo 32 GB RAM 2 Dell R610 VMWare ESXi domain controllers:o 1x Intel Xeon Processor E5640 2.66 GHzo 16 GB RAM 2 Linux routers 5 Dell Power Connect switchesDev Tools C#: Language Visual Studio 2010 Team Suite: IDE Microsoft ASP.NET (version 4.0): Framework ASP.NET MVC 3: Web Framework Razor: View Engine jQuery 1.4.2: Browser Framework: LINQ to SQL, some raw SQL: Data Access La
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