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Dashan: Now that youre in Canada, its important to practise yourEnglish. You have to promise to speak English all the time.大山:现在我们在加拿大了,这可是一个练习英文的好机会,你们可要时时刻刻都说英语。Rumei&Yunbo: Okay, Dashan.如梅 & 云波:好的,大山。Dashan: What colour is your suitcase, Rumei?大山:如梅,你的手提箱是什么颜色的?Rumei: Its blue, Dashan.如梅:是蓝色的。Yunbo: Oh, there it is. Ill get it.云波:喂,在那边呐。我去拿吧。Rumei: Thanks, Yunbo. Be careful. Its heavy.如梅:云波,谢谢你。当心,箱子挺重的。Yunbo: Youre right. It is heavy.云波:让你说对了,还真挺沉。Rumei: Yunbo, this bag isnt my bag.如梅:云波,这个手提箱不是我的。Yunbo: Are you sure?云波:你敢肯定吗?Rumei: Yes, I am. My bag is blue with a red stripe. Oh, there it is.Its next to the brown bag.如梅:肯定不是。我的手提箱是蓝色的,带有一条红色的条纹。嘿,就在那边,紧挨着棕色箱子的那个就是。Yunbo: Ill get it.云波:我去拿。Rumei: Thanks, Yunbo.如梅:谢谢你,云波。Yunbo: Youre welcome.云波:别客气。Monica: Dashan, Im over here.莫尼卡:大山,我在这儿! Dashan: Hi, Monica, its great to see you. Hows everything?大山:莫尼卡,你好!真高兴见到你。 你一切都好吗?Monica: Very good, Dashan. And, how are you?莫尼卡:我很好。你呢?Dashan: Terrific. Rumei and Yunbo, Id like you to meet my sister Monica Gilbert. Monica, meet Su Rumei and Li Yunbo.大山:我很好。如梅,云波,我来介绍你们认识我的姐姐莫尼卡吉尔伯特。莫尼 卡,这位是苏如梅,这位是李云波。Monica: Hi! Nice to meet you.莫尼卡:你好,见到你们我很高兴。Yunbo: Nice to meet you, too, Mrs Gilbert.云波:见到你我们也很高兴!吉尔伯特太太。Monica: Please call me Monica.莫尼卡:就叫我莫尼卡吧。Rumei: Okay, Monica. And please call me Rumei.如梅:好的,莫尼卡。你管我叫如梅吧。Yunbo: Please call me, Yunbo.云波:你叫我云波吧。02Dashan: Rumei and Yunbo are from China. Theyre from Beijing.大山:如梅和云波来自中国,他们是从北京来的。Monica: Really. Youre a long way from home. Welcome to Vancouver.莫尼卡:是这样,那你们可是远离家乡啊。欢迎你们来到温哥华。Yunbo: Thanks, Monica. Were happy to be here. Its a beautiful airport.云波:谢谢你,莫尼卡。来到温哥华我们很高兴。 这飞机场真美。Monica: Yes, its new. It was built in 1996. It links Canada to the world. Planes go to China every day.莫尼卡:是的,机场是新建的,是 1996 年建成的。它将加拿大与世界连成一体。每天都有从这里飞往中国的班机。Yunbo: Really?云波:是吗?Dashan: Monica, Rumei works at a university, too.大山:莫尼卡,如梅也在大学里工作。Monica: Oh. What do you do?莫尼卡:哦,那你是做什么工作的?Rumei: Im an English professor. What do you do, Monica?如梅:我是英语教授。莫尼卡,你是做什么工作的?Monica: Im a librarian. I work at the University of British Columbia.莫尼卡:我是图书管理员。我在不列颠哥伦比亚大学工作。Dashan: Monica is a librarian at the University of British Columbia.大山:莫尼卡是 BC 大学的图书管理员。Rumei: Dashan. Please speak English.如梅:大山,请说英语!Dashan: OK. Sorry, Rumei.大山:好的。对不起,如梅。Monica: And what about you, Yunbo, what do you do?莫尼卡:云波,你呢,你是做什么的?Yunbo: Oh, Im a television director.云波:哦,我是电视台的编导。Rumei: He works at CCTV.如梅:他在 CCTV 工作。Monica: What is CCTV?莫尼卡:CCTV 是什么地方?Yunbo: China Central Television. Its our national television station.云波:是中国中央电视台的简称。Monica: How interesting!莫尼卡:那你的工作可真有趣。Yunbo: I direct news programmes.云波:我是新闻节目的导播。Monica: How exciting!莫尼卡:太有意思了!Dashan: Monica, where is your car?大山:莫尼卡,你的汽车停在哪儿了?Monica: Its outside the terminal. Oh, no! A parking ticket!莫尼卡:就在机场大楼外边。 哎呀,糟了,违章停车罚款通知单!Dialogue 2-1Rumei: This hotel is beautiful.如梅:这家酒店很漂亮。Dashan: Yes, its new. The hotel was built in 1996.大山:对,是新建的。酒店建于 1996 年。Rumei: Dashan, please speak English.如梅:大山,请说英语!Dashan: Sorry, Rumei. The hotel was built in 1996.大山:对不起,如梅。酒店建于 1996 年。Yunbo: Dashan, wheres the front desk?云波:服务台在哪里?Dashan: Its straight ahead.大山:就在正前方。Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help you?服务员:下午好,我能为您效劳吗?Rumei: Yes, I have a reservation. My name is Su Rumei. Su is my family name.如梅:是的。我在这儿预订了房间。 我叫苏如梅,苏是我的姓。Clerk: How do you spell your last name?服务员:您的姓怎么拼写?Rumei: S-U.如梅:S-U。Clerk: So thats Ms Su from Beijing, China. Yes, I have your reservation for a double room.Its for three nights.服务员:哦,是从中国北京来的苏女士。这儿有您订的双人间,住三个晚上。Yunbo: Thats right.云波:对。Clerk: Please sign the registration form.服务员:请在登记表上签名。Rumei: Of course.如梅:好的。Clerk: Your room number is 625. Here are the keys. Do you need a porter?服务员:您的房间是 625 号。这是钥匙。要叫人搬行李吗?Rumei: No, we dont. We dont have many bags. Thanks anyway.如梅:不用了,我们的提包不多,但还是要谢谢你。Yunbo: Where are the elevators?云波:电梯在哪儿?Clerk: The elevators are over there next to the washroom.服务员:电梯在那边,在洗手间旁边。Dashan: Excuse me. Do the rooms have colour televisions?大山:对不起,请问房间内有彩电吗?Clerk: Yes, sir. They do.服务员:有,先生。Dashan: Does the hotel have a coffee shop?大山:酒店里有咖啡厅吗?Clerk: Yes, it does. Its right behind you.服务员:有,就在你的身后。Dashan: Does the hotel have an exercise room?大山:酒店里有健身房吗?Clerk: No, it doesnt. But we have a swimming pool.服务员:没有,不过有游泳池。03Dashan: Look at this. A ski trip to Whistler. Whistler is a famous ski resort.大山:看这张海报,去惠斯勒滑雪旅游,惠斯勒可是个有名的滑雪胜地。Rumei: Dashan, can you ski?如梅:大山,你会滑雪吗?Dashan: Yes, I can. Can you?大山:我会。你会吗?Rumei: Yes, I can. But Yunbo cant ski.如梅:我会,可是云波不会。Yunbo: I can so. But not very well.云波:我会滑,可是滑不好。Rumei: Wheres Whistler?如梅:惠斯勒在什么地方?Dashan: Its near Vancouver. A bus leaves this hotel every day.大山:离温哥华不远。每天有公共汽车从酒店往返。Rumei: How much does it cost?如梅:要多少钱?Dashan: I dont know. Lets ask the clerk at the front desk.大山:我不知道。我们问问服务台的工作人员吧。Clerk: May I help you?服务员:您有什么事吗?Yunbo: Yes. Do you have information about the ski trip to Whistler?云波:是的。有没有关于惠斯勒滑雪旅游的介绍?Clerk: Yes, I do.服务员:有。Yunbo: What time does
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