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1Exercise 1PART V READING COMPREHENSIONIn this section there are several reading passages followed by twenty questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT ATransgenic technology has made certain contributions to enhancing agricultural productivity. By manipulating and crossing the genes of certain species of plants, crops can be healthier, bigger, cleaner and tastier-but the result is frankenfood,” products made from thesemodified plants.Since the United States began to grow gene-modified plants on a large scale in 1996, gene-modified foods have spread throughout the world at an amazing speed. According to a recent survey, the total area devoted worldwide to gene-modified crops increased from 1.7 million hectares in 1996 to 58.67 million hectares in 2002. About 80 percent of this total was planted with gene-modified beans and corns.China has grown gene-modified crops on an area of more than 67,000 hectares and approved to spread six varieties of these crops, including gene-modified tomatoes and rapes. Gene-modified potatoes and peppers have also debuted on the market. Transgenic technology has been applied for growing cotton reached 1.5 million hectares, accounting for one-third of the countrys total cotton output.Beginning on March 20, 2002, China carried out a new provision on management of transgenic agricultural products that the products processed with gene-modified materials must be labelled. On July 1, 2002 the Ministry of Health also issued measures on management of gene-modified food, by which, foods containing modified genes must be labelled.Recently, however, 14 brands of edible oil processed with gene-modified beans found on store shelves had no gene-modified labels. The producers were asked to stop selling the oils and have their products labeled within a limited time.As some people still doubt the safety of frankenfoods, producers do not like to label them, worried about a drop in sales.81. Frankenfood refers toA. the plants whose genes are manipulated and crossedB. the crops developed with transgenic technologyC. food that is healthier, cleaner and tastierD. food made from gene-modified plants82. Which of the following statements is true?A. The supply of gene-modified materials has grown in China.B. The Chinese agriculture largely depends on the transgenic technology.C. So far, the transgenic technology has been applied to six varieties of crops.D. Chinese scientists developed the first gene-modified potato in 2002.83. According to the Ministry of Health in China,A. Since March 20, 2002, all products processed with gene-modified materials have been labelledB. Since March 20, 2002, all products processed with gene-modified materials must be labelledC. Since July 1, 2002, oil made of transgenic beans must be labelled2D. Since July 1. 2002, clothes made of transgenic cotton must be labeled84, The best title for the passage isA. Gene-Modified Crops: New ThreatB. Gene-Modified Crops: Fear of FrankenfoodC. Gene-Modified Crops: Pleasant ProspectD. Gene-Modified Crops: Labelled in ChinaTEXT BTo understand the perspective of third world people it is necessary to understand living conditions and economic conditions in these countries.About one billion people in the third world have only a $20 increase in total income over the last ten years. Sixty-two percent are illiterate; their average life expectancy is fifty years, with an infant mortality rate eight times as high as ours. One out of every two people in these countries is underfed.During the next two decades the world will become four times wealthier but the gap between the rich and poor nations is unlikely to change. According to Professor Ann Carter of Brandies University the annual per capita incomes in North America will increase by the turn of the century to around $25,000 while poor citizens of the third world will struggle to survive on $300 a year. Today the poorest 30 % of humanity have 3 % of the income. The top 20 % has 66%.Most third world countries depend on one or two primary commodities like rubber, sisal or jute, tropical crops like tea, coffee or bananas, and mineral like copper, tin and aluminum for 50%90% of their earnings. The prices of these commodities are unstable, being controlled by the worlds commodities exchanges in Chicago, New York and London.As a result the Western countries buy something like $30 billion worth of third world countries raw materials, process them, and sell them on the world market for $200 billion. The difference is the value added and the jobs created in the so-called rich countries of Europe, Canada, United States, Japan, and Australia.Obviously, the answer is for the third world countries to process their own raw materials into finished products and keep that extra $170 billion.85. Which statement is NOT true about the poor people in the thi
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