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Word Formation - derivation一.构成名词的后缀: (Suffixes forming nouns)Suffixes Examples-er thinker harvester pain-killer eye-opener-or actor sailor transistor semi-conductor-ist Marxist scientist dentist Buddhist -ee employee trainee referee trustee-ess hostess actress waitress lioness-ian magician musician technician physician-ese Chinese Japanese Portuguese Pekinese-ant inhabitant contestant lubricant dependant-ism socialism racism heroism optimism -ness illness happiness greatness coldness-(a)tion dictation preparation exception repetition -ment movement argument judgment government-ion expansion discussion revision decision-ing building feeling painting wedding-ship leadership friendship scholarship hardship-age shortage marriage leakage shrinkage-hood childhood falsehood likelihood motherhood-ure failure pressure pleasure seizure-dom freedom kingdom martyrdom officialdom-ty loyalty cruelty safety penalty-ity activity reality humidity possibility-y modesty difficulty discovery inquiry-th truth warmth health length-al refusal denial approval arrival-ence dependence confidence difference reference-ance acceptance allowance assistance reliance-ful mouthful handful plateful busful-ry jewelry bribery slavery rivalry-eer engineer mountaineer auctioneer profiteer-ette cigarette kitchenette usherette dinette-ate doctorate consulate electorate sulphate-let booklet leaflet piglet StarletPossible New Words to You:1. harvester 收获者;收割者 ;收割机 2. transistor 晶体管;晶体管收音机 (=transistor radio)3. trustee(财产的)受托人 ,保管人4. lubricant 润滑油( 剂) / lubrication 给油,润滑5. dependant/ dependent 受抚养者 6. heroism 英雄气概英勇的行为7. falsehood 谎言(= lie): tell a falsehood = tell a lie8. likelihood (的) 可能,可能性 There is no/ a strong likelihood of his winning the first prize.9. martyrdom 殉难,受难 die a martyr to ones duty10. officialdom 官僚,官员(集合用法)11. inquiry 询问,查问; 侦查,审讯 I made inquiries about my lost umbrella in all the stores I had visited.(询问)hold an official inquiry 进行正式调查They made no further inquiry into the incident.(侦查)12. auctioneer 拍卖人 13. profiteer 囤积居奇者 囤积居奇,谋取暴利 vi.14. doctorate 博士头衔,学位 award / grant a doctorate 颁给博士学位earn/receive/obtain a doctorate 获得博士学位15. consulate 领事馆16. electorate 选民,选举团 (集合用法)17. sulphate(=sulfate) 硫酸盐二.构成形容词的后缀:(Suffixes forming adjectives)Suffixes Examples-ful cheerful useful grateful faithful-less careless homeless fearless motherless-ish childish reddish Swedish selfish-ive active collective decisive destructive-ous courageous famous continuous erroneous-able acceptable agreeable applicable comfortable-ible contemptible sensible responsible permissible-ic realistic poetic historic energetic-ant ignorant significant defiant observant -ly friendly leisurely lively daily-al critical accidental continual exceptional-y rainy handy thirsty dirty-ent different dependent consistent obedient -ary imaginary revolutionary honorary secondary-some troublesome burdensome lonesome tiresome-like childlike womanlike warlike manlike-en golden wooden earthen woolen-ed landed moneyed cultured talented-an European Indian American Canadian-ate fortunate affectionate passionate innatePossible New Words to You:1. collective 集合的,聚集的 adj.collective (noun) 集合名词 It was due to the collective efforts that we could achieve such a great success. (集体的努力)2. motherless 没有母亲的 adj. (Cf. motherhood 母性,母亲身份 n.)3. agreeable 心情愉快的,令人愉快的,宜人的 adj.agreeable weather 宜人的天气 an agreeable person 讨人喜欢的人Her voice is agreeable to the ear. 她的声音悦耳.4. applicable 可适用的,可应用的 adj.The method is not applicable to every situation.5. contemptible 卑劣的,可鄙的 adj.contemptuous 轻视的 ,瞧不起的 adj.She was contemptuous of her humble home.(轻视,看不起.)contempt 鄙视,藐视 contempt for a traitor 对于叛逆者的藐视Many people feel contempt for such an attitude. (藐视)bring sb. into contempt 使蒙受耻辱have/hold in contempt 藐视6. permissible 可允许的 adj. (Cf. permissive 放任的,纵容的)7. erroneous 错误的,不正确的 adj. 8. defiant 挑战的 ,反抗的 adj. (Cf. defiance 反抗,挑战)defy sb. to do 激(挑惹) 某人做I defy you to try and lift it. You should not defy the law. (公然反抗,藐视 Vt.)9. observant 观察力敏锐的 ,立即察觉的,眼尖的 adj.A detective must be very observant.10. exceptional 例外的,特别的,稀有的;卓越的 adj.Such warm weather is exceptional in January.make an exceptional achievement 取得卓越的成就11. consistent 一致的,没有矛盾的 adj.His story isnt consistent with the facts. (与 相一致)He is consistent in his argument.(在方面一致)12. honorary 名誉(上) 的 adj. an honorary president 名誉主席honorable 光荣的;高尚的 adj.die an honorable death 光荣舍生He comes of an honorable family.他出身名门.13. secondary 次要的;(学校/教育)中等的 adj.This matter is of secondary importance.secondary education 中等教育 (Cf. higher education)secondary school(= high school in the States/public school or grammar school in Britain / middle school in China)secondary stress/ accent 次重音三.构成反义词的前缀: (Prefixes forming antonyms)Prefixes Meaning Examplesun- 不;做相反的动作 unhappy untrue uncomfortabledis- 不;做相反的动作 undress undo unpackin- 不 informal inaccurate inconvenientim- 不 immoral impolite impossibleir- 不 irregular irresistible irrespo
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