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1Module8 Unit4 高考考纲词汇精讲精练编写人:陈尚琢1. view n. 观点,见解,看法;景色, 风景;视野, 视线 vt. 视作,认为;观看【辨析】in ones view /from ones point of view 在某人看来in view of 鉴于,由于,考虑到be in view/come into view 在( 进入)视野中get a good view of 清楚地看到 的景色viewas 把视为,看作【联想】【练一练】1)I bought a new house through whose window I can _ the whole city. 2)Bitter cold in this winter _ a sign of global warming according to some scientists. 3)_ some adults, it is a waste of time to surf the Internet for fun. 4)When we flew over the Sahara Desert, the beautiful lake _. 5)_ these facts, the government had to change their original policy.2. interrupt v. 打断,打扰(工作,讲话等)【辨析】interrupt vt. 中断,阻断,插嘴,打扰disturb vt. 扰乱,惊动,妨碍;使搅乱,使骚动【练一练】1)Traffic has _ _ by the floods. 2)He threw a stone into the water and _ the smooth surface of the lake.3)她获悉母亲得病后感到心神不宁。She _ _ by her mothers illness.4)打断别人的谈话是不礼貌的。It is impolite _ _ others conversation.3. defense n. 保卫,防护,辩护 in defense of/in ones defense 保卫,防护,为辩护defend vt. 保卫,防御,辩护defend from/against 保卫,防护,为辩护【练一练】1)我必须为她说句话,她工作十分努力。I must say _ _ _ that she works very hard.2)他捡起一根棍子自卫,以防被狗咬。He picked up a stick to _ _ _ the dogs bite.3)为了捍卫国际和平,他们付出了年轻的生命。They died young _ _ _ international peace.viewer n. 观众 review n. & v. 复习,回顾;评论 interview n. & v. 面试,采访 preview n. & v. 预习,预演2【辨析】defend 指“采取积极措施以抵御外来的威胁或攻击;还可以表示 “为辩护”protect 指“采取措施,使之不受伤害或损害 ”prevent 指“阻止,预防”preserve 指“为了保存,留存而进行的维护,保护 ” guard 指小心警觉、注意观察、戒备, 保护某事物,以防实际发生或潜在的攻击或伤害 ”【练一练】1) Ice help to _ food in summer.2) Doctors took steps to _ a disease from spreading.3) He built a fence to _ his garden.4) The dog _ their storehouse.5)He made a long speech _ his belief.4. regardless of 不管,不顾regard n. & v. 认为;注意;敬重regard as 视作 ,认为 give regards to sb. 问候某人regarding prep. 关于,有关(=in/with regard to )【练一练】1) He _ as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the Olympics.(重庆 08)A .regarded B .was regarded C. has regarded D. had been regarded2) This special school accepts all disabled students, _ educational level and background.(江苏 09)A . according to B . regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of3)请代我问候你的父亲。 _.(翻译)【提醒】regardless of 不管,不顾 指“主观上不关注,不考虑”in spite of /despite 尽管,虽然,不顾 指“ 不会被阻止”1)He says what he thinks, _ other peoples feelings. A . not think B .in spite of C. although D. regardless of2)_ all his efforts, he failed in the driving test.A. In spite of B. In despite C. Regardless of D. Regarding5.distinguish vt. 区分,辨别【练一练】 1)有些人无法辨别各种颜色。Some people can not _ _ different kinds of colours.2)这对孪生子像得使人无法分辨。The twins are so alike that its impossible to _one _ the other.【拓展】distinguishing 有区别的,与众不同的distinguishable 可辨别的,区分得开的distinguished 著名的,卓越的;受人尊敬的【练一练】 1)He was _ in music at his early age.32)The coast is hardly _ through fog.3) This building has become a _ landmark of our city.6.as long as 长达;只要 【翻译】1)他学英语长达十年。_2)只要你能准时来,你就可以参加这活动。You may take part in this activity, _.【拓展】as far as 远至;就 而言as soon as 尽早地;一就as well as 和一样好;以及as good as 和一样好;几乎,实际上就等于asas possible 尽可能地【练一练】 1)The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _ I did.(湖南 05)A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as2)My parents dont mind what job I do_ I am happy.(陕西 09)A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though3) The teacher _ some students is experimenting on a bird in the lab.4) _ Im concerned, this project is _ completed now.5) The audience burst into stormy applause _ he appeared on the stage.7. contradict vt. 与矛盾,同抵触contradiction n. 矛盾,不一致;驳斥 in contradiction with 与相矛盾contradictory adj. 互相矛盾的【比较】contrary adj. 相反的 contrary to 与相反n. 相反 on the contrary 相反地【翻译】1)The witness _ the drivers statement.目击者驳斥了司机的陈述。 2)What you say today is _ _ _ that of yesterday.你今天说的与昨天相矛盾。3)The result is _ _ what we expected. 结果与我们的愿望是相反的。4) Youve nothing to do now, I suppose. _ _ _, Im rushed off my feet. 恰恰相反,我忙得不可开交。8. take over 继承,接管 -(反)hand over【练一练】1)史密斯先生退休后,由他的儿子接管他的公司。When Mr Smith retired, his son _ _ the company from him.2)It is certain that he will _ his business to his son when he gets old.(福建 04)A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over【拓展】take after (sb.) (在长相或性格方面)象某人take advantage of 利用,趁之机4take apart 拆散,拆开take back 收回,取回take charge of 掌管,负责take off 脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;( 事业)起步,飞黄腾达take on 雇/聘用
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