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1词 组 专 题Part one: 动词短语基本要点:动词常与介词和副词、形容词、名词搭配在一起,构成短语动词。最常见的有以下几类:I动词+介词:(at, for, after, on, to, with, of, from, in, into, through, about 等)构成的词组,相当于一个 及物动词 ,其宾语只能接在介词之后。They finally agreed on the plan. This job calls for skills and patience. The bank was broken into last night. Well think about it.II动词 +副词: (up, off, out, away, on, in, over, down, about,round/around 等) 构成的词组1. 一部分为不及物动词短语,不能直接加宾语, 也无被动。如:break out, come about, come out 2一部分为及物的动词短语, 其宾语如果是名词,可前可后;若是代词,则只能放在当中。You can call your teacher up=You can call up your teacher You can call him up. Well think it over.III动词+副词+介词: 相当于及物动词We must make up for the lost time. 我们必须弥补失去的时间。 Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得除掉我的习惯? IV动词+名词 / (反身)代词+介词: 相当于一及物动词He never helps me without trying to take advantage of me. (利用) In school, I often take charge of various activities. (负责)一、常见介词、副词与常用动词构成的短语动词1. V+about(介词:关于 ): 皆为及物短语动词ask / inquire about: 询问的情况 care about: 在乎;/介意;关注 quarrel about/over 为争论/争吵argue about/over 为争论/ /辩论 debate about /on 为/关于 辩论 discuss about 讨论,议论worry about:担心 concern about:关心,挂念 know/learn about:了解 read about:读知, 阅后得知 talk about:谈论 hear about:听 说 ( =hear of)complain about(抱怨 /投诉) bring about 带来,造成 think about:考虑 speak about:谈到, 谈论(=speak of) set about doing sth 着手做某事 do sth about.想 办 法 /采取措施解 决 .V+about(副词:到处/四周) :皆为不及物短语动词walk/go about:四处走动 move about:四处走,经常搬家 wander about:漫步/徘徊 hang about :闲荡 come about : 发生 look about/around:环顾;(商店中)四处看2. V+across(介词或副词)come across.:偶遇(=come upon) run across.:偶然发现/碰 到 cut across: 抄近路穿过/横越; 影响put /get() across to sb: 解释/传达,使某人明白 It took me an hour to get my intention across to her. 3. V+after(介词 )be after:寻求,寻找,追求 go/run/chase after:追赶/逐 look after:照顾 take after: 长得像;学某人的样 ask after:探问/询问 name. after.:以名字命名. 4. V+alongcome along 跟着一起来 Will you come along with me? 进展/进步 She is coming along nicely after the operation.bring/take。 。 。 along 把带来/去 get along /on 相处;进展 get along/on with sb/sth 与某人相处;在.进展5. V+against(介词 ): argaue against:( 发 表意 见 )反 对 /反 驳 be against:反 对 fight/struggle against:与 做斗 争go against:违 背,反 对 ; 对 .不利 The case might go against him. He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. turn against:背叛 ; 对采取敌对态度 . Even those who are once for him begin to turn against him. warn against: 警告不要 , 提醒提防 I would warn against such an adventureprevent /guard / provide against 预防 We have to provide against accidents. These rules can prevent /guard against accidents. 6 V+ apart(副词或形容词 : 分别/分开的 )take apart 拆开;剖析 tear apart:扯/拆开,使心碎 tell apart:分别/区别set apart:区别 ,突出 fall/come apart: 瓦解/崩溃7. V+ round(副词) get round 传开来; 四处走动 It was not long before the news got round that Tracey was dating James.get sb round: 说服某人 He is determined and wont give insee if you can get him round get round to( doing) sth: 终于去做/找到时间做 I havent even got round to unpacking from my holiday yet.come round: 恢复/苏醒 Pour some water on his face hell soon come round. Dont scold the boy; hell come round in time. 改变意见 She will never come round (to our way of thinking).(非正式的)来访,到来;绕道 Come round when you have time. Christmas will soon come round. bring. round/around(to.): 使某人恢 复知觉 We managed to bring her round with some smelling salt.2说服某人改变想法 Bring him round to our point of view 把话题转到. He brought the discussion round to football.8. V+aside(在一边,另外)put/leave/setaside:留出/拨出以备专用; 撇开/搁置一边不考虑 lay aside:暂放一边 throw aside:抛弃aside from = besides 除.外(还有) 9. V+as(介词:充当 /作为 )serve as:充 当,用作 act as: 扮演,充当 work as: 充当,担任工作 function as:充当(功能)10. V+at(介词 ) shout /yell at:对叫喊 knock at:敲 laugh at:嘲笑 fly at:扑向 point at:指向/着,对准 come at:袭击,达到 go at:扑向,尽力干 catch at:想抓住,渴望shoot/fire at:向开火 aim at 旨在;瞄准;企图 target at 把瞄准 attempt at 尝试/ 企图; 努力 look at:看 stare at:盯着看;凝视 glare at:怒视 glance at 瞥见,看一下(浏览) call at sp:访问某地 drop in at sp 顺便走访某地 arrive at:到达; 达成 arrive at conclusion/agreementwork at:从事,钻研 wonder at:对惊奇 estimate at: 估计 11.V+ away(副词 )put away: 放好/收好;储存备用;舍弃 give away:赠送,分送; 泄露 turn away:解雇; 把打发走send away:驱逐,解雇 clear away:清除,移走 wear away: 磨掉,(时间) 消逝throw away:扔掉,抛弃 take away:拿走 smooth away:克服,消除 pass away:去世/逝世 go away:走开,离开 die away(风/声音)渐息/渐弱;(树木)凋零/枯萎12. V+ back(副词 )keep back:阻挡; 隐瞒;扣留 hold back:忍住
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