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12016-2017 年度七年级上学期期末模拟英语试卷(满分:120 分)一、听力部分(25 分)一、听句子。从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出与句子内容相符的图片。读二遍。(5分)( )1.A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4.A B C( )5.A B C二、听下面 6 段对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。读两遍。(15 分)听第 6 段对话,回答第 6、7 小题。2( )6.Where do they play soccer?A. At school. B. At home. C. In the classroom.( )7.What does Tom think of playing soccer?A. Boring. B. Difficult. C. Relaxing.听第 7 段对话,回答第 8、9 小题。( )8.Who doesnt have a basketball?A. Paul. B. Jenny. C. Bill.( )9.Do they play volleyball?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. Certainly not.听第 8 段对话,回答第 10、11 小题。( )10.Whats their favorite day?A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.( )11.Why do they like this day?A. Because the next day is Saturday. B. Because the next day is Sunday.C. Because it is boring.听第 9 段对话,回答第 12-14 小题。( )12.Is Alan busy on Monday morning?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. I am not sure.( )13.What does the teacher say about the math?A. Its difficult. B. Its fun. C. Its useful.( )14.How about science?A. Difficult. B. Interesting. C. Difficult but interesting.听第 10 对话,回答第 15-17 小题。( )15.What does John ask Sally?A. Basketball. B. Some questions. C.A test.( )16.When is Sallys birthday party?A. In September. B. In October. C. This month.( )17.How many days does the school trip last(持续)?A. One day. B. Two days. C. Three days.听第 11 对话,回答第 18-20 小题。( )18.What are Toms favorite subjects?A.P.E. and math. B. Math and history. C.P.E. and history.( )19.What does the P.E. teacher always do with them?A. Plays games. B. Has fun. C. Plays balls.( )20.Who is Toms history teacher?A. Mr. Wang. B. Ms Wang. C. Sorry, I dont know.三、听短文。根据你所听到的短文内容,选择回答所提问题的最佳答案读两遍。 (5 分)( )21.What do we have this term?A. Some interesting things. B. Some fun things.C. Some interesting and fun things.( )22.How many ball games do we have in October?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.( )23.When is School Day?A. In September. B. In October. C. In November.( )24.Can our parents come to school?A. Yes, they can. B. No, they cant. C. Sorry, I dont know.( )25.How about this term? A. Busy. B. Fun. C. Interesting.3笔试部分 95 分四、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)( )26.Sally is _ middle school student. How about her brother?He is_ English teacher.Aa;an Ban ;a Ca ;a Dan;an( )27.Is the sweater Jacks? Yes, and the Tshirt is _, too.Ayours Bhers Chis D. mine ( )28.Do you like salad_ dinner? No. I like_.Aat;egg Bfor;strawberry Cat;rice Dfor ;hamburgers ( )29.Can your friend play soccer very _? Yes,she can.Awell Bgood Cfine Dnice( )30.In the afternoon we are not _. Lets play soccer.That sounds good.Abusy Bfree Ctidy D. useful ( )31.Here are_ pictures. And in the_ picture, you can see two dogs.Afive ;five Bfive;fifth Cfifth ;five D. fifth;fifth ( )32._ you_ your help, Linda. Youre welcome.AAsk;for B. Thank;of CThank ;for DThink;about ( )33.Childrens Day is on_1st.All of the children in China like this festival.AJune B.July CSeptember DOctober ( )34._ Smith is our geography teacher. He is great fun.AMrs. B Ms. CMr. DMiss( )35._ is my baseball? I cant find it anywhere. Oh, its under the chair.AWho BWhat CWhere DWhy ( )36.Mom,the sweater looks very nice. Can you _ it for me?OK.How much is it?Afind Bneed Csell Dbuy( )37._? I am thirteen.AHow much is it BHow old are youCHow are you DWhen is your birthday( )38.Can I have a look at your family photo? Sure._.AThanks BSee you CHere you are DThats for sure( )39.Look! Some apples _ on the table. Some milk _ in the cup.Aare ;are Bis;are Cis;is Dare;is ( )40._? Yes, please. I want some apples.AWhat do you want B How are you CCan I help you D Can you help me 五、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Your parents go to work and you are at home alone (独自)Do you_41 its great?Cao Fan says _42 “I can do my favorite things, like_43 TV and playing computer games. But who does the_44_ for me?” the fourteen-year-old boy says. “I can have instant noodles (方便面), but thats not healthy. I think many_45_ my classmates are the same. Our _46_ do all the things for us at home.” Students_47_ to learn some life skills (生活技能) Making chicken is_48_ for you, but tomato and egg is easy.
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