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1议论文议论文的写作要领议论文是通过议论或说理来表达作者的见解和主张。作者为了使读者同意他的看法,提出若干道理来说服他人。议论文的写作方法:1.引言,确立一个准确、鲜明的中心论点。写议论文的目的不是让读者知道或认识某件事物,而是要让读者同情或者接受自己的观点和看法。因此,一个鲜明的论点是全文的主旨、灵魂、统帅。为了达到这一目的,写作者要利用各种可能的手段(或描写,或对比,或分类)将问题说明清楚。2.主体段,也就是论证的过程。要写好议论文,就要讲究好的论证方法。欠缺的论证方法,会使论据显得苍白无力,论点站不住脚,因而不能使人同意你的观点。一般说来,有两种方法可以采用,一是逻辑说理,即 晓之以理,一是从感情上打动他人,即 动之以情。这两种方法并不是孤立地出现,往往是你中有我,我中有你。除此之外,我们还可以运用引证法(即引用一些名人名言、成语、格言、谚语等作为论据) 、例证法(即举一些例子来进行论证) 、喻证法(用比喻的方法来论证事理,把深奥、抽象的事理表述得浅显易懂,使文章既生动又形象) 、对比论证(通过对事物的正反两个方面的对比来分析论证,使文章的表达效果更强烈,给人留下深刻的印象) 。3.结论,用一、二句话来结束文章,尽量能做到首尾呼应。常用词语及范文furthermore 而且,再者moreover 而且,此外besides 并且second 其次finally 最后above all 尤其是,最重要的是in fact 事实上most importantly 最重要的是for example 例如for instance 例如similarly 相似地but 但是 whereas 然而,但是on the other hand 在另一方面in contrast with 与.成对比consequently 因此,所以2hence 因此,基于此all in all 总的来说in a word 总而言之in conclusion 最后,总之in summary 总之 to sum up 总而言之for the purpose of 为达到目的as a result 结果in addition 加之,且又not onlybut also 不但而且first(of all)首先third 再者as well as 既又first and foremost 首先,第一in particular 特别是surely 想必(强调推断)specially 特别地that is to say 也就是说in the same way 以同样的方法however 然而,但是on one hand 在一方面on the contrary 相反地instead 代替therefore 因此,所以(and) thus 因此,于是as has been said 如上所说in brief 简单地说in short 简单地说,总之on the whole 总的来说nevertheless 虽然,依然in order that 为了No pains,no gains. (不劳则无获 )No pains,no gainsis a proverb that has been passed on from generation to generation. It means that we cannot gain happiness without any efforts and hard work.(文章以谚语开始,提出论点。 )It is known to all that if a sportsman wants to win the first place, he must train hard. Why does the Chinese Women Football Team do so well? It is just because they all train hard. This 3also explains why Wilma Rudolph,who hadnt been able to walk for one third of her life, became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals in track.(第二段开始论证论点,主要是通过取得成功的运动员的事例来证明。 )No pains,no gainsis certainly true of study. We all know the lost time will never return. If we want to study well,we should,first of all ,devote all our time and energy to our studies. A year ago,my English was very poor. Encouraged by my teacher,I started working hard at it. When I have any difficulty,I always ask others for help. I practice reading every morning and never leave todays work till tomorrow. I have made great and rapid progress and my English is ahead of others now in my class.(第三和第四段主要是联系自己学习上的情况,进一步说明论点。 )No pains, no gains.(最后的结论段,重申论点,使之更加明确。 )模拟考题与写作指导( Guided Writing)1.我的理想家庭(My Ideal Family)Directions:Write an English composition in over 120 words according to the situation given.要求:1.以理想 中的家庭为中心,注意时态和语气。2.用第一人称写。My Ideal FamilyWhen I was a little kid,I had a lot of dreams,among which there was one about the ideal family in my mind.In my opinion,my family should be the warmest one in the world. My parents should be the kindest ones the world over. If I wanted something,they should give it to me in any way. Thus I could have the most toys and story-books among my friends. They would be jealous of me. As for my lessons,I wish my parents not to take much too serious of it. They should know not every good student would have bright future.Sometimes a naughty boy would also become the president of a country. I have read many stories about that. A lot of famous scientists and politicians were troublesome and were headaches to their parents. I think the most important thing is to make us have a happy childhood and a colorful youth. I dont want to be their substitute to realize their dreams which they could not make come true when they were young.I also wish to have a family with kind and most understanding parents. They might as well treat me like their dear friend and also treat my friends very well. They would not ask me to stay at home all the time and prevent me bringing friends home. I want my friends to know that I have the most friendly and thoughtful parents on earth.I know it is very hard to bring a child up. Parents should be responsible for their children. But I really hope they can be more open-minded and trust their children more.2.居住条件 (Living Conditions)近几年来,上海人的居住条件有了很大的改善;住新工房(the new apartment)与住旧石库门房子(the old shi ku men house)迥然不同,有利有弊;请谈谈你的看法。Living Conditions4With the rapid development of socialist market economy,the living standard of the people in Shanghai has been greatly improved in the past ten years. Once the old shi ku men house was regarded as the symbol of Shanghai,but now,many skyscrapers and new apartments have sprung up. Thousands of new buildings have replaced the old ones.As we all know,quite a lot of people have already moved into their own new apartments. Many people are enjoying their life in the new flats. Compared with the old shi ku men houses,the new flats are much brighter and cleaner. People will never share the kitchen and toilet with others any longer. All the household(electrical) appliances make the life more convenient and comfortable. The environment around is often quiet a
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