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1浙江工业职业技术学院日期 2011 年 02 月 28 日 No 1 课 题: Coughing for a million 目的要求:leading in New words and notes on the test 重点、难点:sentence-making Topic discuss 复习提问要点:who want to be a million Make some sentences with new words 教具、实验及教学手段:Multi-media classroom, Teachers Book, Communicative Teaching Approach 作业布置:page 118 using the right word 教学反映: The students take notes carefully and are interested in the topic “ money”. They express their opinions bu themsleves. They are active in the class课后分析: Some students thought that they made so many mistake when they meaning express their meaning. I should encourage they to speak more and more.Just pay more attention to their pronunciations. 2The first periodStep 1. Background information:TV game shows are popular all over the world. They are TV programs in which people play games or answer questions to win prizes. There are usually several stages in each game. With the advancement of stages, the challenges are more and more difficult, and the prizes are higher and higher. Many contestants and audiences are attracted by the high prizes and the excitement of the shows. In order to win a high prize, some contestants even use some illegal methods. But once cheating is discovered in these games, the winners will have to return all their winnings, and face legal prosecution. Step 2: New words*million num. 百万,百万个(人或物)pl. 许多,无数Tom won two million dollars in the lottery. *millionaire n. C 百万富翁,大富豪He dreams of becoming a millionaire. contestant n. C 竞争者,参赛者There were more than 5,000 contestants in this composition 3competition. *personality n. C, U 人物,名人;个性,人格He has already become a personality in the news. *audience n. C 观众,听众,读者The audience is always excited by a wonderful game. haltingly ad. 结结巴巴地,断断续续地,犹豫不决地Shyness made the girl speak haltingly. *peculiar a. 特殊的,独特的;奇怪的,古怪的This book has a peculiar value. crazy a. 狂热爱好的,着迷的;发疯的,荒唐的She is crazy about dancing. *progress vi. 前进,进步,进展n. U 前进,进步,进展Mary is progressing in playing tennis. phase n. C 阶段,时期;面,方面The child is going through a difficult phase. *frequently ad. 经常,频繁地 I frequently visit that library. 4*signal n. C 信号,暗号vt. 发信号,用信号联系A red light is usually a signal of danger. extraordinary a. 特别的,非常的,非凡的What an extraordinary idea! *sympathetic a. 同情的,有同情心的;赞同的She was very sympathetic towards Jane. *regular a. 有规律的,有规则的;经常的,习惯性的;整齐的,匀称的;正规的,正式的He kept regular living schedules. occasionally ad. 偶尔,偶然,有时候He takes a glass of wine occasionally. *purpose n. U, C 目的,意图;用途,效果Whats your purpose of doing that? *control n. U 控制,支配;克制,抑制vt. 控制,支配;克制,抑制This machine is out of control. accuse vt. 指控;指责 She accused him of 5theft. *tape n. U 录像带,录音带;磁带;带子,胶布vt. 录音,录像;用带子捆,用胶布固定Do you want to watch this tape? verify vt. 证明,证实;查对,核实Has the murder been verified? *guilt n. U 犯罪,罪行,责任;内疚 We now have the proof of his guilt. *guilty a. 有罪的;内疚的 He was proved/proven guilty. *cheat vt./vi. 欺骗,骗取,作弊n. C 骗子;欺骗,欺诈行为Dont try to cheat me. appropriate a. 适当的,恰当的 His clothes are not appropriate for such a meeting. *anyway ad. 不管怎么说,无论如何I will go and see her anyway. *challenge vt. 质询,质疑,提出 They went to the court 6异议;向挑战n. C 挑战,困难to challenge the decision. *justice n. U 司法,法律制裁;正义,公正Ive lost my faith in a certain countrys justice.offence n. C, U 违法行为,罪行;冒犯,得罪,违反 He committed an offence against the law. robbery n. C 抢劫,盗取;非法剥夺Have you heard about that bank robbery? *excellent a. 优秀的,卓越的,杰出的They have done an excellent job. game show (电视)游戏表演,竞赛节目be sure of 肯定change ones mind 改变想法(主意)on purpose 故意,有意be guilty of 犯了罪go to prison 入狱,关进监狱in prison 在牢里administer justice 执行审判Step 3. AssignmentsP. 117-118 exercise II. III .IV.7浙江工业职业技术学院日期 2011 年 03 月 01 日 No 2 课 题: Coughing for a million 目的要求: 1.important sentences structures 2.fast reading 3.Main idea of the text 重点、难点: 1.difficult sentences learning 2.usage of language points 课 题: Coughing for a million 复习提问要点:language points Sentence structures 教具、实验及教学手段: Tap
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