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最高人民法院关于审理融资租赁合同纠纷案件若干问题的规定(中英) 最高人民法院审判委员会第 793 次会议讨论通过 一、融资租赁合同纠纷案件的当事人应包括出租人、承租人。供货人是否需要列为当事人,由法院根据案件的具体情况决定。但供货合同中有仲裁条款的,则不应当将供货人列为当事人。 二、融资租赁合同中的承租人与租赁物的实际使用人不一致时,法院可以根据实际情况决定将实际使用人列为案件的当事人。 三、融资租赁合同纠纷案件的当事人,可以协议选择与争议有实际联系地点的法院管辖。当事人未选择管辖法院的,应由被告住所地或合同履行地法院管辖。租赁物的使用地为融资租赁合同的履行地。 四、涉外融资租赁合同纠纷案件的当事人可以协议选择处理合同争议所适用的法律;当事人没有选择的,适用承租人所在地的法律。 五、融资租赁合同所涉及的项目应当报经有关部门批准而未经批准的,应认定融资租赁合同不生效。 六、有下列情形之一的,应认定融资租赁合同为无效合同: (一)出租人不具有从事融资租赁经营范围的; (二)承租人与供货人恶意串通,骗取出租人资金的; (三)以融资租赁合同形式规避国家有关法律、法规的; (四)依照有关法律、法规规定应认定为无效的。 七、融资租赁合同被确定为无效后,应区分下列情形分别处理: (一)因承租人的过错造成合同无效,出租人不要求返还租赁物的,租赁物可以不予返还,但承租人应赔偿因其过错给出租人造成的损失; (二)因出租人的过错造成合同无效,承租人要求退还租赁物的,可以退还租赁物,如有损失,出租人应赔偿相应损失; (三)因出租人和承租人的共同过错造成合同无效的,可以返还租赁物,并根据过错大小各自承担相应的损失和赔偿责任。 租赁物正在继续使用且发挥效益的,对租赁物是否返还,可以协商解决;协商不成的,由法院根据实际情况作出判决。 八、在最高人民法院关于贯彻执行中华人民共和国民法通则若干问题的意见(试行)中规定国家机关不能担任保证人之后,国家机关所作的保证应认定无效。因保证无效而给债权人造成损失的,提供保证的国家机关应当承担相应的赔偿责任。 九、租赁物从境外购买的,融资租赁合同当事人约定用外币支付租金,应认定为有效。十、在租赁合同履行完毕之前,承租人未经出租人同意,将租赁物进行抵押、转让、转租或投资入股,其行为无效,出租人有权收回租赁物,并要求承租人赔偿损失。因承租人的无效行为给第三人造成损失的,第三人有权要求承租人赔偿。 十一、在融资租赁合同有效期间内,出租人非法干预承租人对租赁物的正常使用或者擅自取回租赁物,而造成承租人损失的,出租人应承担赔偿责任。 十二、在供货人有迟延交货或交付的租赁物质量、数量存在问题以及其他违反供货合同约定的行为时,对其进行索赔应区别不同情形予以处理: (一)供货合同或租赁合同中未约定转让索赔权的,对供货人的索赔应由出租人享有和行使,承租人应提供有关证据; (二)在供货合同和租赁合同中均约定转让索赔权的,应由承租人直接向供货人索赔。十三、有下列情形之一的,当租赁物质量、数量等存在问题,在对供货人索赔不着或不足时,出租人应承担赔偿责任: (一)出租人根据租赁合同的约定完全是利用自己的技能和判断为承租人选择供货人或租赁物的; (二)出租人为承租人指定供货人或租赁物的; (三)出租人擅自变更承租人已选定的供货人或租赁物的。 除上列情形外,出租人对租赁物的质量、数量等问题一般不承担责任。 十四、在出租人无过错的情形下,对供货人索赔的费用和结果,均由承租人承担和享有。如因出租人的过错造成索赔逾期或索赔不着,出租人应承担相应的责任。 十五、因租赁物的质量、数量等问题对供货人索赔,如出租人无过错,不影响出租人向承租人行使收取租金的权利。 十六、承租人未按合同约定支付部分或全部租金,属违约行为,承租人应按合同约定支付租金、逾期利息,并赔偿出租人相应的损失。 十七、在承租人破产时,出租人可以将租赁物收回;也可以申请受理破产案件的法院拍卖租赁物,将拍卖所得款用以清偿承租人所欠出租人的债务。租赁物价值大于出租人债权的,其超出部分应退还承租人;租赁物价值小于出租人债权的,其未受清偿的债权应作为一般债权参加破产清偿程序,或者要求承租人的保证人清偿。 十八、在承租人破产时,出租人可以作为破产债权人申报债权,参加破产程序;出租人的债权有第三人提供保证的,出租人也可以要求保证人履行保证责任。 十九、出租人在参加承租人破产清偿后,其债权未能全部受偿的,可就不足部分向保证人追偿。 二十、出租人决定不参加承租人破产程序的,应及时通知承租人的保证人,保证人可以就保证债务的数额申报债权参加破产分配。 二十一、融资租赁合同当事人请求法院保护其权利的诉讼时效应适用中华人民共和国民法通则第一百三十五条的规定。 Rules of the Supreme Peoples Court on Some Issues Concerning the Trial on the Disputed Cases over the Contracts for Financial Leasing Fa Fa 1996 No.19 Adopt Date: 27th May 1996 Effective Date: 27th May 1996 Issued by: the Supreme Peoples Court at its 793rd Meeting of Judicial Committee In order to ensure the correct trial and judgment on the disputed cases over the contracts for financial leasing and protect the legal rights and interests of the litigants, and pursuant to the provisions of related laws of the Peoples Republic of China as well as on the basis of the experience gained in the trial practice, we hereby issue the following rules: Article 1 The litigants of the disputed case over the contract for financial leasing shall include the leasor and the lessee. Whether the supplier must be one of the litigants or not shall be decided by the court according to the actual circumstances of the case. However, if arbitration clause is included in the contract, the supplier shall not be determined to be one of the litigants.Article 2 When the lessee in the contract for financial leasing is not the user who actually uses the leased property, the court may determine the user to be one of the litigants in the case according to the related facts. Article 3 The litigants in the disputed case over the contract for financial leasing, may choose through negotiation the court in the place substantially associating to the controversy to have the jurisdiction over the case. If the litigants do not choose the court with jurisdiction, the court in the place of residence of the defendant or the place of the performance of the contract shall have the jurisdiction over the case. The place where the leased property is used shall be deemed to be the place of the performance of the contract for financial leasing. Article 4 The litigants in the disputed case for the contract for financial leasing relating to the foreign interests may choose through negotiation the law applicable to the dispute over the contract. If the litigants do not choose such law, the law in enforcement in the place of residence of the lessee shall be applicable to the case. Article 5 If the items involved in the contract for financial leasing shall have been approved by the related authorities but actually have not been approved, such contract shall be held null and void. Article 6 If one of the following circumstances exists, the contract for financial leasing shall be deemed to be invalid contract: (1) The leasor has no right to do business within the scope of financial leasing; (2) The lessee and supplier swindles the fund of the leasor through malicious collaboration; (3) The contract sidesteps the law and regulations of the State in the form of the contract for financial leasing; and (4) The contracts that shall be deemed to be null and void in accordance with the related laws and regulations. Article 7 The contract for financial leasing, after being deemed to be null and
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