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1浙财大2013262 号关于印发浙江财经大学学术期刊定级标准的通知各部门、各单位:浙江财经大学学术期刊定级标准经校学术委员会讨论,学校会议批准,自 2014 年 1 月 1 日起实行,现予印发,请遵照执行。浙江财经大学2013 年 12 月 30 日2浙江财经大学学术期刊定级标准英文期刊(必须为取得出版刊号的合法学术期刊)TOP 期刊(下属所罗列期刊必须是原刊)Journal of Economic Literature 0022-0515Quarterly Journal of Economics 0033-5533Journal of Political Economy 0022-3808American Economic Review 0002-8282Review of Economic Studies 0034-6527Brookings Paper Economic Activity 0007-2303American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 1945-7707Journal of Applied Economics 1945-7782Journal of Economic Perspectives 0895-3309Journal of Economic Growth 1381-4338Journal of Labor Economics 0734-306XJournal of International Economics 0022-1996Journal of Public Economics 0047-2727 Journal of Finance 0022-1082Journal of Financial Economics 0304-405XReview of Financial Studies 0893-9454Journal of Monetary Economics 0304-3932Econometrica 0012-9682 Review of Economics and Statistics 0034-6535Journal of Business & Economics Statistics 0735-0015Journal of Econometrics 0304-4076Academy of Management Journal 0363-7425Journal of Management 0149-2063Academy of Management Review 0001-4273Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095Academy of Management Annals 1941-65203Journal of Applied Psychology 0021-9010Personnel Psychology 0031-5826Management Science 0025-1909MIS Quarterly 0276-7783Organization Science 1047-7039 Administrative Science Quarterly 0001-8392Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory 1053-1858Public Administration Review 0033-3352Policy Sciences 0032-2687The Accounting Review 0001-4826Journal of Accounting Research 1475-679XJournal of Accounting and Economics 0165-4101Accounting, Organizations and Society 0361-3682Contemporary Accounting Research 1911-3846Journal of Marketing 0022-2429Journal of Marketing Research 0022-2437the Journal of Consumer Research 0093-5301Harvard Business Review 0017-8012Market Science 0022-2429Harvard law Review 0017-811XThe Yale Law Journal 0044-0094 Columbia Law Review 0010-1958 Stanford Law Review 0038-9765 UCLA Law Review 0041-5650Vieginia Law Review 0042-6601 Journal of Law & Economics 0022-2186 American Sociological Review 0003-1224American Journal of Sociology 0002-9602Annual Review of Sociology 0360-0572Social Forces 0037-7732Social Problems 0037-7791Journal of Marriage and Family 0022-24454Administration in Social Work 0364-3107 Language 0097-8507Journal of Linguistics 0022-2267Applied Linguistics 0142-6001 Translation Review 0737-4836Current Anthropology 0011-3204Theory Culture & Society 0263-2764Critical Inquiry 0093-1896Memory Studies 1750-6980Journal of Consumer Culture 1469-5405The American Historical Review 0002-8762Journal of American History 0021-8723Philosophical Review 0031-8108Journal of Philosophy 0022-362XEthics 0014-1704Philosophy & Public Affairs 0048-3915Philosophy of Science 0031-8248The Philosophical Quarterly 0031-8094Public Opinion Quarterly 0033-362XJournal of Communication 0021-9916American Political Science Review 0003-0554American Journal of Political Science 0092-5853European Journal of Politic Research 0304-4130Political Analysis 1047-1987Journal of the American Mathematical Society 0894-0347Annals of Mathematics 0003-486XInventiones Mathematicae 0020-9910Acta Mathematica 0001-5962SIAM Review 0036-1445Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 0010-3640Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 0273-0979Journal of the American Statistical Association 0162-1459Annals of Statistics 0090-53645Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 1369-7412Biometrika 0006-3444Annals of Probability 0091-1798Nonlinearity 0951-7715Operations Research 0030-364XJournal of Operation Management 0272-6963Mathematical Programming 0025-5610Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 1523-4614ACM Computing Surveys 0360-0300ACM Transactions on Graphics 0730-0301Journal of the ACM 0004-5411Communications of the ACM 0001-0782IBM Journal of Research and Development 0018-8646IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 1089-778X VLDB Journal 1066-8888Artificial Intelligence 0004-3702SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1936-4954Journal of Informetrics 1751-1577Journal of Information Technology 0268-3962Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281Harvard Educational Review 0017-8055Behavioral and Brain Sciences 0140-525XBehavioural Brain Research 0166-4328Advances in the Study of Behavior 0065-3454European Journal of Sport Science 1746-1391一般期刊期刊 等级SCI、SSCI 分区中一、二、三区期刊论文A&HCI 收录期刊论文一级 ASCI 分区中四区期刊 论文EI 收录期刊论 文一级 B未列入 TOP 未进入 SCI、SSCI 分区未被 A&HCI 或 EI 收录的港澳台地区和国外出版的正式期刊发表的学术论文著作人提出申请,校学术委员会认定等级,但最高认定等级为一级 B6中文期刊(必须为取得出版刊号的合法学术期刊)一、一级 A 学术期刊1 中国社会科学(中、英文版) 2 中国社会科学文摘3 新华文摘 4 哲学研究5 心理学报 6 社会学研究7 政治学研究 8 法学研究9 经济研究 10 管理世界11 新闻与传播研究 12 中国图书馆学报13 教育研
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