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第一部分:阅读判断(第 110 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)下面的短文后列出了 10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择 C,并在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。When We Are AsleepEveryone dreams, but some people never recall their dreams, or do so very rarely. Other people always wake up with vivid recollections(回忆)of their dreams, though they forget them very quickly. In an average night of eight hours sleep, an average adult will dream for around one hundred minutes, probably having three to five dreams, each lasting from ten to thirty minutes.Scientists can detect when someone is having a dream by using an instrument which measures the electrical waves in the brain. During dreaming, these waves move more quickly. Breathing and pulse rate also increase, and there are rapid eye movements under the eye lids, just as though the dreamer were really looking at some moving objects. These signs of dreaming have been detected in all mammals studied, including dogs, monkeys, cats, and elephants, and also some birds and reptiles(爬行动物). This period of sleep is called the D state. Babies experience the D state for around 50% of their sleep; the period reduces to around 25% by the age of 10.Dreams take the form of stories, but they may be strange and with incidents not closely connected, which make little sense. Dreams are seldom without people in them and they are usually about people we know. One estimate says that two-thirds of the cast of our dream dramas are friends and relations. Vision seems an essential part of dreams, except for people blind from birth. Sound and touch are senses also often aroused, but smell and taste are not frequently involved. In normal dreams, the dreamer may be taking part, or be only an observer. But he or she cannot control what happens in the dream.However, the dreamer does have control over one type of dream. This type of dream is called a lucid (清醒的) dream. Not everyone is a lucid dreamer. Some people are occasional lucid dreamers. Others can dream lucidly more or less all the time. In a lucid dream, the dreamer knows that he is dreaming.1. Some people dream but cannot remember their dreams.A. True B. FalseC. Not Given显示重难点解析【答案】A【解析】根据第一段的第一句话 Everyone dreams, but some people never recall their dreams, or do so very rarely.可知,该说法正确。注意题干表述是对原文某些句子的同义转述,如 never 代替了 can,recall 代替了 recollect。2. In an average night of eight hours sleep, males dream longer than females.A. True B. False C. Not Given显示重难点解析【答案】C【解析】根据题干中的 in an average night of eight hours sleep 可以快速定位在第一段的第三句话:In an average night of eight hours sleep, an average adult will dream for around one hundred minutes, probably having three to five dreams, each lasting from ten to thirty minutes.这里没有对男性和女性做梦的时间进行对比,故选择没有提及。3-10 省略小贴士:千万不要受自己主观臆测的影响,要根据文章确定对错及未提及。第二部分:阅读选择(第 1115 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的 4 个选项(A、B 、C、D)中选出 1 个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。Tap Dancing(踢踏舞)Most of the arts in America are a combination of ideas and influences from many sources. Tap dancing certainly fits in this category. It is truly an American art, but it has been influenced by English and Irish dance steps as well as steps from Africa.Some historians argue that tap dancing was first done by slaves on Southern plantations in North America, and that originally steps were done wearing soft-soled shoes. Irish step dancing, which also involves intricate(复杂的)foot patterns, contributed the movement of the free leg to one side and the swing of the elbows outward. Wooden clog shoes were worn as tap dancing evolved, but for a long time the steps were done flat-footed.Tap dancing developed into the form we recognize today in the early 20th century. Metal taps were added to dance shoes, and a number of new techniques were perfected. One of the most important was the change from the flat-footed step to dancing on the balls of the feet. This is commonly attributed to dancer Bill Robinson. Another was the cramp roll, in which the dancer would rapidly move from the ball of the right foot to the ball of the left, and then to the heel of each foot. This separation of the steps into distinct areas of the foot, an innovation by dancer John Bubbles, allowed dancers to improvise even more new patterns. Slides across the floor and movements up and down stairs further enlivened tap. So did relaxed arm and shoulder movements. Challenges became a common part of dance routines, with dancers competing very hard to outperform(胜过)each other with new and difficult steps.Many dancers excelled at tap and contributed to its development. Besides Bill Robinson and John Bubbles, well-known tappers have included Sammy Davis, Jr., Fred Astaire, Eleanor Powell, Gregory Hines, and Savion Glover.11. This text is mainly about _. A. famous tap dancers B. tap dancing on Southern plantationsC. tap shoes D. the development of tap dancing显示重难点解析【答案】D【解析】主旨题。通读全文可知本文主要讲了踢踏舞的发展过程。12. The phrase attributed to (Line 3, Para. 3) means _
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