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摘要冬小麦-夏玉米轮作系统在我国北方农区比较常见,在目前人均耕地面积较少的情况下,如何充分、合理利用玉米田下部空间,提高自然资源利用率,是目前农业可持续发展面临的重要课题。另外,由于农田中过度使用农药化肥造成了严重的环境污染,故寻找环境友好型的生产方式,是一个重要的研究课题。本研究设计了一种新的生产模式“鸡-玉米-小麦”互作有机种养模式,并比较了该模式与“玉米-小麦”轮作有机种植模式和“玉米-小麦”轮作常规种植模式的差异,旨在为全面系统地评价“鸡-玉米-小麦”有机种养模式提供理论依据,为这一新型的生态农业模式的推广应用奠定坚实的理论基础。本论文的研究内容主要有以下四个方面:(1)运用生态位和食物链等生态学原理设计并构建了适合北方农田(冬小麦-夏玉米轮作系统)的一种新的生态农业模式“鸡-玉米-小麦”互作有机种养模式;(2) 比较了新模式与 “玉米- 小麦”轮作有机种植模式对土壤环境、植株性状影响的差异,分析了新模式的经济和生态效益优势;(3)研究新模式与“玉米-小麦”轮作常规种植模式对土壤环境影响的差异,分析了新模式的经济效益,并通过能值分析比较了其生态效益优势;(4)研究该模式中物理方法诱集昆虫的效果和饲喂昆虫蛋白对鸡生长性能和肉质的影响。在室外调查和室内生化分析的基础上,得出如下结论:1.“鸡-玉米-小麦”互作有机种养模式是一个多组分、多层次、多功能、多效益的人工复合系统。这一新模式充分利用了农田空间,提高了单位耕地的利用效率。2.新模式改善了土壤的物理性质,提高了土壤中养分的含量。相比“玉米- 小麦”轮作有机模式,新模式 010cm 和 1020cm 土层的土壤容重分别降低了 6.3%和 1.8%;土壤总孔隙度分别提高了 9.1%和 3.4%;土壤水分含量分别提高了 9.7%和 8.5%。新模式土壤中全氮、碱解氮无论在 010cm 或 1020cm 土层均比“玉米-小麦”有机轮作模式显著增加(p 纯粮饲养鸡笼养鸡,腿肉的 pH 值为食虫鸡笼养鸡纯粮饲养鸡;胸肉滴水损失率为笼养鸡纯粮饲养鸡 食虫鸡,腿肉为笼养鸡食虫鸡 纯粮饲养鸡;蒸煮损失率胸肉和腿肉均为笼养鸡纯粮饲养鸡 食虫鸡;胸肉光泽度 L为纯粮饲养鸡 食虫鸡 笼养鸡,腿肉为纯粮饲养鸡最大,笼养鸡和食虫鸡差异不明显。5.与“玉米-小麦”轮作有机种植模式相比,新模式在生长高峰期的玉米叶面积指数显著提高 18.3%,株高显著增加 12.2%。新模式中玉米籽粒和玉米植株 (即秸秆)干物重比“玉米-小麦”轮作有机种植模式分别高 45.1%和 21.0%。新模式在养鸡密度5m2/只的条件下,杂草被完全清除,而“玉米- 小麦”轮作有机种植模式的杂草生物量为 332.6g/m2。在系统中一盏脉冲式诱虫灯一年可以诱集鲜重为 33.73kg 的昆虫,减少了昆虫对作物的危害。6.新模式所需要的劳动力是“玉米-小麦”轮作有机种植模式的 1.08 倍,是“玉米-小麦”常规轮作模式的 1.05 倍。新模式最终收入为“玉米-小麦”有机轮作模式的4.9 倍 (单季) ,二者的产投比分别为 1.5:1 和 2.0:1;新模式的最终收入为“玉米-小麦”轮作常规模式的 3.8 倍(整季),两者的产投比分别为 2.3:1 和 1.8:1。这表明,新的生产模式可以创造更多的物质财富,并可以解决农村剩余劳动力的问题,缓解了社会就业矛盾。7.新模式中,有机肥和人工属于可更新的有机能,占总投入的 29.6%;“玉米-小麦”轮作常规模式中人工属于可更新的有机能,占到总投入的 1.81%,农药、化肥、电力和机械属于不可更新的工业辅助能,总计占到总投入的 95.8%。从能值总投入上看,有机模式为常规模式 22.8%;从能值产出上看,有机模式是常规模式的 1.7 倍。新模式中引入消费者-鸡,使养分更好的循环,因此,大大减少了系统外化学能的投入,使系统更能趋向于有机化,节约了化学能源的消耗。关键词:“鸡-玉米- 小麦”互作有机种养模式;“玉米- 小麦 ”轮作有机种植模式;“玉米-小麦”常规轮作模式;经济效益;生态效益;Analysis of Integrated Benefits of“Chicken-Corn-Wheat”Organic Farming PatternAuthor:WuYuntanaMajor:EcologySupervisor:Li YulingJiang GaomingAbstract“Winter wheat-summer corn”rotation system is very common in countryside ofnorthern China.How to make full use of field space and natural resource is an importantsubject of sustainable agriculture under the situation induced by decreasing per capitacultivated land.Furthermore,excessive utilization of chemical fertilizer and pesticidecaused severe environmental pollution.Our research aimed to provide theoretical basis to evaluate“chicken-corn-wheat”organicpattern systematically through comparing with“corn-wheat”organic pattern and“corn-wheat”conventional pattern,and then establish a stable basis for extending this newpattern.The main objectives of this paper are:(1)to design a new farming pattern-“chicken-corn-wheat”organic pattern which adapts to the farmland in northernChina(winter wheat-summer corn rotation system)using niche and food chain theories;(2)to compare the differences of the soil and plant characters between the new pattern and“corn-wheat”organic pattern,and to analyse the economical and ecological advantages ofthe new pattern;(3)to compare the differences of soil characters of new pattern and“corn-wheat”conventional pattern and to analyse the economical benefits and ecologicaladvantages using emergy method;(4)to study the effects of insects arrested by physicalway and to analyse the effects of insects protein on the growth characters and meat qualityof the chicken.The results based on field investigation and biochemical examination are as follows:1.“Chicken-corn-wheat”organic pattern is a complex system with multi-components,multi-layers,multi-functions,and multi-benefits.This new pattern took fully advantages ofthe field space,increased the utilization efficiency of farmland.2.There were improvement in the soil physical characters and increments in the soilnutrients.Compared to“corn-wheat”organic pattern,soil bulk density of new pattern wasdecreased by 6.3%and 1.8%repectively in 010cm and 1020cm layer;soil porosity wasincreased by 9.1%and 3.4%,respectively;soil moisture content was increased by 9.7%and 8.5%,respectively.Total nitrogen(N)and available N in new pattern were allincreased significantly compared with“corn-wheat”oganic pattern(ppure grain-feedchickenindustrial chicken,industrial chickeninsect-feed chickenpure grain-feedchicken,respectively.The order in cook loss of breast meat and leg meat was thatindustrial chickenpure grain-feed chickeninsect-feed chicken;the trend in polish ofbreast was that pure grain-feed chickeninsect-feed chickenindustrial chicken,and polishof leg meat was the biggest in feed chicken,and there was not significant difference in theinsect-feed chicken and industrial chicken.5.Compared with the“corn-wheat”organic pattern,the leaf area index(18.3%)andplant height(12.2%)of corn were increased significantly;the yield and biomass of residueof corn were increased by 45.1%and 21.0%,respectively.The weed in the corn field wascleared by the chicken at the density of one chicken 5m2.One lamp arrested 33.73kginsects and thus decreased the damage of insects on corn.6.The labor needed in the new pattern is 1.08 times higher than th
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