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- 1 -Unit2:1Keywords Lesson3: semiconductors conductivity silicon GermaniumLesson4: Moores law density unit cost Power consumption2SummaryAfter reading lesson two, we have learned “Moores Law” summed up the pace of progress in information technology. In the past 40 years, the computer from the mystery of the monster has becoming an indispensable tool for the majority of people. Information technology from the laboratory into the countless ordinary family. Internet link to the world, multi-media audio-visual equipment enrich everyones lives. “Moores Law “describes the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has increased exponentially, doubling approximately every two years. Several measures of digital technology are improving related to Moores law, including the size, cost, density and speed of components. Intel has kept that pace for nearly 40 years. Today, they continue to help move the industry forward by delivering: A worldwide silicon fab network with seven high volume fabs,and the worlds first 32nm silicon technology on-target for delivery in 2009 . The worlds first two billion transistor microprocessor delivered in next-generation Intel Itanium processors codenamed Tukwila.Revolutionary technologies on a chip, like hafnium-based high-k metal gate in production today .Finally Advanced research into tri-gate transistors and silicon nanotechnology.Unit3:1.Keywords Lesson5:resistor, capacitor, inductor, passive component, electric charge ,wireLesson6:diode, minority carrier, p-n junction, depletion region, the threshold voltageLesson7:Bipolar transistor, field-effect transistor, channel2. SummaryA transistor is a linear semiconductor device that controls current with the application of a lower-power electrical signal. Transistors may be roughly grouped into two major divisions: bipolar and field-effect transistor. Bipolar transistor restrict the amount of current that can go through them according to a smaller, controlling current. But for the field-effect transistor, the conductivity which is the region between source and drain of channel is controlled by the potential of the gate terminal. This is the majorty difference of two transistor. There are three ways of connecting a transistor, depending on the use to which it is being put. The ways are classified by the electrode that is common to both the input and the output. They are called: (a) common-base configuration(b) common-emitter configuration(c) common-collector configuration. The effect of changing one or more of the various voltages and currents associated with a transistor circuit can be shown graphically and these graphs are called the characteristics of the transistor. As there are five variables (collector, base and emitter currents and voltages across the collector and base and emitter and base) and also three configurations, many characteristics are possible.Unit4:1.KeywordsLesson8:Finite gain Bandwidth Input Offset Voltage Slew rate Common-mode rejection ratioLesson9:Differential Telescopic folded-cascode push-pullLesson10:Inverting Summing Differentiation Integrator2.SummaryThe operational amplifier (opamp) is the most important element in integrated circuits. After reading this unit we have learned some performance parameters. For example, Finite gain, it is defined as the amplification from input to output without any feedback applied. the ideal open-loop gain is infinite; however, it is finite in real operational amplifiers. Typical devices exhibit open-loop DC gain ranging from 100,000 to over 1 million. The other parameter is Finite bandwidth the high-frequency behavior of apamp plays a critical role in many - 2 -applications. Bandwidth is usually defined as the unity-gain frequency. Actually, there is other parameters impact on circuit design. A general op amp contains input stage, output stage and middle stage. We should know the characteristics about separate stages. Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology has been the mainstay in mixed-signal implementations, so we also should be known the opamp about CMOS. The operational amplifier was originally given to an amplifier that could be easily modified by external circuitry to perform mathematical operations, such as constant gain multipliers, summing, substation, integration, and differentiation. We have known their connection of these opamp Applications.Unit5:1.KeywordsLesson11:diode bridge, alternating current, direct current, Graetz circuit, output smoothing, chokeLesson12:stabilized power supply, regulated power supply, autotransformer, servomechanism, feedback voltage, THDLesson13:lowpass filter, highpass filter, bandpass filter, bandstop filter, attenuation, passband, stopband, filters gain2.SummaryA switching power supply consists of the power stage and the control circuit. The power stage performs the basic power conversion from the input voltage to the output voltage and includ
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