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初一英语上学期期末综合试题(二)I、单项选择1. This is a girl. _ name is Kate.A. She B. Her C. Its D. His2. I can see four _ on the table.A. cake B. a cake C. cakes D. the cake3. Mr Green has three _: Jim, Jeff and Jean.A. sons B. daughters C. twins D. children4. Mum, _ is my friend, Li Lei. Li Lei, _ is my mother.A. he; she B. she; he C. this; this D. this; that5. Whats that _ English? I dont know.A. in B. on C. for D. at6. _, Jim. Can you colour it red?A. Sorry B. Im sorry C. Excuse me D. Thank you7. Ann! That bag _ yours.A. looks after B. looks like C. look like D. looks8. Its time for bed. Please _ your shoes and clothes, Tom.A. put on B. look after C. look at D. take off9. We can see a boy, a girl _ a man in that room.A. or B. but C. too D. and10. Tom is _ brother.A. Lucy and Lilys B. Lucys and LilyC. Lucys and Lilys D. Lucy and LilyII选择正确的对话语序11.Which woman? Whos that woman?Shes my teacher. The one on the red bike.A. B. C. D. 12.No, it isnt. Its a jeep. Whats that? Is it yours?A. B. C. D. 13.Great! Lets go and have a look. Whats in it?Wheres Tom? Theres a tree house there.Hes up there in the tree with Bill. In the tree? Why?Theres a small bed, a table and a clock.A. B. C. D. III阅读 理解(A)My name is Ling Feng. I am a Chinese boy. At school I have a good friend, Mike. He is an English boy. He is twelve, but I am thirteen. We are in No. 5 Middle School. We are in the same grade, but we are in different (不同的) classes. Mikes sister is not a student. She is four. His mother can look after her at home.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F):14. Mike is Ling Fengs friend at school.15. Ling Feng and Mike have the same age.16. The two boys are in the same schools.17. Mikes sister is a student, too.18. From this passage (从这篇短文中) , we can know the mothers name.(B)I have a good friend in my home. It is a bird. Its name is Polly. Its three. It is yellow and very beautiful (美丽). I play with it after school. My classmates-Ann and Kate often(时常) come to see it.Polly sings (唱歌) every day. I teach (教)it to sing the ABC. Now it can sing the ABC. I like it very much.根据短文内容,回答问题。19. Who is my friend?A. Polly. B. Ann. C. Mike. D. Kate.20. Is Polly a bird?A. No, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is. D. Yes, it isnt.21. How old is Polly?A. One. B. Five. C. Three. D. Four.22. Who teaches (教) Polly to sing the ABC?A. I do. B. You do. C. She does. D. He does.23. Wheres Polly?A. Its a school B. Its in my home.C. Its in the sky (天空 ). D. Its in a tree.24. Ann is _.A. Lucys mother. B. Sams grandmaC. Mikes grandpa D. Kates daughter25. We call (叫) Ann Brown _ now.A. Mrs Jim B. Miss Ann C. miss Brown D. Mrs Green26. Kate is _.A. Sams mother B. Lucys father C. Mikes sister D. Mikes brother27. There are _ people is Anns family.A. four B. six C. eight D. two28. Sue is _.A. Lucys aunt B. Jims daughter C. Kates sister D. Bills sisterIV、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Li Lei _ (be) at school.2. There _ (be) some books on the desk.3. Whats in _ (Jim) room?4. _ (come) and meet the family.5. Where _ (be) Lucys shoes?6. Lets _ (look) at the map on the wall.7. Miss Gao is _ (they) teacher.8. Its time _ (go) to bed.9. Kate is a new student. Shes _. (America)10. Where are your _ (box)?V、用所给的疑问词(组)填空what colour, what, how, how old, where, who, what class, which, how many, what time1. -_ are you in? -Im in Class 1.2. -_ are you? -Im 13.3. -_ is one and two? -Its three.4. -_ is the boy? -Hes my brother.5. -_ is Tom? -Hes at home.6. -_ are you? -Im fine.7. -_ is it? -Its red.8. -_ girl? -The one in the white hat.9. -_ kites can you see? -Ten.10. -_ is it? -Its a quarter to nine.VI、(A)用所给词完成下列对话,每空一词。no, sorry, number, speak, this, itA: Hello! May I _ to Mr Liu?B: Mr Liu? There is _ Mr Liu here. Who is this, please?A: _ is Jack. Is _ 62335676?B: No. Thats a wrong _.A: Oh, _.B: Thats OK.B)用所 给字母提示继续完成下列对话,每空一词。C: H_!A: Yes. Is that Mr Liu?C: Jack. My friend Bill cant f_ his gloves. Can you h_ him find it?C: Yes. Please c_ to my room. There are a pair of (一副) gloves here. Maybe (或许) they are h_.A: Good. Well come soon. See y_ later.C: Bye-bye.参考答案选择题1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A11.D 12.C 13.D 14.T 15.F 16.T 17.F 18.F 19.A 20.C21.C 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.C 28.A非选择题IV、 1. is 2. are 3. Jims 4. Come 5. are 6. look 7. their 8. to go 9. American 10. boxesV. 1. What class 2. How old
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