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TAPE 捆条, 滚条包边:Binding 包边和滚边是相同的意思.: 用在服装上,是批将一片(或是多片重叠后边沿对齐)的边沿包住.一般会用上拉筒.seam binding 接缝包边 binded seam 包边缝镶边: 用在服装上,是指衣片的边沿拼上小条布,有些衣服的小后领就属于镶边。 比如下边这位妹妹的衣服,就可以称为 黑白撞色镶边连衣裙。嵌边:嵌边: piping 用在服装上,应是镶在两个片之间的小条布. 嵌条里通常会有一根 0.3cm 的棉绳。通常也叫出芽条。 折光边 clean finish hem 折光边,就是折了两道,毛边被折到里面去了,边缘是光的。折光=还口=卷边=clean finish,是折两下再车线的。clean finish hem 还口,就是没有止口露在外面。 clean finish 有人叫还口,有人叫包光,做光边,有人叫折净.总之就是将止口折进到里面,防止毛边外漏.clean finished 原意是:完成要整洁,但是具体如何做要根据具体情况而定。 1.如果在脚边,袖口边,单层时就是指不是毛边,要求卷边。如果是有里布时,是指里面布要运返包光。2.如果是指某一条骨位,则指这条骨位要包光,可以是来去缝,也可以是双包。clean finished 大多数情况可以译为还口车有时指字面意思修理干净,比如说有的腰内贴底要拉捆条,英文也会表示clean finished inner WB with 1/4 biding.即腰内贴拉 1/4捆条.(其实腰内贴下面是散底的 ,而不是还口的)clean finished 是指(运反)还/折口A、4 thread overlock stitch for all knit items.所有针织类 4 线拷边B、5 threads oveerlock stitch with safety chain stitch for all woven items.所有梭织类 5 线链式线迹拷边C、Front fly should be in straight.前门禁是直的D、man front fly opening direction.男式前门禁开口指示E、neck binding with clean finished with chain stitch for strech.领包边带包光链式线迹clean finish at neck binding joining and assembly. 领部相连部位包边做净G、clean finish at armhole binding joining and aaembly.袖笼相连部位包边做净1、 pocket bag clean finish.衣袋做净2、 binding to hidden the neck seam raw edge,binding length should be enough covered by the neck opening.领缝暗敲以做隐藏毛边,暗敲长应足够盖过领口3、 neck seam binding construction.领缝暗敲4、 polo shirt neck binding extend to the placket.POLO 衬衫领部暗敲直至止口5、 cross insert for the drawstring and distance.交叉放入粗线8 、dra wstring(cord) tight a knot and knot end.用粗线打结9、dra wstring extension.粗线拉伸A、4 thread overlock stitch for all knit items.所有针织四线拷边。B、5 threads oveerlock stitch with safety chain stitch for all woven items.所有梭织五线链式(保险缝)拷边。C、Front fly should be in straight.前门襟应该是直的。D、man front fly opening direction.男式前襟指导。E、neck binding with clean finished with chain stitch for strech.领圈滚条链线包光处理,确保弹性。F、clean finsihat neck binding joining and assembly.领圈滚条包光处理。G、clean finish at armhole binding joining and saaembly.夹圈滚条包光处理。1、clean finish at armhole binding closed up.夹圈滚条包光处理。2、pocket bag clean finish.袋布包光处理。3、clean finished at waistband for the fanric weight upto tricor.腰头净边做法, (for the fanric weight upto tricor 就不理解了) 4、binding to hidden the neck seam raw edge,binding length should be enough covered by the neck opening.领缝毛边用滚条包,滚条要足长盖住领口。5、neck seam binding construction.领圈滚条结构。6、polo shirt neck binding extend to the placket.POLO 衫领圈滚条延伸至筒。7、cross insert for the drawstring and distance.拉绳间隔,十字穿法。8 、dra wstring(cord) tight a knot and knot end.拉绳尾打结。9、dra wstring extension.拉绳外露。10、 hem bungee.下脚松紧带。 (仅供参考,望指点)
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