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阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.com阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.comPEP 四年级上册英语期末模拟试卷考试时间:40 分钟 满分:100 分 Class_ Name_听力部分 (50%)一 、听句子,圈出你所听到的单词。 (16%)1. bread red brown2 chair chicken kitchen 3. beef fish farmer 4 pear pencil pencil-case5. milk music mouse 6 Science Chinese English7. bathroom bedroom classroom8. twenty thirty fifty 二. 听句子,,给图标序号. (5%)( ) ( ) ()()()三 根据听到的内容,选择正确的图片完成句子。10%( ) 1. I can use . A. B.( ) 2. This is my . A. B.( ) 3. Id like some . A. B.( ) 4. My family has members. A. B. 阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.com阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.com( ) 5. My father is a . A. B.四、听录音,选出你所听到句子的答语。 (10%)1. ( )A . Hes a teacher. B . Yes, she is. C . Yes, shes my teacher.2. ( ) A . My name is Tom. B . Her name is Sarah. C .This is Sarah.3. ( ) A. No, they arent. B. Yes, they arent. C. No, they are.4. ( ) A. Its a schoolbag. B. Some books and pens. C. Its red.5.( ) A. There are 9. B. Theyre in the room. C. It is 9.五、听录音,填单词,使句子意思完整。(10%)brother schoolbag Chinese bookhome bread student notebook pencil-case eggs bedroom1. Id like some_and_for dinner.2.Welcome to my _. This is my_.3.Whats in your schoolbag? There is a _ and a _4.The boy is my _. He is a _.5.Put your _on your_.笔试部分 (50%)一写出所给字母的相邻字母,注意大小写。 (5%)1. _ Q _ 2. _ r _ 3. _s _ 4. _ j _ 5. _ H _二将单词进行分类,并把它们抄写在四写格上。10%knife sister farmer doctor sofa 阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.com阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.comaunt fork rice beef chair家庭人物职业餐具食物家具三选择正确的答句(10%)( )1.Are they in the living room? A. He is a doctor.( )2.Whats your father? B. Id like some chicken.( )3. Whats his name? C. No, they arent.( )4. Can I have some noodles? D. His name is Mike.( )5. What would you like for dinner? E. Sure. Here you are.四看图片,补全单词(14%) Hes a tall b _ _. I can see a d _ _ _ in the picture. Id like some f _ _ _ and r_ _ _ . My uncle is a f _ _ _ _ _. Welcome to our s _ _ _ _ _. 阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.com阳光家教网 http:/bj.ygjj.com This is a d _ _ _. My f _ _ _ _ _ is a d _ _ _ _ _.()()()()() ( 6 ) ()五阅读理解,判断对错,正确的打,错误的打。 10%This is my family. This is my father. Hes a teacher. Hes tall. He likes bananas. This is my mother. Shes a teacher, too. She likes apples. This is my brother. Hes a baseball player. Hes tall and strong. He likes bananas. I love my family.1.( )My parents are teachers.2.( )My father likes oranges.3.( )My brother likes pears.4.( )My brother is tall and strong.5.( )There are four people in my family.
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