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第一节:单项选择填空。 (共 20 小题 ;每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分)根据题意, 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案( )1. -Could you please _ your watch to me?-OK. Here you are.A. show B. to show C. showing( )2. -What does Mary do after she gets up?-She always _her bed.A. does B. makes C. sweeps( )3. -Why dont they go to play baseball? - _A. Its interesting. B. Its boring. C. That sounds great.( )4. -Its fun to play _ my little dog.-I dont think so.A. with B. of C. from( )5. -Where is Marys skirt?-_is on the bed.A. Shes B. Her C. Hers ( )6. -Who is _taller, Lily or Lucy? -Lily.A. a little B. very C. quite( )7. -When was Tom born?-He was born _December 10th,1968.A. on B. in C. at( )8. -What makes them _we come from Australia?-The way you speak.A. to think B. think C. thinking( ) 9. -What is your brother going to be in the future?-He wants to be a great_.A. drum B. policewoman C. pianist ( )10. -Jim can play _soccer very well. What about you?-I can play _piano very well.A. /; the B./; / C. the; /( )11. -Did the boy see _tigers in the zoo?-Yes, he saw_.A. some; some B. any; some C. some; any( )12. -Lets go _for vacation next month.-Thats great.A. somewhere interesting B. anywhere interestingC. interesting somewhere( )13. -Did they have fun _ English yesterday?-Yes, they did.A. learning B. study C. learns( )14. The pears are too big. You can _first.A. cut them up B. cut it up C. cut up them( )15. That boy shouldnt eat _meat because he is _fat.A. much too; too much B. much too; much tooC. too much; much too( )16. -When did the twins go to the aquarium? -_A. Three days ago. B. Next month. C. For four days.( )17. -There are _apples in the basket. Let me go and buy some.-Thank you.A. few B. little C. a few ( )18. -Im thirsty. Would you please bring me some_.-OK.A. cakes B. shake C. rice ( )19. -What would you like?-Two _of butter, please.A. pieces B. slices C. teaspoons ( )20. -Dont _the milk into the cup. Its full.-Sorry, Mom.A. bring B. drink C. pour第二节:完形填空。 (共 10 小题;每小 题 1 分, 满分 10 分)通读短文,掌握大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中, 选择能填入相应空白处的最佳的一项。Qu Yuan was born in China around 2000 years ago. His job was to give some 21 to the king. The old king always took his advice. 22 the new king didnt like listening to Qu Yuan after the old king 23 . Qu Yuan finally 24 his job.Qu Yuan was very 25 at writing poems(诗). People still love his poems very much now. He was a 26 poet(诗人), but he was always 27 because the king didnt take his advice and it made his country lose many battles(战役).At last, he jumped into a 28 and died. It was the 29 day of the fifth lunar(农历)month that year.The Chinese people will never 30 Qu Yuan. They eat rice dumplings (粽子) and have dragon (龙) boat race in honor of(纪念)him every year.( )21. A. job B. advice C. idea( )22. A. But B And C. Then( )23. A. were off B. stayed in the country C. died( )24. A. got B. lost C. wanted( )25. A. good B. hard C. bad( )26. A. usual B. happy C. talented( )27. A. exciting B. sad C. healthy( )28. A. river B. mountain C. town( )29. A. eight B. six C. fifth( )30. A. forget B. remember C. study第三部分:阅读理解,共 4 篇短文,A 为判断题, B-C 为单选;D 篇为任务型阅读,见卷 II. A阅读短文,根据其内容判断正、误 对的写 A,错的写 B.(每小题分 ,共分):Many people sleep late on Sunday mornings, but others dont. However, almost everyone reads the Sunday paper. The Sunday paper is usually very thick. It has many ads and many different parts. The parents in the family like the front page, and the world news page. Many men also read the sports page.Most men dont read the womens pages, but the mother of the family usually does. The womens pages have the news about parties, food, health and clothes. Most Sunday papers have interesting stories. Children enjoy them. Old people read the death notices. They tell about people who have died during the week.( ) 31. The parents in the family like the sports page.( ) 32. The father of the family usually read the womens pages.( ) 33. Only old women read the death notices.( ) 34. Almost all like reading the Sunday paper.( ) 35. This passage is about the Sunday paper.阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,根据短文内容和所给题目,从 A、B、C 三个选项中,选择一个正确答案填空。(每小题 2 分,共 20 分):B Skin-diving( 潜水)is a new sport today. This sport takes you to a new wonderful world. It is like a visit to the moon! When you are under the water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks (岩石 ),because you are no longer(不再) heavy.Here, under the water, everything is blueand green. During the day, there is enough light. When fi
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