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1厦门市启悟中学2014-2015(上)英语学科校本作业高三年级 阅读强化训练(3) 高三备课组 日期:2014 / 9The start of a new school year always brings a return to routine at my house. Its the 36 routine practiced all across the country: wake up the 37 , get them out of bed, make sure everyone has 38 , check to see that the five-year-old has her shoes on, see their teeth are brushed, 39 lunches or lunch money, grab the book bags, and 40 for the door. Life goes like this and 41 thought is required for such a routine. As a 42 , I just get in the zone and get it all done. The mental clock is 43 ticking the whole time.One recent morning proved a(n) 44 . “The trees are dancing, mom!” shouted the five-year-old as we pulled out of the driveway. Her conversation about dancing trees went on for several minutes 45 I finally came out of my “accomplish the routine” mindset (心态) and noticed the 46 that day.Oh! The trees were dancing! I was so 47 with my daily routine that I 48 to notice the world around me. Once I started paying attention to the 49 of the leaves and the beauty of the trees “dancing”, it changed my whole mindset.50 life through the eyes of a five-year-old brought 51 back to my morning. I often find it easy to 52 the sense of wonder that I had as a child. The 53 Ive been in “the routine”, the more likely I am to lose some of the wonder and the freshness. My young child 54 me that I need to 55 and enjoy the wonder of my life.36. A. special B. same C. new D. flexible37. A. neighbors B. parents C. children D. friends38. A. eaten B. left C. recovered D. disappeared39. A. hand in B. hand over C. hand down D. hand out40. A. wait B. look C. search D. race41. A. little B. quick C. much D. active42. A. doctor B. mother C. student D. teacher43. A. usually B. slightly C. ever D. never44. A. example B. exception C. success D. disaster45. A. once B. while C. before D. after46. A. sunshine B. rain C. cloud D. wind47. A. busy B. angry C. unsatisfied D. comfortable48. A. hesitated B. failed C. loved D. wind49. A. color B. shape C. movement D. size50. A. Ending B. Hating C. Experiencing D. Devoting51. A. beauty B. kindness C. anger D. sadness52. A. learn B. lose C. talk D. show53. A. higher B. longer C. less D. better254. A. forced B. persuaded C. reminded D. requested55. A. study B. work C. refuse D. stopPassage A(山东潍坊 13 年期末)More than 700 business leaders, government officials and investors gathered in Mountain View, California in December,2012 to attend the Social Innovation(创新)Summit. It is an invitation-only conference aimed at finding new ways to deal with old problems.Traffic jam is a problem that Bruggemann hopes to solve. “Traffic is really bad in most countries and we thought there must be some way of doing something about it. ”Last week, his team, winning the prize for its “nunav” traffic management system, received a Microsoft Imagine Cup Grant of 100,000.“Everyone thats using our system sends his present position as well as the destination to our servers every 30 seconds. And with that information our central system can reroute(调整路线)all of the cars in a way that everyone gets his individual best possible route.”Bruggemann says early research with the system has been promising. “We found out that it could be possible to save up to 20 percent of the fuel consumption. Even more interesting, it can save up to 50 percent of the time you spend in traffic so you could get to your destination twice as fast.”Team Cypher256 from Uganda also was invited to the Social Innovation Summit. They developed a device(仪器) ,called WinSenga, aimed at improving health care for pregnant women in Africa. It measures the early babys heart sounds to help test the heart rate, age and position of the baby in the mother. The device is similar in operation to an ultrasound(超声波)test, but is far less costly and very practical in Africa.This is the third year for the Social Innovation Summit. The event is held twice a year, once in New York and once in California. The first one in 2012 was held in May. The United Nations Office for Partnerships helped to organize the event.1.In what way is the “nunav” system special?A. It can decide destination for users.B. It sends back information every 30 minutes.C. Users can earn much money by the system.D. Users can find the best possible route by the system.2.The“nunav”system has the following advantages EXCEPT_.A. reducing the fuel consumption B. reaching the destination quicklyC. saving the time in the trip D. improving driving skills33.The device WinSenga is intended to_.A. improve the health care for pregnant womenB. promote the heart rate of pregnant womenC. measure the size of the early babiesD. help the operation on women4.What can be inferred from the text?A. The“nunav”system is popular in Africa.B. Common people in Africa can afford to use WinSenga.C. The United Nations offered financial help to the “nunav” system.D. The So
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