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Differences between Chinese and Western diet cultureCan you imagine the difference between the Western diet culture and the Chinese diet culture?First of all, I will introduce the general characteristics of Western diet culture.Western diet historyItaly cuisine is the originator of the Western diet culture, French cuisine is the Western diet culture king, American food is the Western diet culture upstart.Western food making skillsIn the production of the Western diet, they love the pursuit of perfection, but also attach importance to cooperation with a delicacy.Western diet varietiesThe famous dishes are Italy, French, American, German, Russian, etc. famous drinks include wine, coffee and black tea.Do you know,why there are so many differences between Chinese and Western diet culture ?just like the menu,western diet is very tidy and serious,but the Chinese is multifarious.Now, you have known the difference of the menu,but do you know why diet has a strong regional character?Actually, western diet due to geographical characteristics, environment, customs, appears in cooking methods of differences in eating habits. People in western countries like to eat pizza, while Chinese people like to eat dumplings.Differences between Chinese and Western culture makes a difference of Chinese and Western food culture.事实上,西方饮食由于地域特色、环境、风俗习惯,出现烹调方法不同程度的差异。西方国家的人喜欢吃披萨,而中国人喜欢吃饺子。中西文化差异使中西饮食文化差异有很大不同。My PPT shows three aspects of cultural differences我的 PPT 展示了文化差异的三个方面。No.1 Nutrition and deliciousNo.2 Standard and optionalNo.3 Machinery and interestNO.1 Nutrition and delicious(营养与美味) Western diet focus on nutrition, so Westerners treat the nutrition as the highest guidelines,and pay more attention to the proportion of food ingredients, proteins, fats and vitamins .So in the Western nutrition is the first!How about China? We have always been primary purpose is as a pursuit of delicious eating. Folk saying to eat for days, fresh taste first. smell good, eyes, nose and mouth. People in the color, smell and taste, has always been the character King.So in China delicious is the first!西方饮食注重营养,所以西方人把营养作为最高准则,并更多地关注食物成分、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和无机元素的比例中国怎么样?我们一直以来的首要目的就是为了追求美味的饮食。俗话说“吃了好几天,先吃了新鲜的味道” ,“闻起来很好”,“ 眼睛,鼻子和嘴”。人们在 “色,香,味”,一直是“品格之王” ,所以在中国美味是第一! As we all know, the value of fresh food is more nutritious, so how do western countries and China choose food? Fresh or Cooked?我们都知道,新鲜的食物营养价值更高,那么西方国家和中国是怎样选择食物的呢?Based on the importance of nutrition, Westerners more raw vegetables.So their salad is like a plate of rabbit feed, make it difficult for us to accept. Chinese try to eat medium foods. It also bring down the content of vitamins, but not completely lost, and the taste was more delicious than rabbit feed.根据营养的重要性,西方人多生蔬菜。所以他们的“沙拉” 就好比一盘兔子的饲料,让我们难以接受。中国人都试着吃七分熟的食物。它也带来了维生素的含量,但没有完全失去,味道比兔子饲料更美味。NO.2 Standard and optional(规范与随意) Westerners in the diet emphasize science and nutrition, has acted strictly with the standard of science of the whole process of cooking, steak tastes are the same from New York to San Francisco, no art to speak. As dishes, chicken is chicken, steak is steak,In addition, their cooking time is accurate to seconds.西方人在饮食上强调科学与营养,都采取了严格的科学标准,整个烹饪过程中,牛排的味道都是一样的,从纽约到洛杉矶,没有艺术感可言。作为菜肴,鸡就是鸡,牛排就是牛排。另外,他们的烹调时间是准确到秒。Chinese cooking is very different, the major cuisine has its own flavor and characteristics. For example,with potatoes as a raw material, you can make a lot of different styles of food, such as Potatoes cooked eggplant, Steamed potato with flour,Potato cake,Salt and pepper potatoes,Hash browns,Therefore, Chinese cooking emphasis on randomness instead of emphasizing the time and standardization.中国烹饪有很大的不同,主要的烹饪有它自己的风味和特色。比如说,用土豆作为原料,就能做出很多种不同风格的食物,比如土豆烧茄子,粉蒸土豆,土豆丝饼,椒盐土豆,土豆煎饼因此,中国烹饪强调随机性,而不是强调时间和标准化。NO.3 Machinery and interest(机械性与趣味性 ) In China, the cooking is an art, it has strong interesting, even as a game. Cooking,just like music, dance, poetry and painting, it has a lot of fun.Chinese cooking method also has different styles , attracted people from different countries在中国,烹饪是一门艺术,它具有很强的趣味性,甚至是一种游戏。烹饪,像音乐、舞蹈、诗歌和绘画,它有很多的乐趣。中国的烹饪方法也有不同的风格,吸引了来自不同国家的人。Hand grilled meat is one of the traditional way of eating meat in Mongolia, eating grilled meat, is the traditional way to express respect for the guests.In addition,Spicy hot pot in SiChuan, Xian mutton noodles and Beijing Roast Duck,these foods have also won the praise.手扒肉是蒙古族传统的肉食方法之一,吃扒肉,是牧原人民表达对客人的尊重的传统方式。另外,四川辣火锅,西安羊肉面条,北京烤鸭,这些食物也获得了赞扬。However, due to the standardization of Western dishes , cook become a mechanical work. Old KFC fried chicken recipe ingredients, and oil temperature, time of fried chicken, also must act strictly according to the specifications, repeated the day of mechanical work, of course, no fun at all.然而,由于西餐的标准化,厨师成为一个机械的工作。老肯德基炸鸡配方成分,和油的温度,时间的炸鸡,也必须严格按照规范,反复的机械工作的一天,当然,没有乐趣可言。All in all, Differences between Chinese and Western diet culture in the final analysis is the difference between the
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