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C5225立式车床的数控化改造摘要C5225普通立式车床可以满足普通端面和外圆的切削,但不适应曲面类零件的加工。加工曲面类零件需先根据零件的要求设计制造工装,然后利用工装进行加工,因而存在生产成本高,产品适应性差,加工周期长等缺点。针对C5225立式车床的结构特点,经过技术上和经济上的可行性分析,本文提出了利用SIEMENSSINUMERIK 802D数控系统对机床进行数控化改造的方案,对机床主传动系统的全数字直流调速改造、左刀架进给系统的数控化改造以及数控电气控制系统的设计和调试三方面的内容进行了具体实现。1、主传动系统的全数字直流调速改造采用英国欧陆590+全数字直流调速器,在保留原变速机构的基础上将机床原液压16级手工变速改造为液压4级无级调速。改造内容包括调速方案和电机的选择、主传动传动路线的调整以及直流调速器控制电路、PLC控制程序的设计;2、左刀架进给系统的数控改造采用滚珠丝杠替换原滑动丝杠,半闭环控制。改造内容包括伺服进给系统控制方式的选择、进给系统机械部分改造方案的确定;滚珠丝杠副及伺服电机的的参数计算和选择;3、SINUMERIK 802D数控系统有效实现了左刀架的x轴和z轴联动控制,数控电气控制系统的设计内容主要包括数控电气控制系统的组成及连接、数控系统中PLC程序的设计及调试、数控系统的调试及系统基本参数的设定。机床改造后,除可以满足普通端面和外圆的切削外,还可以加工出普通立车无法加工的复杂曲面类零件,大大扩大了机床的加工范围,同时提高了生产效率和加工精度,并至少节省购买数控立车的大笔资金50万元,完全达到了改造的目的。关键词:立式车床;数控改造;全数字直流调速;滚珠丝杠;数控系统Numerical Control Transformation of C5225Vertical LatheABSTRACTThe traverse plane and top circle call be cut by the C5225 vertical latheby which the spherical surface work piece Call not be machinedThe technics fumishment ,should be designed according to the actual request before machining the spherical surface work piece,causing high production cost,bad product applicability and long production cycleA new alteration method about machine tool,basing on SIEMENS SUNUMERRIK 802D numerical control system,has been brought out in this paperConcretely ,the fullnumber DC timing alteration ofmaster drive system,the numerical control alteration ofleft tool carriage as well as the design and debug ofthe numerical control electric system ,has been achievedThe Eurptherm 590 full-number DC actiyator had been applied when alteriIlg the master drive system ,whose transmission has been kept down while hydraulic 16-classmanual speed control had been changed to 4-class stepless speed regulationTheal teration plane comprised the choosing of timing plane and electromotor, the transmission route adjusting of the master drive ,the design of DC actiyator control circuit and PLC programIn the left tool carriage feed system,the sliding leadserew and the semiclosed loop control has been displaced by ball screwThe alteration comprised the choosing of control way to the scrvo feed system,the confirm of mechanism part alteration plane about the feed systemthe parameter count and choosing of the ball screw pair as well as the servo motorThe coordinated movement about X and Z axis could be implemented bySINUERRIK 802D numerical system effectivelyThe design about numerical control electric system comprised the components of hardware,the connecting method,the design and debugging of the system PLC program,the debugging of numerical system and the set of system parametersAfter the alteration,the complex spherical surface work piece,besides normal traverse plane and top circle,could be macllinedIn this way ,the machining bound of the tool could be enlargedthe productivity as well as the precision could be improved highly and the cost of numerical control tool,500,000 yuan ,would be savedThis alteration was successfulKEY WORDS:vertical lathe;numerical controI transformation;fullnumber DC speed adjusting;ball screw:numerical control system目录中文摘要- IAbstract- II第一章 绪论 -1.1 国内外数控化改造的现状 -1.2 项目的来源及研究意义 -1.2.1 项目的来源 -1.2.2 C5225车床的概述 -1.2.3 项目的研究意义 -1.3 C5225立式车床数控改造的总体方案 -1.3.1 国内立车数控改造的成功案例 -1.3.2 数控系统及进给伺服驱动系统的选择 -1.3.3 主轴改造方案的选择 -1.3.4 刀架改造方案的选择 -1.3.5 C5225立式车床数控改造的总体方案 -1.4 本文研究的主要内容 -1.5 本章小结 -第二章 C5225立式车床主传动变速系统的改造 -2.1 C5225立式车床主传动系统概述 -2.2 主轴电动机的确定 -2.2.1 调速方式的选择 -2.2.2 直流电动机的选择 -2.3 5225立式车床主传动系统传动路线的改造 -2.4 本章小结 -第三章 C5225立式车床进给系统的改造 -3.1 伺服进给系统概述 -3.2 滚珠丝杠螺母副 - 3.3 C5225立式车床进给系统的改造方案 -3.4 伺服电机和滚珠丝杠副的参数计算与选用 -3.5 本章小结 -第四章 C5225立式车床数控系统的选择 -4.1 数控系统的工作原理和组成 -4.2 数控系统的选择 -4.3 SINUMERIK 802D数控系统简介 -4.4 本章小结 -第五章 结论 -
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