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1东方明珠学校国际部雅思二班 5 月份月考试卷一 注解写出下列单词,首字母已经给出。 (Fufill the blanks according to the explain,the first letter has been given .)1) The so-called pore filler c_(v.It means conpose 组成)of propolis which is produced by bees.2) An important characteristics is their marked seasonality,with h_(It means wicked 恶劣的;艰苦的)condition prevailing for months each year.3) Dont f_(v.It means abandon 放弃)your personal responsibility.4) In 1986,American researchers identified the genetic d_(n.It means deficiency 缺陷).5) Global warming is b_(adj.It means sure/absolute 绝对的)to affect rainfall patterns though there is considerable disagreement about its precise effects.6) What lies behind this explosion in international c_(n.It means business/trade 贸易 )?7) All our subjects d_(v.It means think/assume 认为)the circle soft and the square hard.8) She is really a very e_(adj.It means standout 杰出的)engineers.9) Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the 2dominant cinematic c_(n.It means tradition/routine 惯例)of today.10) These were stripped of unnecessary decoration that would d_(v.It means shift 转移)from their primary purpose.11) It is known as “black letter”,because of the almost o_(adj.It means heavy 沉重的)weight of dark ink on each densely packed page.12) Along with the industrialization and urbanization of the Western world,e_(adj.It means progressive 进步的)people were fascinated with the idea of progress.13) Of the countries which developed and maintained d_(adj.It means unique /special 特色的)national cinemas in the silent period,the most important were France,Germay and the Soviet Union.14) International trade is growing at a s_(adj.It means suprising 惊人的) pace.15) An example was Americas e_(n.It means confront 遭遇)with El Nino in1997 and 1998.16) Over the sound of r_(adj.It means noisy 轰鸣的)engines,rushing air vents and grinding,a dog barks.17) The first review was made in 1775;the second,and most m_(adj.It means important/significant 最重要的),in 1780-31781.18) Clearly some of you will find the printed version more accessible as it sits on the shelves but Im afraid the i_(n.It means purpose/motive 意向)is to phase these out eventually.19) In some California housing estates,a key alone is insufficient to get someone in the door;his or her voiceprint must also be v_(v.It means check 核实).20) Then,how can we f_(v.It means cultivate/bring up 培养)childrens abilities to think and express themselves mathematically?二,写出下列划横线单词的中文意思。 (Translate the words marked out in English 每题 1 分,共 20 分).1) Rooms are allocated by the College Accommodation.2) After the two-part session,there is a follow-up class at which the students are stimulated to recall the material presented.3) Whether an individual survives from one year to the next will largely be a matter of chance.4) It is usually suggested that the Neolithic settlers used skin-covered boats to transport livestock.5) The area around blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there.6) Once into the victims blood-stream,the venoms poisonous chemicals quickly circulate around the body.47) The dominant idea,raised by 64% of the pulils was that rainforests provide animals with habitats.8) The centre has a lot of reference materials,and staff qualified to give guidance on a one-to-one basis.9) The brain damage must have been in the brains left hemisphere.10) The involvement of the participants has been essential to the development of relevant programs.11) The economic importance of forests has been understood since the dawn of man-wood was the first fuel.12) The so-called power events require a relatively brief,explosive release of energy,like the 100-metre sprint.13) There are two more points to do with corporate crime that Id like to illustrate with reference to a specific event.14) Pictures are also used to help motivate children to read because they are beautiful and eye-catching.15) But these are some general rules that apply to any operation.16) Andrew,have you seen our diploma course prospectus yet?17) A Physical Fitness Instructor works in health and fitness centres preparing individual programs for ordinary members.18) The remaining two traits are closely related.19) What evidence we have suggests that domestic trade was greater at all periods than external trade.520) In reaction to the backward discharge of bullets,the gun,and hence the boat,move forwards.三、结合上下文注解下列文章中划横线的单词。 (Translate the meanings of the words which were marked.中文,英文都可以.每小题 1.5分,共 15 分).There was a battlefield on the border between two countries.The war there was developed in a spectacularly speed.The two contrary countries contest for the win of the war.The war brought gross problem to the people there.The widespread phenomenon was the shortage of esteem a
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