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公共組織與管理專題授課教師:李翠萍教學目的本課程旨在幫助研究生深入了解公共組織在管理上所面臨的各項挑戰,這些挑戰鑲嵌在一個動態複雜的環境之中,包括民眾普遍對政府的信心遞減;全球化帶來的各項人為與自然災害;第三部門的堀起;解除管制與權力下放的要求等等。在如此詭譎多變的環境之下,公部門應該如何在既存的政治系統中有效率地運作以保護公共利益,是本課程將帶領研究生探討的要旨。評分標準課堂報告與導讀40%期末報告60%授課內容單元一:公共組織的動態內涵1. 導論公共組織與管理所面臨的困難Rainey, 2003: Chap 1Brooks, Arthur C. 20022. 公共組織相關研究的歷史回顧Rainey, 2003: Chap 23. 公共組織的特性Rainey, 2003: Chap 3Buelens, Marc and Herman Van den Broeck. 2007Grubbs, Joseph W. 20004. 公共組織的環境分析Rainey, 2003: Chap 4Provan, Keith G. H. and Brinton Milward. 20015. 政治權力與公共政策的影響Rainey, 2003: Chap 5Riccucci, Norma M., Frank J. Thompson. 2008.單元二:公共組織與管理的主要面向6. 組織的目標與效率性Rainey, 2003: Chap 6Heinrich, Carolyn J. 20027. 權力、策略、與決策制定Rainey, 2003: Chap 7Bryson, John M. Fran Ackermann, and Colin Eden. 20078. 組織結構與設計Rainey, 2003: Chap 8Meier, Kenneth J. and John Bohte. 20039. 公共組織成員的價值觀與動機Rainey, 2003: Chap 9Meier, Kenneth J., Sharon H. Mastracci, and Kristin Wilson. 200610. 公共組織成員的工作動機與態度Rainey, 2003: Chap 10Moynihan, Donald P. and Sanjay K. Pandey. 200711. 領導與組織文化Rainey, 2003: Chap 11Boin, Arjen Paul t Hart. 200312. 公共組織中的溝通與衝突Rainey, 2003: Chap 12Garnett, James L., Justin Marlowe, and Sanjay K. Pandey. 2008.單元三:改善公共組織的策略13. 組織變遷的管理Rainey, 2003: Chap 13Brown, Mary Maureen and Jeffrey L. Brudney. 2003Fernandez, Sergio and Hal G. Rainey. 200614. 公部門的有效管理Rainey, 2003: Chap 14Julnes, Patria de Lancer and Marc Holzer. 2001Cooper, Terry L., Thomas A. Bryer, and Jack W. Meek. 2006指定教材書籍:Rainey, Hal G. 2003. Understanding and Managing Public Organizations (3rd Ed.). Jossey-Bass.期刊論文:Boin, Arjen Paul t Hart. 2003. Public Leadership in Times of Crisis: Mission Impossible? Public Administration Review 63(5): 544-553. Brooks, Arthur C. 2002. Can Nonprofit Management Help Answer Public Managements Big Questions? Public Administration Review 62(3): 259-266. Brown, Mary Maureen and Jeffrey L. Brudney. 2003. Learning Organizations in the Public Sector? A Study of Police Agencies Employing Information and Technology to Advance Knowledge. Public Administration Review 63(1): 30-43. Bryson, John M. Fran Ackermann, and Colin Eden. 2007. Putting the Resource-Based View of Strategy and Distinctive Competencies to Work in Public Organizations. Public Administration Review 67(4): 702-717. Buelens, Marc and Herman Van den Broeck. 2007. An Analysis of Differences in Work Motivation between Public and Private Sector Organizations. Public Administration Review 67(1): 65-74. Cooper, Terry L., Thomas A. Bryer, and Jack W. Meek. 2006. Citizen-Centered Collaborative Public Management. Public Administration Review 66 (1): 76-88. Fernandez, Sergio and Hal G. Rainey. 2006. Managing Successful Organizational Change in the Public Sector. Public Administration Review 66(2): 168-176. Garnett, James L., Justin Marlowe, and Sanjay K. Pandey. 2008. Penetrating the Performance Predicament: Communication as a Mediator or Moderator of Organizational Cultures Impact on Public Organizational Performance. Public Administration Review 68(2): 266-281. Grubbs, Joseph W. 2000. Can Agencies Work Together? Collaboration in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Public Administration Review 60(3): 275-280. Heinrich, Carolyn J. 2002. Outcomes-Based Performance Management in the Public Sector: Implications for Government Accountability and Effectiveness, Public Administration Review 62(6): 712-725. Julnes, Patria de Lancer and Marc Holzer. 2001. Promoting the Utilization of Performance Measures in Public Organizations: An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting Adoption and Implementation. Public Administration Review 61(6): 693-708. Meier, Kenneth J. and John Bohte. 2003. Span of Control and Public Organizations: Implementing Luther Gulicks Research Design. Public Administration Review 63(1): 61-70. Meier, Kenneth J., Sharon H. Mastracci, and Kristin Wilson. 2006. Gender and Emotional Labor in Public Organizations: An Empirical Examination of the Link to Performance. Public Administration Review 66(6): 899-909. Moynihan, Donald P. and Sanjay K. Pandey. 2007. The Role of Organizations in Fostering Public Service Motivation. Public Administration Review 67(1): 40-53. Provan, Keith G. H. and Brinton Milward. 2001. Do Networks Really Work? A Framework for Evaluating Public-Sector Organizational Networks. Public Administration Review 61(4): 414-423. Riccucci, Norma M., Frank J. Thompson. 2008. The New Public Management, Homeland Security, and the Politics of Civil Service Reform. Public Administration Review 68(5): 877-890.
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