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合作协议 Project Contract 甲方: 乙方: Metro Power Entertainment上海越唐文化传媒有限公司 This Project Contract for is made between: Party A: (herein referred to as Party A); and Party B: Metro Power Entertainment (herein referred to as Party B) 双方本着强强联合的愿望,旨在推广 Meditteraneo餐厅在上海的影响力。 Whereas Party A and B with the intent of employing advantages of both parts, as well as promoting the unique Italian culinary culture and bringing to the Shanghai city the fresh and colorful taste of Italian cuisine. 甲乙双方本着强强联合的愿望,拟在 举办“Savouring Mediterranean”品味地中 海风情暨Meditteraneo餐厅开张活动(以下简称开张活动Grand Opening)。Whereas Party A and B with the intent of employing advantages of both parts, have agreed to hold on (herein referred to as ) 。 甲方和乙方经友好协商,就双方的 责任达成以下意向,所有解释以中文文本为准: Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract. In the event of a discrepancy the Chinese version will prevail. 一、甲、乙双方权利和义务Obligations and rights of Parties 1、甲方作为本次活动的主办单位,应确保活动的按时正常召开。As the major sponsor of the forthcoming grand opening of MEDITTERANEO Restaurant, Party A guarantees the date of opening of MEDITTERANEO Restaurant on the said date. 2、甲方确保有权签署本合同,保证本合同项下乙方的权利。 Party A guarantees the legitimate rights or authorities to execute this contract, and responsible for all the terms and conditions of this contract. 3、甲方委托乙方邀请参加2006年6月 10日举行的开张活动的28家媒体记者,具体名单见附件一:“开张活动媒体名单” 。Party A entrusts Party B to invite reporters from 28 local media, according to the list of local media, see affixed table. 4、甲方委托乙方策划开张活动内容,设计开张活动流程安排和舞美,并在活动当天提前完成。Party A entrusts Party B to plan the contents of activities of Grand Opening, including arrangement of process and performances, Party B should finalize the plan prior to the said opening date. 5、甲方委托乙方邀请符合开张活动定位的活动嘉宾包括但不限于领馆人士、政府官员、社会名流、 高级白领,约300人。Party A entrusts Party B to invite about 300 VIP. guest,including but not limited to consulates and officers from Italy, Russia, Japan, U.K., U.S., etc., and VIP including celebrities, Bankers, Corporate executives. 6、以上服务具体内容、数量及乙方收取的费用如下:Party A agrees to pay the fees to Party B according to the following specifications. Item 项目 Detail 详细 Unit Price(RMB ) 单价(元) Quantity 数量 Subtotal (RMB) 总计(元) Event Management Fees 项目管理费50,000.00 Services for Grand Opening arrangements 策 划服务 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 Inviting VIP邀请200名 嘉宾Service for Media Inviting媒体邀请与管理Decoration & Performance 设计与表演56,000.00A famous MC: HEDI 提供HEDI 作为主持人 5,000.00 1 5,000.00Invitation Card 邀请函设计与制作 15.00 500 7,500.00 Sign-In Wall 签名板 3,000.00 1 3,000.00 AV & Light Facilities 音响灯光设备 8,000.00 1 8,000.00 Safety Fireworks (along the lounge and Logo) 8,000.00 1 8,000.00 冷焰火设备DJ 1,000.00 1 1,000.00 Interpreter翻译 1,500.00 1 1,500.00 Live Band (5people) 乐队伴奏 1,000.00 5 5,000.00 Photographer 摄影 1,000.00 2 2,000.00 Cameraman 摄像 1,000.00 5 5,000.00 Opera Singer 意大利高音歌唱家 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Media Management 媒体邀请与管理17,000.00 News Paper 报纸 Journalist inviting with photographer 记者 车马费 500.00 6 3,000.00 Magazine杂志 Journalist inviting记者 车马费 500.00 14 7,000.00 NET 网站 Journalist inviting记者 车马费 500.00 5 2,500.00 TV 电视 Journalist inviting with cameraman记者车马 费 1,500.00 3 4,500.00 TV Programme 电视媒体宣传回报 Special promotion Price 85000.00 TV Feature 专题节目 A serial of You are the Chef 10-15 minutes show on DragonTV, Channel Young and CCTV-9 制作10-15分钟洋厨房 系列专题节目,在中央台 CCTV-9,东方卫视、生活 时尚频道播出,分四期, 宣传时段长达2个半月10 TV Feature 专题节目 Citybeat 5 minutes profile story about Mr.Palli,on DragonTV, Channel Young, CBN Mr. Palli 人物专访在 Citybeat中播出,约5分 钟(东方卫视、生活时尚 频道、第一财经频道)1 TV Feature Citybeat 5 minutes profile story about the 1 专题节目 opening of Maditteraneo 开张活动专题节目在 Citybeat中播出,约5分 钟(播出频道同上) TV Feature 专题节目 Nine to Five 5 minutes show on DragonTV, and Channel Young with Special Thanks banner 10次Nine to Five栏目拍 摄场地提供鸣谢角标,在 生活时尚频道、东方卫视 播出10 TV Feature PowerSports Lucky draw of Coupon 在Power Sports中作为观 众抽奖内容提供者,连续 8期8 Total:小计¥208,000.00 TAX税 10% ¥20,800.00 Grand Total:总计含税 ¥228,800.00 7、甲方应于2006年5月8日之前,向乙方支付总服务费的50%,即人民币114400.00元(人民币壹 拾壹萬肆仟肆佰圆整) ,作为活动筹备阶段相关开支的资金,以保证活动的按期举行,该费用不以 活动结果为支付前提。甲方应于2006年5月20日之前,向乙方支付总服务费的30%,即人民币 68640.00元(人民币陆萬捌仟陆佰肆拾圆整) 。合同余额于活动结束后一周内支付给乙方即2006 年6月16日之前,即人民币45760.00元(人民币肆萬伍仟柒佰陆拾圆整) 。支付方式:银行转账。 Party A shall pay 50% of above-grandtotal fees (RMB114,400) to Party B before May 8 th , 2006 as advance funds for preparation phase to assure the schedule of Grand Opening. Party A shall pay 30% of above-grandtotal fees (RMB68, 640) to Party B before May 20 th , 2006. The remaining amounts (RMB45, 760) shall be paid to Party B by Party A within a week after the completion of Grand Opening. All the above-mentioned amounts shall be paid by transferring to the specified bank account of Party B. 户名:上海越唐文化传媒有限公司 Title of Account: 开户行:兴业银行上海漕河泾支行 Bank:
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