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听说课学案 课前延伸: 1、预习词汇:布置学生预习词汇,能够根据音标读出并了解汉 语意思即可。 2、课前诵读:大声朗读本单元的单词、短语(见课本42 页) 等。 课内探究 预习检测 一、 词汇乐园 (根据汉语写单词) 突然 洞,孔 兔 奇怪的 聚会 携带,拿着,抱着 下落,跌落 二、语法闯关。 (单词化妆) 1.My father_still_(sleep) at 8 this morning. 2.Tom_(write) at 7 last night. 3.What_your parents_(do) at 6 this morning ?They_(run) . 4._you_(play) the piano at this time yesterday ? Yes, I_ . 目标导航 1、能够正确使用下列单词:suddenly 、rabbit 、party 、fall (fell,fallen)、 hole 、strange 、carry 2、进一步巩固学习过去进行时的疑问句和否定句的用法。 3、能听懂听力素材并依托听力素材复述课文。 听力闯关 Listen and number the characters in the story in order you hear them. a. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare ( ) b. The White Rabbit ( ) c. The Cheshire Cat ( ) d. The Red King and the Red Queen ( )e. Alice 教材研修 1、 读前听 Listen to the tap and answer the questions. Was Alice sitting by the river? Was she reading her book? Was the White Rabbit looking at its watch? Was the Cheshire Cat sitting on the grass? 2、听后读 A、Read and choose T or F. 1. Alice was sitting by the river. ( ) 2. She was reading her book.( ) 3. The White Rabbit was looking at Alice. ( ) 4. The Cheshire Cat was smiling at everyone. ( ) 5. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare were having a birthday party.( ) B、Write notes about what the people in Activity 2 were doing the Mad hatter and the March Hare the White Rabbit the Cheshire Cat the Red King the Red Queen Alice 3、读后学 【想一想】Look for was /were doing sentences:【议一议】过去进行时的构成: 否定式: 疑问式: 【讲一讲】 过去进行时 【练一练】 Alices Adventures in Wonderland One day, Alice was sitting by the river with a book, but she wasnt reading it. Suddenly a white rabbit ran past her. It was looking at its watch. It was late. It was going to a tea party with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse. There was a King and a Queen. The Queenwas playing in the garden and the King was sitting on the grass. And the Cheshire Cat was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone. Then Alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange world! 4、学后读(朗读) 听录音,跟读。 5、读后说 (复述故事) 活学即用天地 要点梳理 目的是引导学生对本节课进行小结 句型在线(1)昨天这个时候,我们正在玩得很高兴。We _ at this time yesterday. (2)昨天早上 8 点钟,他奶奶没在照顾他。 His grandma _ at 8 a.m. yesterday.(3)你到家时妈妈在做饭吗?_ when you got home?(4)那时他们在干什么呢?What _ at that time? (二)能力提升题(选做) Complete the conversations with correct form of the words.Lily:Is this a photo of your holiday? Jenny:Yes.We (1)_(have) a picnic. Lily:Why (2)_ you _(smile)? Jenny:My sister and I (3)_(watch) therabbits.Can you see them in the photo?They lookedso funny.They(4)_(run) in andout of their holes in the grass. Lily:What (5)_ your mother _(look at)? Jenny:She (6)_(look at)the flowers.She(7)_(think)of planting someflowers at home. Lily:What (8)_ your father and your mother_(do)? Jenny:They(9)_(run).Thats why theywere out of breath! 课后提升 一、巩固性作业(约 10 分钟) 1、复习当天所学的内容, 2、整理课堂笔记,掌握新的词汇、语法知识等。 二、预习性作业(约 20 分钟) 1、 把下列词组和短语英汉互译。 2、 根据汉语提示补全句子。
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