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1. die 的短语die down: become less loud and noticeable 强调一个逐渐消失的过程die away: become so weak that it is no longer noticeable 强调最后的结果是消失了die off: die one by one 一一死去die out:物种灭绝习俗、做法等消失2.head for=make for 朝走去3.through 的短语:look through 浏览详尽检查Go through 磨穿某物仔细或系统的研究、检查、审查某物参加或履行某事遭受某事发行用光或消耗完某物4.重点词组:read ones mind/thoughts 看出某人的心思remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起in bright light 在强光sb. intend to do sth.某人打算做某事 sth. be intended for sb.某物专为某人设计5. weigh: v. 称重量权衡judge: v.判断estimate: v.估计(价值或数量)6.break down: 分解谈判破裂身体垮了镇压Break off:突然中断get off: 下车下班get over = overcome:克服7.switch:v.转换;转变Appeal: v. 吸引 appeal to呼吁上诉submit:v.提交adapt: v. 适应 adapt to8. down 的短语:Sit down 定居 Get down 写下使沮丧Take down 写下拆掉turn down 关小拒绝9.off 的短语:Turn off:关掉Lay off: 暂时解雇停止做某事Hold off: 推迟阻止Take off: 飞机起飞take A off B:把 A 从 B 中去掉脱衣服人的飞黄腾达商品销售急增take + 一段时间 + off:请一段时间的假Pay off:带来好的结果,成功Show off:炫耀Give off:?Start off:出发see off(送行) cut off(切断)put off(推迟)10.近义词组:Examine :v. 仔细检查Check:v. 核对Test: v.检验人的品质、能力或物的质量Experiment: v.实验11.knock 的短语:Knock about:四处游荡Knock into:撞进Knock over:撞翻Knock down:撞倒12.think 的短语:Think for onself:独立思考Think of oneself:为自己着想Think to oneself:心里想13.近义词组:donate: v.捐赠, = give away;Sacrifice:牺牲赔本出售Decline: 下降衰退拒绝deliver: 递送实现接生发表演讲14. out 的短语:Work out:进展Turn out:结果是Give out= run out:某物用光了(主语是物)Pick out: 选出辨认出Make out: 理解辨认出Bring out: 出版引起Take out: 带出去除掉Stand out: 引人注目出色Set out: 出发开始做某事 set out to do sth.Go out: 外出熄(灯)过时公布Stick out:(使某物)突出,伸出(及物或者不及物)Expand out: (大小、数量)扩大Put out: put out your hand 伸出你的手put out fire 灭火 (只能是及物)Hold out: 伸出=put out坚持15.bring 的短语:Bring sth. back to sb.:使某人回想起某事Bring about:导致Bring up:抚养提出 = put forward呕吐Bring in: 引进赚钱16.give 的短语:Give away: 捐赠泄漏Give out: 发出、放出(光、味道)分发某物某物用光了人精疲力竭Give up:放弃Give in:投降17.turn 的短语:Turn outTurn over: 打翻反复思考 = think overTurn up: 出现声音开大声Turn down:拒绝 = refuse = decline声音关小声Turn in:上交Turn on:打开Turn off: 关掉Turn around 转身18.to 作为介词的短语:Appeal to sb. 吸引某人呼吁某人Apply to sb./sth.向某人申请应用lead to 导致attach importance to:重视(attach to使依恋把放在)add to:增加amount to:总计get down to:开始着手做某事look forward to:期望做某事be devoted to: 全身心做某事belong to: 属于(无被动语态/无进行时态)refer to: 指的是谈到,涉及查阅sth. occur to sb. 某人突然想起某事 = sth. strike sb.it occur to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想起做某事that+从句 某人突然想起某事adapt to 适应= agree with19.stand 的短语:stand outstand for:代表stand by: 遵守袖手旁观stand aside:避开不参加20.近义词组:pack: v.打包 n.package 包裹carry:v.搬运press:v.压deliver21.put 的短语put away:将某物收拾好put up:举起(手等)张贴搭建(帐篷等)put on:穿上(表动作而 wear 表状态)演出put togerther: 合计组装22.预订:Order:v.在旅馆饭店等订饭菜饮料等Book:v.预订位置住宿等;订票等Arrange:v.安排23.end 的短语:End up with sth.: 以某事结束End up (in)doing sth.:以做某事结束End up with as sb.:最终成为End (up)in sth.:以为结局24.drop 的短语:Drop out:辍学25.come 的短语:Come back:回来26.近义词组:Confirm:v.确认Consider:v.考虑Surport:v.支持养活Submit: 提交屈服 submit to27.get 的短语:Get away with: 侥幸逃脱,免于处罚带着逃离Get along/on (well/badly) with sth./sb.:某事进展/和某人相处的(好/不好)Get through: 通过解决接通电话Get across:被理解Get rid of 除掉Get on 上车- get off 下车(比较大的车)Get into 上车- get out of 下车(比较小的车)Get to = reach= arrive in(大地点)/at(小地点)28.keep 的短语:Keep up with = catch up with:赶上某人Keep away from:远离29.do 的短语:Do away with:去掉 = get rid ofDo a good deed:做好事Do sb. a favor = help sb. = lend sb. a hand:帮助某人Do with = deal with 处理某事Do without sb./sth. 不用或没有某人/某事也行30.联系或连接 Link:v.将两个事物直接连接起来 link A to BConnect:v.将两个事物连接或联系起来 connect A with BA be connected with B Relate:v.将两个事物联系起来 relate A to BCombine:v.把两个事物结合起来 31.with 的短语:Keep up with = catch up with:赶上某人Do away with:去掉 = get rid ofGet away with: 侥幸逃脱,免于处罚带着逃离Get along/on with sth./sb.:某事进展/和某人相处的End up with sth.: 以某事结束Put up with = stand = bear 忍受32.形近词组Attend:v. 参加(会议、婚礼、葬礼、演讲等正式场合)Attain:v.获得Attract:v.吸引 = appeal toAttach:v.系上使附属Expect:期望Except:除了33.out 的短语:Point out:指出Rule out:排除Carry out:贯彻执行Find out:查明Turn out:结果是34.词组辨析Expect sb. to do sth.:期盼某人做某事Request sb. to do sth.:要求某人做某事Persuade sb. to do.sth.:劝说某人做某事Instruct sb. to do.sth.:指导某人做某事Manage to do sth. 成功做某事Promise to be 有希望成为Pretend to do sth. 假装做某事Decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事Distinguish A from B= tell A and B apart=tell A apart from B 把 A 和 B 区分开Shelter sb./sth. from sb./sth. 为提供庇护,保护35.词语辨析Resemble:v.相似 = look likeReflect:v.反应沉思Strengthen:v.加强巩固Shape:v.成为形状形成35.up 的短语:Live up to : 依照某事物行事,符合某事物的标准 live up to ones hope 不辜负某人的希望Look up: 抬头看查阅赞赏尊敬某人 look up to sb.Take up: 从事占据时间空间等Get up: 起床起身Shut up:闭嘴Set up:建立,搭建Send up:发射Give up:放弃Turn up: 出现声音开大声Bring up: 抚养提出呕吐Pick up: 捡起接收信号开车顺便接某人偶然学会获得信息加速恢复健康或正常Come up: 出现走上前来Make up: 编造(故事等)弥补化妆构成(A be made up of B A 由 B 构成)put up:举起(手等)张贴搭建(帐篷等)End up with sth.: 以某事结束End up (in)doing sth.:以做某事结束End up as sb.:最终成为End (up)in sth.:以为结局Keep up with = catch up with:赶上某人Put up with = stand = bear 忍受Build up ones strength(力量) 强身健体Pull up 拔起提车Use up : 用光 人用光某物 sb. use up sth.= sb. run out of sth.某物被用光了 sth. be used up= sth. run outBreak up:关系破
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