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9月如何备战雅思口语,by 钱多多 多多雅思创始人 中国首家雅思听说研究中心 新浪微博雅思钱多多,中国首批雅思口语教师 雅思口语“编码思维派”开创者 国内唯一结合心理学,统计学实现: “口语不背不写可以提高” 悉尼大学访问学者 剑桥IGCSE口语考官 剑桥认证资深雅思教师 08北京奥运会英语培训师,考试之前,蹲点 构思 对练,考试之中,寒暄 礼貌 肢体,成功交流的四大准则,积极: more yes than no流利: natural pauses直接: so direct稀奇: personal information,S1思维反应流程,迟延期,观点形成期,思维发散期,观点顿点,方向顿点,词汇顿点,间歇空白期,连接顿点,核心观点:思维重心后移,缩短反应时间,形成条件反射,切忌背诵,S1 突破核心要素,1 rhythm and stressexample: Sleeping is it necessary to take a nap every day? Yes ,i think so ,particularly when you feel very tired ,for example ,you have spent a long time on a project in the morning ,then you need a short nap for restoring energy,I should say , i guess ,i would like to say I suppose ,i believe etc,2liaison example How to help you sleep well ? Personally,the best approach is listening to some soft music ,such as romantic songs ,like melody,which often brought me beautiful nights.,3 basic pronunciation 吐舌音 咬唇音,BE AE 显著差别12 3,4use of adv (模糊限定词) absolutely、certainly 、definitely 、probably、so much、a little bit etc example Do you like flowers? Yes ,i (absolutely) like it ,(just )because i (really )enjoy the beauty of them like lily ,also the fragrance from from some flowers for exmaple carnation,5logic expression* never answer a question like making a list if, although (= though), even though, as well (as), at the moment, even, while, whereas, either, neither (+ nor), unless, rather than, instead of, as soon as, when, once, after, while, meanwhile, besides, in spite of, despite, yet, still, provided (providing) that, except, in order to, in case, depending on, because, but, and, as, or, for example, for instance, like, such as,do you often ride bicycleband 5.5:no , i seldom ride it ,because taking a bus is much faster and convinent ,and i think riding sometimes is very tiring .,“I dont ride my bicycle very often. I take the bus to university. Its faster. I do use my bicycle on the weekends. At that time I have no classes.”“I dont ride my bicycle very often _ its faster to take the bus to university _ I do use it on the weekends _ I have no classes.”,is it important to focus on one thing ?band 5:yes ,it is important ,becasue focus can help you to do something perfectly and focus is very useful ,when you have something important to do,is it important to focus on one thing ? yes, i do believe it is very important, especially you decide to do that well ,for instance,if you plan to pass the final exam,you need to prepare very carefully,otherwise you may lose.,6grammar Your usage of Higher Level Grammar.,band 5why did you choose your major?i choose that major because i think i can help me to find a good job.,I chose to study that because I thought it would lead to a secure job.,what kind of weather do you like best?the weather that i fancy most is raining day ,which often makes me feel very comfortable, i usually listen to music radio FM 88.6 and lie in the sofa.,P2:启篇属性(lead in )人物属性 (who)地点属性 (place)时间属性(when)频率属性(frequency)感受属性(feeling)话题属性(topic related),New topic,Describe a software you like to use Vocabulary :Music box Recommended by my close friend Extremely powerful when it comes to function Search any songs even new released ones Once I was surfing online Try a find a song called “Coolest Ethnic”Be obsessed with it,P3,discussion is “both parties express their own perspectives or ideas ,if necessary ,further talk will be carried out”,What is discussion,2017/10/31,新浪微博雅思钱多多,我迷恋学术 崇尚奋斗,热爱生活 如果你还年轻,请和我一样! 我是钱多多,微胖界的第N眼帅哥,1口语资讯及钱多多考雅记更新 请加 :公共微信 ddielts“ 2新浪微博或人人公共主页 雅思钱多多 3下载PPT或口语交流,QQ群 请加: 216120243,新浪微博雅思钱多多,怕口语找多多,
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