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大学英语六级常用词汇辨析讲座第二讲形似英语重点词汇辨析下面这 41 组形似英语重点词汇辨析1. defy / verify / certify / rectify / justify / magnify / amplify / simplify / specify / modify / qualify / simplify / clarify / terrify/ classify / identify defy: 向挑战/公然反抗/蔑视/激怒He defied his opponents to equal his record.Criminals defy the law.They defied him to jump off the bridge.The city defied the enemy for three years.defy/defiance/defiant/defiantly/in defiance of 不顾/ 不服从verify: 证实/查实We must verify his figures.Later findings verified the scientists theory.When people verify sth. they test the truth or accuracy of it.verify/verification/verifier 证实者/证明人certify: 证明合格 /授予执照I hereby certify that this is an original copy.He was certified by the doctor that he was insane.He cited many examples in order to certify his statement.This swimming certificate is to certify that I can swim one hundred metres.certify/certifiable/certificate 执照/文凭/证书/certification 证明/certifiedrectify: 纠正 /改正I want to rectify my error before it is too late.to rectify abuses/mistakesThe accounting error was rectified before he handed in.Rectify/rectification 纠正/改正/rectifier 改正者/rectifiable 可矫正的justify: 证明有道理/为辩护/提供法律依据He had a desperate desire to justify himself.His illness does not justify his long absence.You can hardly justify such conduct.justify/justifiable/justice/justifier/justification 辩护magnify: 放大/夸大/赞美The microscope magnified the object one hundred times.He is inclined to magnify the difficulties.He tries to magnify the part he played in the battle.magnify/magnifieramplify: 扩大/加大/详细解释The tunnel amplified the noise.to amplify the sound/He amplified on the subject.amplify/ amplifier/amplificationsimplify: 简化/简写Can you simplify your language a little?Try to simplify your explanation for the children.simplified readings/simplified processThe story has been simplified by the author.simple/simplify/simplicity/simplificationspecify:明确说出/专门提到He specified three types of mistakes which had occurred.Please specify the date of your absence.Did you specify any particular time for us to call?specify/specific/specifically/specification 具体要求modify: 稍修改/使更温和 /修饰These plans must be modified if they are to be used successfully.He wont modify his demands.You had better modify your tone.Adjectives modify nouns.modify/modification/ qualify: 使合格/取得资格/限制/描述His training qualifies her as a teacher.They are qualified to judge.Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion.He qualified as a doctor two years ago.The play was at best a qualified success.If you qualify a work, you profess to understand it.Qualify/qualification/clarify: 使清楚 /澄清/His explanation clarified the mystery.It clarified my thought a little.It offers a simple way of clarifying basic grammatical concepts.Clarify/clarification/terrify: 使害怕/使惊恐The thunderstorm terrified the children.She was terrified by his appearance.She was terrified of the fierce-looking dogs.terrify/to be terrified of/to terrify into/terrified/terrifyingclassify: 分类/归类Children in school are classified into grades, according to how much they know.He carefully began to classify the results of his examinations.classify/classification/classifiedidentify: 识别/辨认/说明身份The police identified the criminal at once.I cannot identify the signature.identify/identification/identical/identity2. mend / amend / recommend / commend / command mend: 修补/ 修理/It is never too late to mend.to mend ones fences 弥补/ to mend ones ways 改过自新/on the mend 正在痊愈amend:改正/改进/改过自新It is time you amended your ways.I would advise you to amend your manners.The new government amended the laws.recommend: 推荐/建议/Perhaps you can recommend me another hotel.Spain recommends it as a good place for a holiday.You can recommend some books to the students.to recommend a child to sbs care.3. cooperation / corporation cooperation/ co-operation: 合作The teacher thanked her students for being so co-operative.They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.With the cooperation of all the employees, the work was done on time.corporation : 有限公司 /社团/法人The corporation has branch offices in many cities.A corporation can sell and buy own property, manufacture goods, as if its members were a single person.4. commemorate / memorize / in honor of / in memory of commemorate:纪念The monument commemorates the local war heroes.The people built a new theatre to commemorate the birth of Shakespeare.memorize: 记住If you memorize a poem, you can say it without looking at a book.He could memorize nothing because he has a very bad memory.in honor of : 为了纪念A memorial meeting was held in his honor.The city dedicated a monument in honor of the general.to have the honor of 有幸荣幸地with honors 以优异成绩on ones word of honor 以人格担保honor/honorable 可敬的/光荣的/honorary 荣誉的/名誉上的in memory of : 纪念I have just finished a lo
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